Request Transcripts

Transferring to an NDUS college or university:

Within the North Dakota University System, transcripts may be exchanged between campuses without students having to order and pay fees for the transcripts.  If a student has applied to one of the campuses listed below, that institution will be able to retrieve transcripts from the other institutions.

  • Bismarck State College
  • Dakota College at Bottineau
  • Dickinson State University
  • Mayville State University
  • Minot State University
  • North Dakota State College of Science
  • North Dakota State University
  • University of North Dakota
  • Valley City State University
  • Williston State College

NOTE: If there is a hold on the student’s record that prevents the release of the transcript, the student will be notified to contact the appropriate institution for details.

Transferring to a college or university outside the NDUS:

Transcripts going outside the NDUS system may be requested through the Parchment Exchange. Students need to create or sign in to an account and provide basic information to enable verification of their records. Transcripts may be delivered electronically, by the postal service, or held for pick-up at LRSC. The regular fee for a transcript request is $10.00 (plus taxes if applicable) but it may be more if rush delivery options are requested.

Click this link to order an LRSC transcript through the Parchment Exchange.

NOTE: Fees charged for transcript orders placed through the Parchment Exchange are not refundable.

Please feel free to contact the Registrar’s Office with any questions.

LRSC Guide to Ordering Transcripts

For more information on how to order transcripts from LRSC click here

Tina Sainsbury
Administrative Assistant, Student Affairs