
File A Report

Lake Region State College promptly and thoroughly investigates and resolves complaints alleging sexual discrimination, sexual harassment and sexual misconduct. Review this section for information on what to expect when filing a report.

Reporting to Police

Lake Region State College encourages individuals to report incidents of sexual misconduct to local police. Timely reporting to the police is an important factor in successful investigation and prosecution of crimes and may lead to an arrest or aid in the investigation of other incidents.

An individual who has experienced sexual misconduct has the right to choose whether to file a police report. Filing a police report can result in the investigation of whether sexual violence or related crimes occurred and the prosecution of those crimes against the person accused. Reporting the incident to police does not mean an individual is obligated to testify in court.

Devils Lake Police Department - Lake Region Law Enforcement Center
222 West Walnut Street
Devils Lake, ND 58301
(701) 662-0700

Reporting to LRSC

Lake Region State College has designated the Title IX Coordinator to oversee complaints of sexual misconduct at the college. An individual who has experienced sexual misconduct has the right to choose whether to report the incident to Lake Region State College’s Title IX Coordinator or Deputy Title IX Coordinator for investigation. The Title IX Coordinator and Deputy Title IX Coordinator are specially trained to work with individuals who report sexual misconduct and have knowledge about resources, services, and options, including the availability of interim measures and accommodations.

All Lake Region State College employees (including student employees) are obligated to report incidents of sexual misconduct of which they become aware. The only employee who has confidentiality privilege is the director of counseling. Title IX Coordinators are not a confidential source of support. While they will address your complaint with sensitivity and will keep your information as private as possible, confidentiality cannot be guaranteed.

To file a report:

Call or Email
Please call or email one of Lake Region State College’s Title IX Coordinators to set up a meeting if you have a complaint involving sexual misconduct. Individuals also may file a report electronically by emailing

Electronic and Anonymous

You may also file a complaint about sexual misconduct using the appropriate links below. While anonymous complaints are accepted, LRSC’s ability to investigate and respond to anonymous complaints is limited. Individuals may use this form to electronically file a report of sexual misconduct: LRSC Sexual Misconduct Reporting Form.

Preserving Evidence

Regardless of whether an incident of sexual misconduct is reported to the police or the college, Lake Region State College strongly encourages individuals who have experienced sexual misconduct to preserve evidence to the greatest extent possible, as this will best maintain all legal options for them in the future.

Below are suggestions for preserving evidence related to an incident of sexual misconduct. It is important to keep in mind that each suggestion may not apply in every incident:

General Suggestions

Do not alter, dispose of, or destroy any physical evidence.
If there is suspicion that a drink may have been drugged, inform a medical assistance provider and/or law enforcement as soon as possible so they can attempt to collect possible evidence (e.g., from the drink, through urine or blood sample).

Preserve evidence of electronic communications by saving them and/or by taking screen shots of text messages, instant messages, social networking pages, or other electronic communications, and by keeping pictures, logs, or copies of documents that relate to the incident and/or accused.
Even if an individual chooses not to file a complaint regarding sexual misconduct, they should nevertheless consider speaking with law enforcement to preserve evidence in the event that they choose to report at a later date.

Suggestions Specific to Sexual misconduct

Because some evidence dissipates quickly, particularly evidence that may be located on the body, individuals who have been sexually assaulted and wish to preserve evidence should go to a medical facility immediately to seek a medical examination and/or evidence collection.
An individual who has been sexually assaulted should not shower, bathe, douche, smoke, brush teeth, eat, drink, or change clothes or bedding before seeking medical attention.
If the individual who has been sexually assaulted decides to change clothes or bedding, they should not wash the clothes worn or bedding used during the assault, and should bring them to a hospital, medical facility or the police in a non-plastic bag (e.g., paper bag).
In North Dakota, individuals who have been sexually assaulted may allow the collection of evidence even if they choose not to make a report to law enforcement.

To file a report with LRSC, use the Sexual Misconduct Reporting Form. To speak to someone in person, go to our Get Help page or contact LRSC Title IX Coordinators found on the Title IX Resources page.

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