
Section 600: General Employment

  1. Non Classified:
    Service Area Vice Presidents
  2. Classified: All positions not listed above are classified and subject to the Broadbanding Personnel policies of the North Dakota University System.

Administrative Councel Approved 10/14/19

Position descriptions for all personnel are on file in the Administrative Services Office.


  1. Classified personnel shall be governed by the provisions found in four specific references:
    1. North Dakota University System Human Resource Policy Manual
    2. North Dakota University System Procedures Manual
    3. State Board of Higher Education Policy Manual
    4. Lake Region State College Policies and Procedures Manual
  2. Insurance: THE following types of insurance programs are available for classified personnel. Details are available from the Human Resoursces Office:
    1. Health Insurance
    2. Group Life Insurance
    3. Disability Insurance
    4. Worker’s Compensation Insurance
    5. Unemployment Compensation Insurance
    6. Employees have the opportunity to enroll in dental, vision, long-term care, additional life, and other insurance.
  3. The Salary Administration Policy (See Chapter 400.35)
  4. Professional Membership: It is the policy of Lake Region State College that all employees have the opportunity to participate in and be members of the College’s chapter of the North Dakota Employees Association. Administrators may allow release time for employees to attend NDPEA meetings only if the release time does not interfere with work required for efficient and successful operation of the College.

Administrative Counsel Approved 10/14/19

Non classified personnel as described in Article 600.01 serve as the senior management team for the College. The President serves as the chief executive officer. The Administrative Council includes the President and the Service Area Vice Presidents. These non-classified personnel are designated as Officers of the Institution.

Administrative Council Approved 12/20/12
Administrative Council Approved 10/14/19

  1. All classified employees of Lake Region State College, except those herein excluded, are subject to the classification of the North Dakota University Broadbanding System.
  2. Lake Region State College personnel excluded from the Broadbanding System are the President, Service Area Vice Presidents, and faculty.
  3. A complete copy of the North Dakota University System Human Resource Policy Manual is available in the Lake Region State College Administrative Affairs Office and on the LRSC website.

Administrative Councel Approved 10/14/19

  1. Tuition Waiver: All regular employees will be allowed release time from their regular duties for the purpose of enrolling in up to three (3) academic per calendar year at any state institution of higher learning subject to the following:
    1. The employee must obtain an Employee Tuition Waiver Request from the Administrative Services Office.
    2. Approval must be obtained from the appropriate supervisor.
    3. The signed tuition waiver form is then submitted to the Administrative Services Office to meet the specified deadline at the state institution at which the employee is requesting to enroll.
  2. Classified Staff Development Fund: Classified Staff members ‘have an opportunity to attend workshops or conferences relating to their work experiences.’ Staff members apply to the Staff Welfare Committee for development funds by completing the Application for Staff Welfare Development Funds form. The guidelines for the staff welfare professional development fund application process are as follows:
    1. Any full-time or part time classified staff member is eligible to apply for use of staff welfare funds. Awards will be considered on a case-by-case basis. Applicants must receive approval from their supervisor prior to applying.
    2. Applications should be submitted at least two weeks before funds are needed.
    3. Staff Welfare Committee members will review the application and attempt to act upon them within one week.
    4. The following items must accompany the application:
      1. Conferences and Workshops
        1. Conference or workshop information
        2. Approved absence from campus form
        3. List of expenses
      2. Work-related professional development or courses of study not subject for tuition waiver
        1. Institution offering course
        2. Course description and relevance to position
    5. Staff Welfare will provide a maximum of $500 per application towards expenses.
    6. Staff members may not receive more than $500 annually from this program.
    7. Application forms are available in the President’s Office. Questions may be directed to the Staff Welfare Committee.


Administrative Council Approved 600.06 (2) 09/10/02