Registrar's Office

Lake Region State College student records information includes transcript requests as shown below, graduation requirements, transferred credits, attendance, and enrollment verification, grade changes, and information to withdraw from college.

The LRSC Registrars Office provides secure, accurate, and detailed information to students about their academic records. If authorized by the student via the FERPA Release Form, the Records Office will forward this and other specified enrollment information to the specified individual requested by the student in compliance with FERPA regulations. We provide services for students needing transcripts sent from LRSC in accordance with institutional, state, and federal regulations. The Records Office is responsible for grades, academic history, the evaluation of transfer work from other institutions, and graduation.

Lake Region State College seeks to recognize and give credit for education, knowledge, and experience acquired before enrollment at LRSC, within certain guidelines. Students are encouraged to visit with their advisors, review degree requirements, and ask questions in advance to be sure all possible credits are received and help them make a smooth transition to LRSC.

Important Information about Transfer Credits

  • Remedial courses are not accepted for college credit but may fulfill prerequisites.
  • Common numbered courses will transfer as a direct equivalent course if LRSC offers the course, or will be applied to General Education subject area requirements. Otherwise, the course will transfer as a general education elective credit(s).
  • North Dakota University System (NDUS) institutions streamlined the transfer process with the General Education Requirement Transfer Agreement (GERTA).
  • Credits from institutions on the quarter system will be converted to semester hour credits.
  • Credit by examination, life experience, or any credit awarded by another institution will be excluded in transfer credit evaluations. (Additional documentation must be provided for evaluation.)
  • Graduate-level courses, as defined on the transferring institution’s transcript legend, will not be considered for transfer.
  • Students intending to graduate from LRSC must earn their final 15 semester hours of credit at LRSC.
  • Transfer credits will not be included in the student’s institutional or cumulative GPA at LRSC.

Credits may also be awarded for some alternative prior learning experiences. LRSC will grant a maximum of 15 semester credit hours for any combination of alternative credit-earning options. See Prior Learning for examples of prior learning experiences that may qualify for college credit.

The General Education Requirements Transfer Agreement (GERTA) is a systemwide plan that allows students to complete general education requirements at any North Dakota University System institution, North Dakota's five tribal colleges, and one North Dakota private university. GERTA is designed to improve student access to institutional degrees and avoid course duplication or loss of credit when students transfer within North Dakota. The LRSC general education courses listed below are GERTA-approved.

Last Revised 2/27/2025


ENGL 110: College Composition I
ENGL 120: College Composition II
ENGL 125: Introduction to Professional Writing


COMM 110: Fundamentals of Public Speaking


ART 122: Two-Dimensional Drawing
ART 124: Three-Dimensional Design
ART 130: Drawing I
ART 140: Crafts I
ART 220: Painting I
ART 225: Water Media I
ART 230: Drawing II
ART 250: Ceramics I
ART 251: Ceramics II
ART 274: Calligraphy
ART 277: Fibers I
ART 280: Photography I
ART 281: Introduction to Digital Image Editing
MUSC 170: Instrumental Practicum
THEA 161: Acting I
THEA 201: Theater Practicum


ART 110: Introduction to the Visual Arts
ART 210: Art History I
ART 211: Art History II
ENGL 211: Introduction to Creative Writing
ENGL 220: Introduction to Literature
ENGL 221: Introduction to Drama
ENGL 223: Introduction to the Novel
ENGL 224: Introduction to Fiction
ENGL 231: Bible as Literature
ENGL 232: Mythology
ENGL 238: Children's Literature
ENGL 278: Alternative Literature
HUMS 211: Integrated Cultural Excursion
HUMS 251: Humanities Survey I
HUMS 252: Humanities Survey II
PHIL 101: Introduction to Philosophy
RELS 220: Old Testament
RELS 230: New Testament
SOC 275: Native American Studies
THEA 110: Introduction to Theatre Arts


HIST 101: Western Civilization I
HIST 102: Western Civilization II
HIST 103: United States to 1877
HIST 104: United States Since 1877
HIST 207: The U.S. & Current World Affairs
HIST 208: United States: 1932 to Present
HIST 210: United States Military History
HIST 220: North Dakota History
HIST 221: History of the American Frontier
HIST 235: U.S.: Roaring Twenties
HIST 239: The U.S. and the Vietnam War


CJ 201: Introduction to Criminal Justice
COMM 216: Intercultural Communications
ECON 201: Principles of Microeconomics
ECON 202: Principles of Macroeconomics
POLS 115: American Government
POLS 220: International Politics
POLS 236: American Constitution-Civil Liberties
PSYC 100: Human Relations in Organizations
PSYC 111: Introduction to Psychology
PSYC 250: Developmental Psychology
PSYC 270: Psychological Disorders and Treatment
SOC 110: Introduction to Sociology
SOC 115: Social Problems
SOC 220: The Family
SOC 235: Cultural Diversity
SOC 252: Criminology
SOC 253: Juvenile Delinquency


BIOL 111: Concepts of Biology
BIOL 124: Environmental Science
BIOL 150: General Biology I
BIOL 151: General Biology II
BIOL 202: Introductory Microbiology
BIOL 220: Anatomy & Physiology I
BIOL 221: Anatomy & Physiology II
CHEM 115: Introductory Chemistry
CHEM 116: Introduction to Organic & Biochemistry
CHEM 117: Chemical Concepts & Application
CHEM 121: General Chemistry I
CHEM 122: General Chemistry II
CHEM 241: Organic Chemistry
PHYS 211: College Physics I
PHYS 212: College Physics II
PHYS 251: University Physics I
PHYS 252: University Physics II


MATH 103: College Algebra
MATH 104: Finite Mathematics
MATH 105: Trigonometry
MATH 107: Pre-Calculus
MATH 146: Applied Calculus I
MATH 165: Calculus I
MATH 166: Calculus II
MATH 210: Elementary Statistics
MATH 265: Calculus III


CIS 141: Introduction to Cyber Security
CSCI 101: Introduction to Computers


BIOL 215: Genetics
PHRM 215: Introduction to Pharmacology

Common course numbers, titles, descriptions, and learning outcomes are used to describe hundreds of courses offered by North Dakota University System institutions, tribal colleges, and private universities that are seamlessly transferred to other participating North Dakota colleges and universities. For more information on CCN, click here.


  • Student Financial Obligation Agreement.
  • Campus Connection accounts in most cases
  • When students cannot add/drop a course through Campus Connection because of trying to enroll in a "closed" class, trying to enroll in more than 19 credits, or other special circumstances, students may need to:
    • Pick up ADD/DROP form in the Registrar's Office
    • Get the advisor or instructor's approval and signature
  • Withdrawal Request Form
    • Students cannot drop their final or only class through their Campus Connection account

Student Financial Obligation Agreement

The student financial obligation is an understanding on the part of the student of the legal obligation to pay charges assessed to their Student Account. Watch the Financial Obligation Video to see the step-by-step process of the Financial Obligation Agreement.

How to Access the Financial Obligation Agreement

  1. Campus Connection
  2. On your Student Center under "My Account" click on "Details"
  3. Click on "Financial Obligation Agreement"
  4. Choose "Academic Institution" LRSC1 from the drop-down menu
  5. Choose "Effective Term" from the drop-down menu
  6. Click "Submit" to open the Financial Obligation Agreement for that term
  7. After reading through the Financial Obligation Agreement click "Accept" or "Decline"
  8. If you Accept you can continue the class enrollment by clicking "OK"
  9. Click "Enroll" on your Student Center to add classes for the current term

NOTE: If you "Decline" you will not be able to enroll in classes for the current term. Ahold preventing enrollment in classes will remain on your Student Center throughout the current term.

If you have questions, contact the LRSC Business Office at 701-662-1504 or 1-800-443-1313 ext. 21504

Lake Region State College recognizes and gives credit for education, knowledge, and experience acquired before enrollment at LRSC within certain guidelines. LRSC will grant a maximum of 15 semester credit hours for the alternative credit-earning options described below, although exceptions may be allowed for the Technical Studies degree. Credits awarded by LRSC for prior learning or examinations may not be accepted for transfer by other post-secondary institutions. Types of prior learning credit include:

Articulation Credit: Students who have completed certain career or technical coursework in high school may be able to receive college credit through articulation. Examples of coursework that may be articulated include: computer science, keyboarding, sign language, and early childhood. Articulated credits may not transfer to other post-secondary institutions. To articulate a high school course, the student must have completed one full-time semester at LRSC, completed the Articulation form, and paid the required fees, ($5.00 per credit). 

Credit by Exam: Advanced Placement Credit - Students who have completed certain Advanced Placement (AP) courses in high school and who have earned a minimum score of three(3) on the Advanced Placement Examination will be awarded college credit according to the policy of the North Dakota University System. A table showing acceptable AP courses may be found at Non-Collegiate Learning Experiences.

Challenge Credit: A student in good standing may avoid taking a course for which the content has previously been mastered through the challenge process. The Vice President of Academic Affairs and the course instructor will determine whether a challenge is appropriate and what type of examination is required. A non-refundable fee of $5.00 per credit plus 50% of regular tuition is charged for each course challenge. Challenge credits may not transfer to other post-secondary institutions.

Life Experience: Students who have documented military or industrial training and/or life experience may request an evaluation to determine if college credit can be assigned. The student must provide documentation that is complete and sufficient for assessment. The Registrar’s Office uses a number of nationally recognized resources as guides in the process of evaluating and assigning credits to student learning experiences.

Military Service Experience: Enrolled, degree-seeking students who have served in the military may be able to receive college credit for some of their military training and work experience. An official military transcript, such as a Joint Services Transcript (JST) available to prior Army, Coast Guard, Marine Corps, or Navy service members) must be submitted. The Registrar’s Office will evaluate the transcript using the ACE Military Guide, “Guide to the Evaluation of Educational Experiences in the Armed Services,” found at:

To receive a degree from Lake Region State College it is necessary to apply for the degree by filing an Intent To Graduate form. Upon receipt of the form, the Registrar's Office will review your records to ensure all requirements for graduation have been met and you will be notified of any deficiencies. The Intent to Graduate form should be filed early in, or before, your final semester so you will have time to address any missing requirements. You must consult with your academic advisor before submitting the form. Lake Region State College has one commencement exercise each calendar year on the main campus, usually in May on the last day of the spring semester. The Grand Forks AFB has a separate commencement ceremony in the spring. Degrees are posted to student transcripts within four to six weeks after the end of the graduating semester and diplomas are mailed at the same time.

Ready to GRADUATE? Make sure you have completed all the steps*...

Lake Region State College has one commencement exercise each calendar year on the main campus, usually in May on the last day of the spring semester. The Grand Forks AFB has a separate commencement ceremony in the spring. Degrees are posted to student transcripts within four to six weeks after the end of the graduating semester and diplomas are mailed at the same time.

Next Steps

Fill Out the Intent to Graduate Form

Commencement Participation Form - Devils Lake Campus ONLY