
NetTutor Online Tutoring for Students

Lake Region State College Students have access to help in both online and on-campus courses anytime…day or night!

Online Tutoring Services are integrated into Blackboard courses. To access NetTutor, log in to your course and use the link in your course. 

NetTutor is an online education platform that provides on-demand 1:1 tutoring. Tutoring is available in over 300 subjects and connects students with live tutors 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. NetTutor provides a virtual whiteboard, audio/video chat, screen-sharing, graphing calculators, and more.

Students can connect with a live tutor or submit their writing to the Writing Lab. NetTutor services are free to LRSC students.

Student How-To Guide

NetTutor- Online Tutoring

NetTutor Guides

How DO I Drop Off A Paper?


How do I retrieve my reviewed paper?


How to I drop off a Question?


How doI view the drop-In Tutoring schedule?


How do I meet with a Tutor for a live drop-in session?

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