Campus Connection How To's

Campus Connection (Campus Solutions) is the student administration system of Oracle’s PeopleSoft product. It is used for students to register for classes, check their bills, and do other administration functions. Campus Connection is used throughout the North Dakota University System.

Adding Classes

  1. Log on to Campus Connection
  2. In the left navigation menu, click: 'Enrollment > Enrollment: Add Class'
  3. Select the term, click 'Continue' (this option is skipped if only eligible to register for one term)
  4. If the class number (4 or 5-digit number) is not known, use 'Class Search' to search for a course
  5. Use the drop-down menu to find 'Course Subject', enter the course number if known
    Note: Leave the catalog number blank to view all available courses in a subject. Use additional search criteria to search by instruction mode, career level, time, instructor, etc.
  6. Click on the "Section" link for course details (course fees, prerequisites, course description, general education, course restrictions, etc.)
  7. To select your desired section, click 'Select Class'
  8. Click 'Next' to add a class to the Enrollment Shopping Cart
  9. Click 'Proceed to Step 2 of 3'
  10. Confirm class and click 'Finish Enrolling'
  11. Watch for Success or Error messages
    Note: Courses with errors are not added to your schedule. Check for holds and obtain class permission, if applicable.
  12. Click 'My Class Schedule' to review for accuracy, print a copy if desired
  13. Sign out

Dropping Classes

Note: Dropping a class may have an impact on your Financial Aid. Before dropping a class, please contact the Financial Aid Office.

All but the last course, or your only course, can be dropped by using Campus Connection. Students who wish to withdraw from the College completely are strongly encouraged to speak with their advisors, Student Services, the Counselor, and/or TRiO before starting the withdrawal process. Students must file a Withdrawal Form, available in Student Services or online.

  1. Log on to Campus Connection
  2. In the left navigation menu, click: 'Enrollment > Enrollment: Add Class'
  3. Select the checkbox for the class you wish to drop
  4. Click 'Drop Selected Classes'
  5. Verify the course(s) you wish to drop and click 'Finish Dropping'
  6. Watch for Success or Error messages
    Note: Courses with errors are not removed from your schedule.

GFAFB Dropping Classes Additional Information

  1. Civilian students who drop all their classes for a term must immediately return their Student Base Pass to the Lake Region office at GFAFB.


  1. Follow the directions above.
  2. Visit the Lake Region staff regarding procedures to cancel your TA.

Go to DROP-ADD-WITHDRAWAL Dates & Info. for more information.

Updated 3/29/2013 KRE

  1. Access Campus Connection (login is not required)
  2. In the left navigation menu:
    • Click: 'Class Search' (if not logged in)
    • Click: 'Class Search/Browse Catalog > Class Search' (if logged in)
  3.  Select Lake Region State College, and choose the term, course subject, and course number (if known)
  4. Available sections will be denoted with an availability icon
    • Open = green circle
    • Closed = blue square
    • Wait List = orange triangle
  5. Click on the "Section" link for course details (course fees, prerequisites, course description general education, course restrictions, etc.)

Updated 3/29/2013 KRE

  1. Log on to Campus Connection
  2. In the left navigation menu, click: 'Campus Personal Information'
  3. Click on the link to view/update your:
    • Names (Preferred and Legal)
    • Addresses (Home, Mail, Permanent, or Parent)
    • Phone Numbers
    • Email Addresses
    • Emergency Contacts

Students are responsible for keeping their information current. The legal name listed in Campus Connection is how your name will appear on your diploma or certificate. The home address will be used for almost all mailed correspondence.

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  1. Log in to Campus Connection
  2. In the left navigation menu, click ‘Student Center’
  3. The advisor's name and phone number are located in the information box on the lower right of the screen
  4. Click the ‘Details’ link and click the Advisor name to send your advisor an email

Go to Academic Planning & Advising for more information on advising.

Updated 3/29/2013 KRE

NOTE: Not all holds prevent registering for classes; some service indicators are for information only. Check with the appropriate office for additional information

  1. Log on to Campus Connection
  2. In the left navigation menu, click: ‘Student Center’ or ‘Campus Personal Info’
  3. Follow instructions to resolve hold(s) before registration

Possible Holds Include:

  • Admission – application materials are still required
  • Advisor – meeting with your advisor is required
  • Customer Accounts Services – your account has a balance that needs to be addressed
  • MMR Immunity Verification – proof of immunization is required
  • Registrar – contacting the Registrar’s office is required

REMINDER: students need to complete the Financial Obligation Agreement each semester, except dual credit students. This can be found on Campus Connection.

Updated 3/29/2013 KRE

  1. Log in to Campus Connection
  2. Click ‘Student Center’
  3. Click ‘Account Summary’ under the ‘Finances’ section
  4. Enter the appropriate Institution and Account Term
  5. Click ‘Continue’

*Students should access their financial information on Campus Connection by the payment deadline.

Print Statement

  1. Log in to Campus Connection
  2. Click ‘Student Center’
  3. Click ‘Pay Online Now’ – wait for the page to load
  4. Choose eBills from the menu at the top of the page
  5. Click ‘Print this Statement’
  6. In the Menu at the top of the browser Click ‘File’
  7. Click ‘Print’

*You can print prior statements by choosing the appropriate date in the drop-down menu and clicking ‘Go’

Updated 3/29/2013 KRE

The Registrar’s Office no longer distributes unofficial or official transcripts. Unofficial transcripts can be viewed and printed from Campus Connection. Official transcripts are now distributed by Parchment. Instructions for obtaining either document are included below.

Note: Unofficial transcripts are only available online for students enrolled at Lake Region State College in Fall 2002 or later. Academic records for students enrolled before Fall 2002 are maintained outside of Campus Connection and those students may only request official transcripts.

  1. Log in to Campus Connection
  2. In the left navigation menu, click:
    • Self Service
    • Academic Records
    • View Unofficial Transcript
  3. Select ‘Institution’ and ‘Unofficial Transcript’ in the Report Type box, and click ‘Go’
  4. Print if desired


  1. Log in to Campus Connection
  2. In the left navigation menu, click:
    • Student Center
    • My Academics -- below the Academics section header
    • View My Unofficial Transcript
  3. Print if desired

Go to the Registrar's Office for more information on transcripts.

Updated 3/29/2013 KRE

This will allow someone other than the student to be set up to make a payment.
**Authorized users must have an email account

  1. Log in to Campus Connection
  2. Click ‘Student Center’
  3. Click ‘Pay Online Now’ under the Finances section
  4. Choose ‘Authorized Users’ from the menu at the top of the page
  5. Click ‘Add an Authorized User’
  6. Enter your user’s email address and answer two questions in the ‘Add an Authorized User’ box
  7. Click ‘Add User’
  8. Click ‘I Agree’
  9. Click ‘Continue’

Go to Paying Your Bill for more information on different forms of payment.

Updated 3/29/2013 KRE

  1. Log in to Campus Connection
  2. Click ‘Student Center’
  3. Click ‘Direct Deposit Inquiry’ under the ‘Finances’ Section

Go to Forms, and click Business Office Forms to complete your Direct Deposit Authorization form.

Updated 3/29/2013 KRE

Helpful Campus Connection Links

Connect ND Help Desk
Campus Connection - Finance
Campus Connection - HR Self-Service