Jessica Cruse, a student with the Region III Adult Learning Center in Devils Lake, received the North Dakota Association for Lifelong Learning (NDALL) Adult Education Student of the Year Award on Oct. 2 during the NDALL Virtual Fall Conference.
Public comment sought for LRSC Nursing accreditation
The Dakota Nursing Program at Lake Region State College wishes to announce that it will host a virtual site visit for continuing accreditation of its associate degree nursing program by the Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing (ACEN).
Lake Region State College has released its fall enrollment report. The LRSC Registrar’s office reports 1,771 students enrolled for Fall 2020, down from 1,982 a year ago.
Ramsey National Bank donates to Hofstad Ag Center campaign
Ramsey National Bank recently donated $25,000 to Lake Region State College’s new ag education building project.
Ramsey National Bank CEO Scott Thompson said they are pleased to support the addition of the Hofstad Ag Center on the campus of Lake Region State College.
BNSF Foundation supports Ag Education facility campaign
The new ag education facility at Lake Region State College has received a boost from a regional foundation.
The BNSF Railway Foundation recently donated $20,000 to support the Hofstad Ag Center project at Lake Region State College.