
A Gift That Keeps Giving

An endowment is a wonderful gift that gives forever! More than one hundred and eighty endowments and three charitable trusts have been established by individuals or families wishing to support scholarships or programming at Lake Region State College. Each is supported with a gift of at least fifteen thousand dollars. Only the earnings from the endowments listed below are used to support yearly awards.

Endowed gifts for scholarship support (listed below) help students access life-changing learning opportunities. External resources for scholarships have the power to change a life.

  • They reduce financial barriers.
  • They reward academic success.
  • They drive enrollment.
  • They strengthen retention.
  • They encourage campus engagement.
  • They help students discover LRSC and make the decision to enroll.  

Endowed gifts for instructional programming support make learning experiences stronger, better, and more powerful. External resources dedicated to program enhancement are transformational. They encourage faculty to seek new solutions … reward teaching innovation … provide new classroom resources ... foster collaboration … promote student engagement. They empower faculty to grow professionally and continuously improve student learning outcomes.

Legacy “hybrid” endowments with corpora of $100,000 or larger may provide scholarships and/or enhance instructional programming at the donor's request.

Charitable Trusts have been established by individuals who recognize the value of a good education and believe in supporting quality community education in the Lake Region. A portion of the earnings from these trusts is used to provide scholarship dollars, opening doors to opportunities for students from the Lake Region and beyond.

Legacy “Hybrid” Endowments

Bergstrom Family Endowment
Etemad, President Sharon Legacy Fund
Hastad, Agnes Memorial Endowment
Hanson, Armen and Connie Endowment
Leevers Family Endowment
Pine, Anita and Louis Memorial Endowment
Pine, Stephen and Carla Endowment
Priority Needs Opportunities Endowment
Shark, Herman and May Fund for Excellence in Marketing

Endowed Gifts for Scholarship Support

AAUW Endowment
Adult Ag Endowment
Altringer Family Endowment
Altru Clinic-Lake Region Endowment
American Legion Gunnerud-Dietrich Post #86
American Legion Tim Running Post #24
Aronson,Terry Memorial Endowment
Berg, Arne and Kristi Family Endowment
Bergstrom Family Scholarship Endowment
Besse, K-B, Denny and Betty Family Endowment
Bjornson, Stony and Dora Endowment
Bjornson, Wallace and Betty Endowment
Borstad, Archie and Doris (Children of) Endowment
Bravera Bank Endowment
Brown, Rodney J. Endowment
Bryn, Colleen Memorial Endowment
Bundy, Thomas and Gillmore Memorial Endowment
Byram, William H. Memorial Endowment
Calderwood, Patricia and Willis Endowment
Campus Clan and Kin Endowment
Carpenter, Edwin L. Memorial Endowment
Clemenson, Clifford G. and Ann Endowment
Cowger, Jane E. Nursing Endowment
Cranna, Thomas Paulson Memorial Endowment
Crary All-School Reunion Endowment
Cutler-Maetzold Endowment
Dakota Bull Session Endowment
Dalziel, Beverly Nursing Endowment
Darling Family Endowment
Devils Lake Masonic Lodge #21 AF&AM Endowment
Devils Lake Volunteer Fire Department Endowment
Dimmler, Herman and Margaret Memorial Endowment
Duchscherer, Brian Thomas Memorial Endowment
Eidsness, George and Mary Jane Endowment
Eisenzimmer, Kathy Memorial Endowment
Erlandson, Clarence and Ruth Endowment
Fairgrieve, G. Bruce Engineering Endowment
Fawcett Family Memorial Endowment
First Community Credit Union Endowment
Follman, Rick and Dr. Debra Family Endowment
Foughty Family Endowment
Gate City Bank Endowment
Gebhard, Arlo Memorial Endowment
Gerrells, Jay and Mavis Endowment
Greenleaf, Doris Memorial Endowment
Greenleaf, Susan E. Academic Achievement Endowment
Griffin, Kathryn Endowment
Grinolds, Donald E. Military Educator of the Year Endowment
Hagen, Julin and Bonnie Endowment
Hahn, Everett A., Jr. Memorial Endowment
Hall, LP Endowment
Hall, Robert and JoEllen Endowment
Halle, Delphia Memorial Endowment
Halvorson, Agnes and Edward Endowment
Hanson, C. Rudolph and Anne Memorial Endowment
Hanson, Walter and Helen Endowment
Haugen, Gregory Memorial Endowment
Haugen, Rodger and Connie Endowment
Haugland, John and Ruth Endowment
Heins, Darrel and Connie Endowment
Henke, Nicci and Merle Endowment
Herda, Thomas F. Memorial Endowment
Heustis, Kathlyn Memorial Endowment
Hofstad, Curt and Annette Endowment
Horner, Andy Memorial Endowment
Horner, Perry Peace Officer Training Endowment
Houkom, Brian and Deb Endowment
Huesgen Family Endowment
Hyland, Frank Memorial Endowment
J.A.N.S. Jan’s Annual Nursing Scholarship Endowment
Jerome, Chuck and Sherry Family Endowment
Jerome. William and Aurelie Endowment
Johnson, Daniel and Marilyn Endowment
Johnson, Gerald, Jr. Memorial Endowment
Johnson, Leonard Memorial Endowment
Johnson, Morgan Memorial Endowment
Johnson, Murray and Beth Nursing Endowment
Johnson, Sam A. Arts & Humanities Endowment
Kavanaugh, Patrick Memorial Endowment
Kenner, Corry and Kristin Endowment
Kenner, Darwin and Ruth Endowment
Kenner, Philip John Science Endowment
Kienast, Shirley Memorial Endowment
Kirchoffner, Hazel and Lucas (Gus) Endowment
Kirk, James Endowment
Kitterman, Dorothy Endowment
Klemetsrud Family Endowment
Kraft, Todd A. Memorial Endowment
LaBarre, James and Virginia Endowment
Laber Family Endowment
LaFleur, Izzy and Gwenn Endowment
Lake Region Pioneer Daughters Endowment
Lake Region Winter Sports Endowment
LaMotte, Cynthia Kuchar Memorial Endowment
Larson, Beatrice Memorial Endowment
Leevers, Bob and Carol Endowment
Liere, Patrick John Memorial Endowment
Linde, Marvin Endowment
Mahoney, Dr. James Memorial Endowment
Malek, Dr. Mathew Memorial Endowment
Maxwell, Clarence W. and Ruth Cahoon Memorial Endowment
McCaughey, Theresa Herda Memorial Endowment
McLaurin, Carol Memorial Endowment
Mertens, Chuck and Janet Endowment
Nienhuis, David and Jamie Family Endowments
Nienhuis, Edward and Violet Memorial Endowment
Nistler, Tom and Regina Endowment
Nordic Fiberglass Endowment
North Dakota Telephone Company Endowment
Oehlke, Herman and Emma Memorial Endowment
Oehlke, Vicki L. Memorial Endowment
Oehlsen, Arnold and Dorothy Memorial Endowment
Olson, Dick Endowment
Olson, Maurice and Carol Endowment
Pascal, Valence Memorial Endowment
Pederson, Marilyn Nursing Endowment
Pesek, Travis Memorial Endowment
Peterson, Melvin and Margaret Endowment
Praus, Christian M. Memorial Endowment
Pung Girls Endowment
Pung, Michael J., Jr. Business Endowment
Ramsey National Bank Endowment
Regynski Family Endowment
Rice Family Scholarship Endowment
Rohrer, Arvin and Jeanette Endowment
Rotary Club of Devils Lake Endowment
Royals Athletics Endowment
Sager, Harold “Bob” Memorial Endowments I and II
Sandven, Olger Memorial Endowment
Santos, Jeremiah Memorial Endowment
Schiele, Jim and Luann Endowment
Schwab, Duane and Linda Family Endowment
Simhai, Toofawn Memorial Endowment
Slag, Mike Memorial Endowment
Smeltzer Family Endowment
Stenson, Gary and Rita Endowment
Stromme, Debbie Memorial Endowment
Student Success Scholarship Endowment
Summer, Lester and Elizabeth Memorial Endowment
Summers, Harley and Viola Toolbox Scholarship Endowment
Sundstrom, Iola Hope Erickson Endowment
Swanson, Jim and Norma Family Endowment
Tabert Family Endowment
Tande, Lyder and Boots Endowment
Target Roofing Endowment
Thompson, Scott Allan Memorial Endowment
Timboe, Leon A. Endowment
Tufte, Michael and Daniel Memorial Endowment
Turkula, Angela Memorial Endowment
Wahl, Jeff and Barbara Family Endowment
Wakefield, Daniel and Victoria Family Endowment
Wakefield, James D. Memorial Endowment
Wakefield, Thomas Family Memorial Endowment
Wakeford, H. Kent Endowment
Watson, William and JoAnn Endowment
Webster, Steven Memorial Scholarship
Webster, Wilton and Shirley Family Endowment
Western Endowment
Westlind, Greg and Janet Endowment
White, Professor Frank Endowment
Wilhelmi, Jack and Kathy Endowment
Woll, Professor Memorial Endowment
Wood, Albert and Janet Endowment
Wood, Matthew Memorial Endowment
Woodland Resort Endowment

Endowed Gifts for Instructional Programming Support

Berg, Merril and Dorothy Trust
Bittner, Dean and Heidi Family Endowment
Connor. Mike and Ellen Endowment
Etemad Family Endowment
Fawcett, Dr. Louise and Dr. Varick Olson Auditorium Support Endowment
Fawcett, Dr. Louise and Dr. Varick Olson Theater Arts Department Support Endowment
Garske, Kermit and Glenna Endowment
Gibbens, James and Linda Endowment
Goulding Family Endowment
Halvorson, Lloyd and Cindy Family Endowment
High Plains Equipment Endowment
Hofstad, Curt and Annette Endowment
Hoghaug, Paul Library Endowment
Jerome, Peter and Pamela Helping Hands Endowment
Johnson, Sam A. Arts & Humanities Program Endowment
Johnston Family Endowment
Jones, Lloyd and Lois Memorial Endowment
Kenner, Corry and Kristin Fun-Raising Endowment
Lannoye, Glenn and Donna Family Endowment
Learned, Colleen Memorial Endowment
Lundy, Mary E. Program Endowment
Martin, Alan Ag Program Endowment
Mosbaek Family Endowment
NET Fund for the Future
Nistler, Keith Thomas Endowment
Olson, Elsie Erickstad Memorial Endowment
Rance Family (Fred and Luella) Endowment
Sager, Harold "Bob" Memorial Program Endowment
Thompson, Scott Allan Program Endowment
Volk, Richard and Kaye Endowment
Wakefield, Daniel and Victoria Program Endowment
Windjue, Les and Karn Endowment

Charitable Trusts

Bo, Alf and Rolf Trust
Hagen, John M. Memorial Endowment
Lake, Florence Charitable Trust
Piltingsrud (Herman/Buttz), Inez Scholarship Endowment
Roberts, Robert E. Charitable Trust
Thelin, Gustaf Trust
Toutges, Edmund E. Memorial Endowment