

Battle Royale continues

It's a new year, but the LRSC Battle Royale continues.
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students in masks

Spring semester start up plans

Next week Lake Region State College will welcome faculty back from the semester break for two days of in-service training (January 7th and 8th).  
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ND Higher Education Challenge Match Ends December 31

Now is the time for you to become a power giver and take advantage of these generous matching grant funds to make an impact for Lake Region State College.
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Adult Learning Center pilots program

The Devils Lake Adult Learning Center was chosen as a pilot program between Coalition on Adult Basic Education and IBM. 
Called SkillsBuild, this platform-enabled program connects adult learners with employable skills and experience. 
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Join Phi Theta Kappa

First and foremost, PTK recognizes students for their scholastic achievements. However, if a student chooses to move beyond just “being a member,” PTK offers so much more.
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Chemistry professor presents

The global COVID-19 pandemic has impacted our lives in many ways.
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ND Higher Ed Challenge Match ends December 31

North Dakota Higher Education Challenge
Become a “power giver,” and make your gift 50 percent stronger with match funds!
The state of North Dakota will contribute one dollar of matching funds for every two gift dollars given or pledged before December 31, 2022.
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LRSC Nursing student selected as product reviewer

Devils Lake ADN student Samantha Fell was recently selected to review Sherpath products for Elsevier's new Student Resources Page, which is slated to roll out in early 2021.
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Phi Theta Kappa Gingerbread House auction 2020

As with everything else this year of COVID, things can’t be done the same way as in the past.
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