LRSC Playmakers present The Tempest

Shakespeare’s play The Tempest begins with a storm and a shipwreck off the coast of an island where a former Duke of Milan, Prospero, has been abandoned with his daughter Miranda. Magic and revenge are conquered by love and forgiveness in this beautiful tragicomedy considered Shakespeare’s last play. A cast of six Lake Region State College students deftly play multiple roles and delight with romance, comic antics, and dramatic action. Join us for a performance of delightful fantasy at LRSC’s Robert Fawcett Auditorium on October 17, 19, and 21st at 7:30 pm and Sunday, October 20th at 2:00 pm.

This is the cast list:

The Tempest
By William Shakespeare

Levi Woodrow                                                 ALONSO, King of Naples
Amilia Lillehaugen                                        SEBASTIAN, his brother
Charlie Craddock                                           PROSPERO, the rightful Duke of Milan
Allison Fredrickson                                      ANTONIO, his brother, the usurping Duke of Milan
Jaedon Brassy                                                FERDINAND, son to the King of Naples
Molly  Brossart                                                GONZALO, an honest old Counsellor
Jaedon Brassy                                                CALIBAN, a savage and deformed slave
Allison Fredrickson                                      TRINCULO, a Jester
Levi Woodrow                                                 STEPHANO, a drunken Butler
Charlie Craddock                                           BOATSWAIN
Amilia Lillehaugen                                        MIRANDA, daughter to Prospero.
Molly  Brossart                                               ARIEL, an airy Spirit
Heidi Voeller                                                   Stage Manager
Kiara Slaubaugh                                            Assistant Stage Manager
April Hubbard                                                 Director and Production Design
Ariel Wies                                                         Sound Board Operator
Kiara Slaubaugh                                            Light Board Operator
Backstage Assistants                                Rhiannon Houle, Aspen Falch
Box Office                                                         Matty Ertelt
Production Crew                                           Mollie Brossart, Charlie Craddock, Allison Frederickson, Heidi Voeller, Levi Woodrow