
LRSC is repaving the main entrance and parking loop. Please use the north entrance by NDTC and Door 12 by North Hall until further notice.

Computer Resources and Policies


Free Anti-Virus: Microsoft Security Essentials (often already equipped on your computer)

Download Office 365 Suite Free with email

Office 365 Tutorials

Computer Policies

The privilege of using the Campus Area Network (CAN) and attached computer resources is extended to Lake Region State College students, faculty, staff, and authorized users. The LAN is designed and intended to serve the institution’s academic and administrative computer purposes. Users must also comply with the NDUS computer policy 1202.1

In order to ensure responsible, secure, legal, and ethical use the following conditions shall apply:

Access to computing and networking resources, computer accounts, passwords, and other types of authorization are assigned to individual users and must not be shared with others. Users are responsible for any use or misuse of their authentication information and authorized services. Users are encouraged to change passwords frequently to ensure privacy and security. Passwords will also change on a predetermined schedule.

The Campus Area Network is shared by faculty, staff, and students, no one may use excessive bandwidth which interferes with service to others.

Users are prohibited from using, inspecting, copying, storing, and redistributing copyrighted material and computer programs in violation of copyright laws. Software subject to licensing must be properly licensed and all users must strictly adhere to all license provisions (installation, use, copying, number of simultaneous users, term of the license, etc.) Users shall not install or use the software on the Campus Area Network in a manner contrary to law or this policy.

Users shall not participate in activities that may alter the integrity, function, or security of the Campus Area Network or computer resources. This includes physical misuse, alteration of software or downloading executable files from the internet (unless instructed by faculty or staff), or creation or installation of user-owned software programs onto Lake Region State College computer equipment. This includes all forms of computer games not approved for use.

Users shall respect the privacy and personal rights of all other users. Users will refrain from intentionally using the computer to annoy, harass, terrify, intimidate, threaten, offend or bother another person by conveying obscene language, pictures, or other materials. Users shall not use computing equipment, software, and/or services for any illegal purpose.

Use of computing resources for business, profit, or in a manner contrary to institutional, academic, or administrative purposes is prohibited. The use of computing facilities to commit acts of academic dishonesty will be handled through existing campus procedures which address allegations of academic dishonesty.

Harmful activities are prohibited. Examples include, but are not limited to, IP spoofing; creating and propagating viruses; port scanning; disrupting services; damaging files, or intentional destruction of or damage to equipment, software or data. Authorized users may not use computing resources for unauthorized monitoring of electronic communications.

Users shall not represent themselves as another individual in electronic communication. The use of anonymous remailers is prohibited.

Users should be aware that logs are created tracking Internet and e-mail use. These logs are primarily used for security purposes but may also be used to enforce computer usage policies.

Use of Lake Region State College’s computer equipment contrary to this policy may result in:

  • 1st Offense: Limitation of privileges for one (1) to two (2) weeks and/or a fine up to $50.
  • 2nd Offense: Limitation of privileges for one (1) to (2) weeks and/or a fine up to $100.
  • 3rd Offense: Limitation of privileges and forwarded to Director of Student Services for disciplinary action which could include suspension and a fine up to $150.

Students may appeal disciplinary action by following the Student Appeals Procedure. The acceptance and use of a User ID and password imply you have read and agreed to this computer policy. Students, not Lake Region State College, will be held liable for illegal computer-related activities.

The privilege of using the Campus Area Network (CAN) and attached computer resources is extended to Lake Region students, faculty, staff, and authorized users. The Computer Area Network is designed and intended to serve the institution’s academic and administrative computer purposes. Users must also comply with the NDUS computer policy 1901.2

In order to ensure responsible, secure, legal, and ethical use, the following conditions shall apply:

Access to computing and networking resources, computer accounts, passwords, and other types of authorization are assigned to individual users and must not be shared with others. Users are responsible for any use or misuse of their authentication information and authorized services. Users are encouraged to change passwords frequently to ensure privacy and security. Passwords will also change on a predetermined schedule.

The (CAN) Campus Area Network is shared by faculty, staff, and students; no one may use excessive bandwidth which interferes with service to others.
Users are prohibited from using, inspecting, copying, storing, and redistributing copyrighted material and computer programs in violation of copyright laws. Software subject to licensing must be properly licensed and all users must strictly adhere to all license provisions (installation, use, copying, number of simultaneous users, term of the license, etc.). Users shall not install or use the software on the Campus Area Network in a manner contrary to law or this policy.

Users shall not participate in activities that may alter the integrity, function, or security of the Campus Area Network or computer resources. This includes physical misuse, alteration of software or downloading executable files from the Internet, or the creation or installation of user-owned software programs onto Lake Region computer equipment. This includes all forms of computer games not approved for use.

Users shall respect the privacy and personal rights of all other users. Users will refrain from intentionally using the computer to annoy, harass, terrify, intimidate, threaten, offend or bother another person by conveying obscene language, pictures, or other materials. Users shall not use computing equipment, software, and/or services for any illegal purpose.

Use of computing resources for business, profit, political purposes, or in a manner contrary to institutional, academic, or administrative purposes is prohibited.

Harmful activities are prohibited. Examples include, but are not limited to, IP spoofing; creating and propagating viruses; port scanning; disrupting services; damaging files; or intentional destruction of or damage to equipment, software, or data. Authorized users may not use computing resources for unauthorized monitoring of electronic communications.

Users shall not represent themselves as another individual in electronic communication. The use of anonymous remailers is prohibited.

Users should be aware that logs are created tracking Internet and e-mail use. These logs are primarily used for security purposes but may also be used to enforce computer usage policies.

First and minor incidents may be resolved informally by your supervisor in conjunction with the Campus Information Technology Security Officer. Minor infractions are those in which the impact on the computer or network resource is minimal and limited to the local network.

Subsequent and/or major violations may result in immediate loss of computer access privileges or the temporary or permanent modification of those privileges, including dismissal. More serious violations include, but are not limited to, unauthorized use of computing equipment, attempts to steal passwords or data, distribution or copying of licensed software, or other copyrighted materials, use of another's account, harassment or threatening behavior, obscene material, or crashing the system.

The acceptance and use of a User ID and password imply you have read and agreed to this computer policy. Users, not Lake Region State College, will be held liable for illegal computer-related activities

Administrative Council Approved Updates 06/11/15

Account Locked Out

  • User accounts may become locked if login fails 3 times in a row.
  • User accounts automatically unlock after 30 minutes
  • Users can have the computer help desk unlock the account

Saving your Work

  • Lab computers are set to refresh between users so students may not save any data on the computer's hard drive (C:)
  • Students are given file storage space on campus servers (M: drive). Data stored on the server is only available from computers on campus.
  • Students can save their work on Sky Drive which is part of their campus email system and access files from anywhere.
  • Students may save their work on personal removable memory sticks which may be purchased in the bookstore.

Printers and Copiers

  • Printing is available in all printing labs and it is paid by the Student Technology Fee that is added to the tuition.
  • Lab printers can be added to a student's personal computer. Please visit the HelpCenter and request the lab printer.

Downloading unlicensed or illegal files is a violation of Lake Region State College's computer policies. This applies to what you do in the Resident Halls as well as on campus. Individual students who persist in music piracy through file-sharing may be sued by the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA). Read about the RIAA's Piracy policies and practices.

The growing popularity of Peer-to-Peer (P2P) misuse – namely, for illegal activities like sharing digitally copyrighted works – raises strong concerns. Most alarming is that the rapidly increasing use of P2P by college students is contributing to an emerging software piracy problem on thousands of campuses nationwide. In fact, according to a recent survey, a majority of academics say downloading software is a real problem and nearly two-thirds of students say they would potentially download pirated software.

What is Peer-to-Peer File Sharing?

Peer-to-peer (P2P) file-sharing technology allows users to make files available for other users to download and use. File sharers store files on their computers and the file-sharing software enable other users to download the files onto their computers. Examples of P2P file-sharing networks include FastTrack (KaZaA), Gnutella, BitTorrent, and FreeNet, among others.

How you use P2P software may violate federal copyright law and University Policy. If you use P2P software, you may receive notices of copyright infringement and or be subject to other legal action.

P2P File Sharing Can Violate University Policy

University Policy prohibits the use of the LRSC computer network to violate copyright law (see the LRSC Student Acceptable Use Policy and NDUS Procedure 1202.1). P2P software can under- mine network security and expose your computer to threats, such as viruses, malware, password and identity theft, spyware, and other threats that can incapacitate computers. P2P software can also unintentionally expose your sensitive personal and University data to others on the P2P network.

University policy covering the use of the LRSC network extends to any computers you connect to the LRSC network. Furthermore, an activity that occurs on a wireless router that you have connected to the LRSC network, such as in a residence hall or apartment, may be traced back to you.

P2P File Sharing Can Be Illegal

Using P2P file-sharing software that copies and distributes music, videos, software, games, or other copyrighted works without permission of the copyright holder is a violation of US copyright law. If you have P2P file-sharing applications installed on your computer, you may be sharing copyrighted works illegally without even realizing it. Even if you do not intend to engage in infringing activity, installing P2P software on a computer can easily end up sharing unintended files (copyrighted music or even sensitive documents) with other P2P users, and you may then be personally responsible for the legal and financial consequences of illegal file sharing on your computer.