The policies and procedures enumerated herewith are meant to guide all members of the College community. The President of the College reserves the right to change part or all of any of these provisions at any time, either due to changes in State policies or upon the advice of the Administrative Council.
- The College administration shall prepare an annual budget of income and expenditures for all funds of the College. The budgets shall be submitted for approval to the North Dakota University System of Higher Education according to established timetables, generally April and May of the preceding fiscal year.
- The college will follow the chart of accounts from the North Dakota University System accounting manual. The President will determine the supervision of all such funds in accordance with guidelines established by the North Dakota University System of Higher Education.
Administrative Council Approved (2) 06/11/15
- The President of the College shall establish procedures for authorization of all expenditures from all funds of the College and may delegate the powers of authorization to the Vice President of Administrative Affairs.
- The Office of Administrative Affairs shall monitor all incomes and expenditures for all funds of the College, shall prepare and implement adequate fiscal control procedures, and shall prepare periodic reports on the status of all funds of the College for scrutiny and approval by the President and the North Dakota University System of Higher Education officials.
- The President shall have the power to overrule part or all of any requisition for expenditures submitted by any department from any fund of the College.
Administrative Council Approved (2) 06/11/15
When a staff member plans to be absence from campus, they must use the Absence Management system through Employee Self-Service to request the time away. After considering the needs of the department, the supervisor may approve the request or push it back to the employee if changes need to be made. If the leave is approved, the employee will receive an email notification of the approval.
When possible, requests should be made prior to the leave or immediately upon returning to campus. It is the responsibility of the employee to report leave in Employee Self-Service within the same payroll period that the leave was taken.
Faculty need to complete the Employee Leave form for off-contract days. This form must be approved and signed by the Vice President of Academic & Student Affairs. Faculty need to notify the Academic Affairs office if they will not be on campus due to an unplanned absence.
Administrative Council Updated 02/25/13
Administrative Council Approved 06/11/15
Administrative Council Approved 06/07/19
Employees may volunteer for duty assignments for the benefit of Lake Region State College with the approval of their supervisors.
Limits and Regulations:
- The volunteer duty must be part-time, occasional or sporadic and freely and solely at the employee’s option.
- If the volunteer duty is during regular work hours, the supervisor needs to pre-approve the work.
- The volunteer duty must be for duties excluded or not expected in the capacity of their regular employment, i.e. assignments not within the same general occupational category as the employees’ regular work.
- Reasonable expenses or a nominal fee may be provided as determined by the department.
- The volunteer duty shall be excluded in the calculation of the hours for which the employee is entitled to overtime compensation in their regular employment.
- Following, are some examples of volunteer duties: selling tickets at plays, music festivals and athletic events; serving as an usher or tour guide; working as a referee, scorekeeper, announcer, or statistician at athletic events.
Fair Labor Standards Act 29 U.S.C. 207 (p.)(2), Federal Regulation 29 C.F.R. 553.30
Drafted policy updated 05/15/06
G: Volunteer Policy
Administrative Council Approved (2) 06/11/15
LRSC complies with the state and NDUS records retention schedule. It provides retention guidelines for the office of record and copy holders based on administrative, fiscal, historical, and legal value. It also provides guidance on the proper disposal methods for each record series after the approved retention period has been met.
The retention schedule can be found on the LRSC website.
Administrative Council Approved 400.05 (1) 08/21/01 (Travel)
Administrative Council Approved 400.05 (3) 05/15/07 (Travel)
Administrative Council Approved 400.05 to be combined with 400.06 07/28/15
Administrative Council Approved new policy Retention Schedule 400.05 7/28/16
LRSC will comply with NDUS Procedure 806.1, SBHE Policy 806.1, OMB Policies 502-521, NDCC Chapter 44-08, and NDCC Chapter 54-06. These policies and procedures provide for reimbursement of employee, non-employee, and students expenses incurred while attending business on behalf of Lake Region State College.
Requests for travel expense reimbursement will be submitted using the Expense Report in the PeopleSoft Finance Travel and Expense module. Requests for travel expense reimbursement for non-employees and students will be submitted using the Voucher Payment form.
All travel requires supervisor approval. This approval is evidenced by the supervisor’s approval of the Expense Report (employees) or the Voucher Payment form (non-employees and students). International travel requests must be approved in writing by the President no less than ten days prior to the departure date.
1. Mileage
Employees should use a state fleet vehicle whenever possible. If a state fleet vehicle is available, but the employee chooses to use a privately-owned vehicle (POV), mileage reimbursement will be at the rate in effect at the time of travel for the Sedan/Wagon vehicle category listed on the North Dakota Department of Transportation State Fleet Services Rental Rates schedule.
For special circumstances listed below, and with preapproval from the supervisor, the reimbursement rate will be the POV mileage reimbursement rate established by the U.S. General Services Administration (GSA). The justification for the approval must be included with the employee’s travel expense reimbursement request.
- a. A request for a State Fleet vehicle was received at least one week prior to the planned travel date and it was determined by Lake Region State College that no State Fleet vehicle would be available, or
- b. Lake Region State College has determined that the provision of a State Fleet vehicle is not generally feasible where the employee is physically located, or
- c. Permission has been granted by the employee’s supervisor due to unique circumstances.
When a POV is used, miles to and from the destination city, plus 5 miles per day, will be the only reimbursable miles.
When an employee drives a state fleet vehicle, the State's liability coverage is primary, should an accident occur. If an employee drives a personal vehicle on state business, the employee's personal insurance is primary. If an employee must drive a personal vehicle because no state fleet vehicles are available, then the State would have primary responsibility.
Where more than one state employee travels in the same POV, only one claim may be made for mileage reimbursement. That claim must be made by the owner or lessee of the car.
Mileage allowances are assumed to be total operating costs for vehicles. No additional amounts will be reimbursed to employees for personal items such as traffic or parking tickets, vehicle repairs, or any other normal recurring automobile expenses.
2. Meals
Meal reimbursement is allowed if the travel is for four hours or more or if overnight travel is required. Meal reimbursement will be at the per diem rate in effect at the time of travel established by NDCC Chapter 44-08-04 and OMB Policy 505. Receipts are not required if the employee is receiving the per-diem meal rate.
Per diem rates are determined by quarters of a day. Employees will not be reimbursed for the first quarter if travel begins after 7am. To claim expenses for the second and third quarters, the employee must have been in travel status one hour before the start of the quarter being claimed, and travel status must extend at least one hour into the quarter being claimed.
- a. Breakfast, 1st Quarter – 6am to 12pm, must be in travel by 7am
- b. Lunch, 2nd Quarter – 12pm to 6pm, must be in travel by 11am and return no earlier than 1pm
- c. Dinner, 3rd Quarter – 6pm to 12am, must be in travel by 5pm and return no earlier than 7pm
Per IRS publication 5137, section 98, the meal reimbursement is taxable if the employee is not on an overnight trip. The employee will receive the full meal reimbursement, and the taxes will be withheld through the payroll system during the next payroll cycle.
If meals are included as part of a registration fee and the employee personally paid for the registration fee, the employee should be reimbursed for the entire registration fee. The employee will then not be able to claim the per diem reimbursement for that meal.
Employees may not claim per diem for the first quarter when a complimentary breakfast is provided as part of a meeting, conference, or hotel stay. Whenever practical, employees should choose a hotel that offers the state rate while also providing a complimentary breakfast.
3. Lodging
Employees should use a purchasing card to purchase lodging whenever possible. Receipts are required for all lodging expenses.
In-State Lodging: The maximum allowable lodging expense is ninety percent of the GSA rate for lodging in North Dakota plus applicable state and local taxes. This is commonly referred to as “state rate”. The GSA will update their rates periodically during the biennium and the maximum amount that can be reimbursed to an employee will also change at that time.
If state rate is not available, employees must provide documentation of three lodging quotes from hotels in the area. This documentation should occur prior to the travel occurring and should include the name and address of the hotels contacted, the dates and times of contact, and the quoted rate. If the employee does not provide documentation of three lodging quotes, they will be personally responsible for paying the difference between the state rate and the actual cost incurred.
Out-of-State Lodging: The maximum allowable housing expense is the actual lodging expense.
When two or more state employees share lodging accommodations, the actual cost of the room must be split evenly, and each must have a separate receipt.
When a state employee is accompanied by an individual not eligible for reimbursement (a spouse or traveling companion), the state employee must have the lodging establishment clearly certify the room rate for a single person and only that amount may be claimed.
4. Air Travel
Employees should use a purchasing card to purchase airline tickets whenever possible. Receipts are required for all air travel expenses. Employees are expected to choose the least costly airfare that meets the business needs of the institution. Frequent flyer miles, coupons, or credits that are used to purchase an airline ticket will not be reimbursed as they are not considered part of the actual cost of the flight. LRSC will reimburse for the first piece of luggage. A fee for a second piece of luggage is only reimbursed with written approval from the supervisor, such as equipment required to be transported when presenting at a conference.
5. Car Rental
Car rentals are discouraged unless their cost effectiveness is self-evident. LRSC will pay for car rental if the use of the vehicle is sufficient to justify that mode of travel. OMB Policy 518 details the procedures for car rental, including the requirement of using a state contract that includes insurance and damage waiver as part of the base rental rate. Exceptions to this requirement are also detailed in the policy. Additional insurance is not reimbursed.
6. Travel Advances
Employees may receive advance payment of meal and lodging expenses if such travel is more than five days per month, whether or not consecutive. The funds advanced cannot exceed eighty percent of estimated expenses for the period. If travel advance is needed, written approval from the supervisor must be received at least ten days prior to the departure date.
7. Miscellaneous Travel Expenses
Reimbursement may be requested for such necessary miscellaneous travel expenses as registration fees, car rental, gas for car rental, rideshare fare, taxi fare, tips (not to exceed $5 per tip), toll fees, business telephone calls, parking fees and up to $5.00 per day for personal telephone calls while in travel status. All miscellaneous travel expenses claimed for reimbursement must be individually with a detailed explanation. Receipts are required for all individual miscellaneous travel expenses exceeding $10.00. Examples of non-reimbursable expenses include food and drink, entertainment, late check-out charges, laundry, and parking tickets or other traffic tickets.
8. Duplicate Travel Expenses
LRSC will compare lodging, food, and airline transactions from the purchasing card each month and review against employee expense reports to monitor for duplicate travel-related expenses.
Administrative Council Approved 400.06 (2) 01/30/09
Administrative Council Updated 400.06 (2) 03/03/10
Administrative Council Updated 400.06 (2) 03/07/11
Administrative Council Approved 400.06 (4) 03/07/11
Administrative Council Approved additions from 400.05 (Travel) 07/28/15
Administrative Council Approved 400.06 (7) 06/14/16
Administrative Council Approved 400.06 9/20/24
LRSC will comply with the guidelines outlined in NDUS Procedures 806.1, SBHE Policy 806.1, OMB Policy 505, and NDCC 44.08.04.
To assist monitor compliancewith this policy, the following forms will be used:
- LRSC Dining Services Function Worksheet (Snacks & Refreshments)
- LRSC Dining Services Function Worksheet (Meals)
- Banquet & Meeting Documentation Form (non-LRSC Dining Services)
Lake Region State College Dining Services Function Worksheet (Snacks & Refreshments)
This form will be used when departments are ordering snacks & refreshments from LRSC Dining Services. The Form will be signed by the Food Service Director and the person authorized to expend the funds.
Lake Region State College Dining Services Function Worksheet (Meals)
This form will be used when departments are ordering meals from LRSC Dining Services. The form will be signed by the Food Service Director and the person authorized to expend the funds.
Banquet & Meeting Documentation Form (Meals) (non-LRSC Dining Services)
This form will be used when departments are ordering meals from outside vendors. The form will be signed by the person authorized to expend the funds.
This form must be attached to the Voucher Payment Form to the vendor or employee.
Discrepancies: If the Vice President of Administrative Affairs does not approve the purchase based on the guidance of this policy, the employee will need to personally fund the expense.
Administrative Council Approved Update 06/11/15
Administrative Council Approved Update 09/13/24
- The Registrar located in Student Affairs Office enters Percent of Refund on individual student accounts Drop/Add form is received from the student. The Percent of Refund is to be based upon current North Dakota University System of Higher Education guidelines as adopted by Lake Region State College. The most recent update is published in the Student Handbook/Calendar.
- Drops/Adds will be forwarded by the Registrar to the Account Receivable Technician on a daily basis.
- The Account Receivable Technician will review a listing of “student accounts” to be run as needed. A separate listing of student accounts with credit balances” may also be run.
- The Account Receivable Technician will review each student account with the Financial Aid Director to determine the extent, if any, of financial aid involvement in the account.
- The Account Receivable Technician together with the Financial Aid Director will determine:
- Amount, if any, to be repaid to Financial Aid.
- Amount, if any, to be refunded to third parties.
- Amount, if any, to be refunded to the student.
- The Account Receivable Technician will initiate the appropriate Requests for Payment for any refund and the appropriate billing to students for any required repayments.
- The Vice President of Administrative Services must approve all Requests for Payments to students before any further action.
- After approval by the Vice President of Administrative Services, Requests for Payment are entered by the Account Payable Technician for check-writing purposes. Billing to students will be mailed by the Account Receivable Technician.
Administrative Council Approved 03/26/12
This policy and the incorporated procedures are enacted to prescribe the proper method for the issuance of refunds when the original method of payment for the goods or services rendered was by credit card.
- Only Employees authorized by the Vice President for Administrative Affairs are assigned the responsibility to issue refunds.
- Customers must present proper photo identification for any refund transaction.
- Any return for a refund must be accompanied by the original credit card.
- Proper credit for the return will be posted back to the original credit card account.
- For customers who have the original receipt/proof of purchase but do not have the credit card, the following procedures must be followed:
- Credit memo, including a signed copy of the receipt and the transaction number from the original sale will be submitted to the Administrative Affairs Office.
- The Administrative Affairs Office will post the credit to the customer’s account and, if the credit exceeds any balances due on the customer’s account, a refund check will be issued to the customer.
Administrative Council Approved 04/30/09
Administrative Council Approved Update 06/11/15
Pay day shall be the last day of the month for the period from the first day of the month to the fifteenth day of the month and the fifteenth day of the following month for the period from the sixteenth day of the month to the end of the month; however, if a pay day is a Saturday, Sunday, or holiday, the preceding work day shall be pay day. Effective July 1, 2008 and subject only to individual exceptions in exceptional circumstances as approved according to institution or system office procedures, employee wages shall be paid with direct deposit in the financial institution of the employee’s choice. Institutions and the system office may enact implementing procedures defining exceptional circumstances under which individual exceptions to mandatory direct deposit may be approved by an authorized institution or system official.
Pursuant to NDUS Human Resource Policy 5.2, all Lake Region State College employees are required to participate in Direct Deposit of wages unless one of the exceptions, as listed in the NDUS Procedure 702.5, is approved by the LRSC Vice President for Administrative Affairs. Employees must submit applicable bank account information or an approved Direct Deposit Exemption Request to the Payroll Office upon request. Direct Deposit Exemption Request forms may be obtained from the LRSC Payroll Office. Direct Deposit Exemption Request not approved by the Vice President for Administrative Affairs may be appealed, in writing, by the employee to the Administrative Council within seven calendar days after the date the Direct Deposit Exemption Request was denied. Regular payroll distribution will continue for the employee until action on the appeal is taken. If the appeal is not approved by Administrative Council, the employee will immediately provide the necessary bank account information or receive a notice of intent to terminate their employment with Lake Region State College for willful disregard of NDUS Human Resource Policy 5.2.
Administrative Council Approved Update 06/11/15
Supervisors will consult with the Human Resource Manager regarding rate of pay for new, non-faculty employees or changes in the rate of pay of current employees. A Salary Determination Form must have approval of the President. Changes in deductions do not need approval unless a third-party payee is requested.
Administrative Council Approved 10/29/12
Administrative Council Approved Update 06/11/15
Administrative Affairs is responsible for the accounting and reporting of all non-capitalized and capitalized assets. The responsibility includes assisting departments in tagging assets, coordinating annual physical inventories of asset values for insurance, and calculating annual depreciation and loss or gain on disposals.
LRSC shall make provisions through the State Auditor's Office to secure an independent audit of all fiscal affairs of the College annually and shall take necessary steps to implement recommendations provided by the audit team. The audit report(s) shall be submitted to the North Dakota University System of Higher Education for consideration, approval, and follow-up action.
All additions, deletions, and transfers of equipment shall be properly authorized by the Vice President of Administrative Affairs or the Controller who will also have discretion to tag other equipment under $250 if they deem it necessary.
All capitalized and non-capitalized campus equipment (deemed taggable) must be tagged or marked with a unique identification number which is to be recorded in the asset management system. The identification number will be directly applied to the actual unit unless its size or nature prohibits application. Any additional identification number required by the department must be applied in a manner that avoids confusion with the LRSC identification number.
Capitalized Equipment
Capitalized equipment is tangible, non-consumable property that meets the following criteria:
- an acquisition cost of $5,000 or greater (including all costs incurred to acquire and to ready the asset for its intended use such as purchase price, applicable tax, freight, etc.),
- an estimated life of greater than one year,
- is not permanently attached to or incorporated into the LRSC buildings and grounds, and
- is used to conduct LRSC business.
Non-Capitalized Equipment
Non-capitalized is equipment that does not meet the criteria to be capitalized. LRSC tracks non-capitalized equipment based on an analysis of cost, use, benefit and risk of misuse or misappropriation.
Non-capitalized equipment will be tagged and entered in the asset management system when it meets the following criteria:
- an acquistioncost of $250-$4,999, (if less than $250 will be signed off by Controller or VP of Administrative Affairs on the voucher)
- an estimated life of greater than one year, and
- is used to conduct LRSC business.
Asset Manager
The asset manager is responsible for:
- ensuring that all property is properly tagged, maintained, and secured
- maintaining and updating the assets management system
- coordination annual physical inventories of assets
- gathering values for insurance
- calculating depreciation and loss or gains on disposals
- coordinating disposal of equipment with Surplus Property
Property Custodian
Each room at LRSC will be assigned a property custodian. This person is responsible for all assets in this room. This obligation includes, but is not limited to:
- reporting acquisitions of property
- notifying the asset manager of changes in property status and location
- notifying the asset manager of theft and loss of equipment
- providing access to property for tagging and inventory functions
- completing the annual physical inventory of all assigned assets
Donated Equipment
Authorization to accept donated equipment must be granted by the Vice President of Administrative Affairs prior to acceptance of the donation. Donated equipment requires a "statement of value" from the donor. All requirements for donated inventory items are the same as non-capitalized and capitalized inventory items. Contact the Asset Manager for procedures on donated items.
Trade-ins, Transfers and Deletions
It is the department's responsibility to keep the Asset Manager informed on all changes in their equipment inventory including moving of equipment, trades, transfers to another department, deletions, disposal, etc. Purchasers will coordinate and request approval to trade-in, dispose of, or sell excess surplus property from the Asset Manager. Trade-in and disposal of equipment requires state approval which is processed through the Asset Manager.
Equipment Disposal
All tagged equipment with a value of $250 or more is to be approved for disposal by the Vice President of Administrative Affairs or Controller. The disposing department must complete the inventory change form located at s:\LRSC\Forms\Inventory Form - Change or Deletion prior to disposing of the equipment or transferring it to temporary storage. The inventory tag should accompany this form. If no inventory tag is present an explanation as to why the inventory tag does not accompany the worksheet should be included.
The Asset manager shall follow all State Surplus Property rules for listing and disposal of surplus equipment. If state departments or agencies do not express interest in the property at that time, then LRSC will dispose of the item based upon State Surplus Property rules. No LRSC employee shall receive any personal benefit from the disposal of the item. Equipment not inventoried shall also be reported to Surplus Property if there is a possibility the item could be useful to another state agency or department.
Items to be disposed of that were originally purchased with federal funds need to be processed through the grant administrator, as appropriate, prior to following the protocol listed above. The disposal must proceed in a manner consistent with the federal granting agency rules and regulations.
Administrative Council Approved Update 06/11/15
Administrative Council Approved 11/05/20
When non-payroll, contractual services are requested, an Agreement for Contractual Services Form must be completed and submitted to Administrative Affairs for approval. Upon receipt of services, a voucher payment form is submitted, along with the Agreement for Contractual Services Form to Administrative Affairs Office for payment.
Any contract not listed below and all lease agreements must be signed by the President and/or Vice President. Administrative Affairs shall be provided a copy of all lease agreements. The following positions have signature authority in the stated areas:
- Information Technology Director - software site licensing and campus information technology projects. Definition of information technology includes, but is not limited to hardware, software, services, and supporting infrastructure to manage and deliver information using voice, data, and video.
- Athletic Director - equipment rental, game day services, contest officials, and bus drivers
- Physical Plant Director - equipment rental, agreements and contracts pertaining to building and grounds
- Housing Director - agreements/contracts pertaining to housing
- Student Life Coordinator - student activities
- TrainND Director - agreements/contracts pertaining to Workforce Training
- College Relations Director - advertising, recruiting, and marketing agreements
All contracts that contain a hold harmless clause or that indemnify another party and software contracts (including freeware that exceed $2,500) must be approved by legal counsel pursuant to State Board of Higher Education Policy 840.
Administrative Council Approved Update 08/20/02
Administrative Council Approved Update 07/07/15
Administrative Council Approved Update 03/21/22
Procurement is the acquisition of goods, services or works from an external source. Employees should be good stewards of State money when making purchases. LRSC defines processes intended to promote fair and open competition, minimize exposure to fraud and collusion, to foster ethical conduct and compliance with state purchasing laws and rules, and increase efficiency.
Procurement Officer(s), as designated by the President using Delegation of Purchase Authority Form, SFN 2566, is the person responsible for authorizing the procurement process and is held accountable for the following purchasing guidelines, although others may perform some of the actual work. Not everyone in the procurement process needs to be certified, but the Procurement Officer’s verification and process approval would be needed on purchases of $10,000 or more, prior to the purchase being made.
Training: All employees who have purchasing authority must complete the procurement trainings for their level of authorized procurement. Employees must receive a delegation of purchase authority from the President or his/her designee using Delegation of Purchase Authority Form, SFN 2566. | |
Level 1 Micro Less than $10,000 |
All Employees must complete the OMB Procurement training. |
Level 2 Small $10,000 to less than $50,000 |
President and Vice Presidents must complete the OMB Procurement training. |
Level 3 Informal $50,000 to less than $100,000 |
Procurement officers must complete the OMB Procurement training. |
Level 4 Formal $100,000 and over |
Procurement officers must complete OMB Procurement training. |
Individual items of a system may not be split to stay under the quote/bid limits. The total estimated price of all items in a system determines if a quote or formal bid/RFP is required. A “system” is defined as a group of items that are used together. Items that are the same of similar types may not be put on separate purchase requests to stay under quote or bid limits.
When trading in goods, the purchase amount parameters need to be based on the gross purchase price, regardless of the trade-in value allowed. All purchases that include a trade-in must be communicated to Asset Management prior to the transaction taking place.
An alternate procurement is when a good or service is available from only one supplier and has unique characteristics. All alternate procurement purchase requests must be justified and approved by the Procurement Officer. Requesting department must fill out the Alternate Procurement form (SFN 51403) prior to purchase and submit to the Procurement Officer for verification and approval.
Goods and services can be purchased from a government source of supply and government entities without obtaining competition, regardless of the dollar amount. When a need is identified, check first to see if the good or service is available from a government source of supply. If you are not purchasing from a state source of supply, purchasing threshold competition requirements apply.
Level 1 Micro Purchase |
Less than $10,000 |
Obtain at least one fair and reasonable quote. Note: Equipment and software must be added to inventory if $5,000 or greater. |
NDUS: Documentation not required. Alternate Procurement form not required if multiple quotes not solicited. |
Level 2 Small Purchase |
At least $10,000 but less than $50,000 |
Solicit informal quotes/bids or proposals from at least three vendors, or post to SPO Online with appropriate state bidders list. May send to additional vendors. President or a Vice President must sign purchase order, agreements, contracts, work order, etc. prior to purchase. |
Documentation is required and must be attached to payment voucher. Alternate Procurement form (SFN 51403) required if The form is not required if three vendors are solicited and fewer than three bids or proposals are received. |
Level 3 Informal Written Purchase |
At least $50,000 but less than $100,000 |
Solicit informal bids or proposals using SPO Online with appropriate state bidders list. May send to additional vendors. Include as many North Dakota vendors as possible. |
Documentation is required and must be attached to payment voucher. Procurement officer must sign off on the process. Alternate Procurement form (SFN 51403) required if:
Level 4 Formal Purchase |
$100,000 and over |
Must be purchased using formal sealed bids or Request for Proposal (RFP). Solicitations must be posted using SPO Online with appropriate state bidders list. May send to additional bidders. Include as many North Dakota vendors as possible. |
Documentation is required and must be attached to payment voucher. Procurement officer must sign off on the process. Alternate Procurement form (SFN 51403) required if:
Administrative Council Approved Update 07/07/15
Administrative Council Approved Update 01/08/2024
In accordance with SBHE 611.4, no governing board, nor any member, employee, or appointee thereof, shall be pecuniary interested in or concerned directly in any public contract, either verbal or written, that may be entered into by such person. LRSC is responsible for identifying and monitoring potential conflict of interest situations involving the expenditure of college funds. In order to monitor these situations, it is necessary that employees identify for LRSC any business entity in which they have a business interest and notify the Human Resource Office anytime they are involved in purchasing decision involving that entity, including preparation of product specifications.
An employee who knowingly or intentionally has a pecuniary interest in or derives a profit from authorization of a contract or purchase by the institution that the employee serves, commits a conflict of interest and is subject to disciplinary or dismissal action.
It is the intention of this policy that it is applicable to a broader range of contracts than that included in section 48-02-12, N.D.C.C., which applies to public building construction and repair contracts.
Each employee is asked to conduct themselves according to the Purchasing Code of Ethics, as indicated below, in all duties relating to purchasing goods and services for Lake Region State College.
- Give first consideration to institutional policies and objectives.
- Obtain the maximum value for each dollar expended.
- Demand honest in sales representation whether offered through oral or written statements, advertising or product samples.
- Grant all competitive bidders equal consideration; regard each transaction on its own merit. Promote fair, ethical and legal trade practices.
- Cooperate with trade and industrial associations, government and private agencies engaged in promoting and developing sound business methods.
- Use, only by consent, the original ideas and designees devised by one vendor for competitive purchasing purposes.
- Be willing to submit any major controversy to arbitration where applicable or permissible.
- Decline personal gifts or gratuities.
- Accord a prompt and courteous reception to everyone calling on legitimate business.
Administrative Council Approved Update 07/07/15
Advertising through the use of signs and posters may be located on official Lake Region State College bulletin boards and hanging strips only and must be approved by the Office of Advancement and Communication. Advertising depicting alcohol use, abuse, sale, or distribution is prohibited - unless it promotes responsibility with alcohol and ill effects of drug/alcohol abuse. Advertisement of credit cards also is prohibited unless in a financial education role.
Campus sponsored (club, class, division, athletic) events should also have promotional pieces approved by the Office of Advancement and Communications who also will assist in the coordination of further event promotion.
No signs or posters are permitted to be displayed on trees, windows, open walls, trash receptacles, or benches. Individuals wishing to sell personal items such as books, stereos, etc. may advertise on bulletin boards designated in the Student Union only.
Unauthorized signs or posters will be immediately removed and action will be taken if necessary to prevent repeat offences. Civil and/or campus action may be taken against any persons or external organizations who violate the policy.
Businesses/Organizations/Individuals are allowed to set up on campus during campus sponsored events, including job fairs, college fairs, transfer days, and other similar approved activity. Sale of items without proper authorization or paperwork (such as transient merchant license) is prohibited.
Unless part of a public information forum, religious and political activities must be sponsored by a related campus club.
Administrative Council Approved 03/08/16
Solicitations of funds from any public group by faculty, other College employees, students, or student organizations for College related activities must be approved in advance by the President or his/her designee.
The Human Resource Manager will determine whether employees are exempt or non-exempt from the overtime pay requirements of the Fair Labor Standards Act. The determination of status as exempt or non-exempt is made at the time duties are assigned or when the assignment of duties for a position changes.
Overtime provisions are not applicable to exempt employees as identified by federal wage and hour criteria. Supervisors may arrange time off in recognition of continuous or excessive required overtime for employees exempt from overtime. Exceptions must be documented in an email by the supervisor to the employee and given to payroll.
Non-exempt employees must be paid overtime for hours worked beyond the regular 40 hour work week. Overtime compensation at the rate of time-and-one-half shall be provided to all non-exempt employees when hours worked exceed 40 hours in a work week. Compensatory time is calculated at the rate of time-and-one-half in lieu of cash overtime payments compensation upon prior agreement. Upon approval, compensatory time may only be used in place of regularly scheduled work hours and shall not cause overtime. If there is no agreement, monetary compensation must be provided.
- In establishing a forty-hour work week, annual leave, sick leave, official closings and holidays shall be counted as hours worked. Annual leave, sick leave, other forms of paid leave, and compensatory time shall not be counted for overtime purposes.
- A non-exempt employee called back for emergency service after completing his/her regular day's work shall receive compensation at the rate of time-and-one-half. Guaranteed minimum pay for call-back to a work site when required will be two hours at the rate of time-and-one-half and guaranteed minimum pay for call-back when return to the work site is not required, for example, when services are provided from home by telephone, is fifteen minutes at the rate of time-and-one-half. Temporary employees shall be paid at the rate of time-and-one-half for hours worked in excess of forty hours per week.
- Work which is not requested by a supervisor, but is permitted, must be counted as hours worked. Failure to secure approval to work overtime may subject an employee to disciplinary action up to and including termination of employment.
- When an employee is given a work assignment in a secondary location requiring travel time, such travel time is counted as time worked.
- Compensatory time may be accrued for any length of time but may not exceed 40 hours. When 40 hours are reached, further overtime is paid via payroll. Division directors may limit the accumulation of compensatory time to less than 40 hours and may require that all compensatory time earned be taken within a certain time frame, such as the same month or following the month that it is earned.
- A non-exempt employee who has accrued compensatory time must, upon termination of employment, be paid for the unused compensatory time at a rate of compensation not less than the average regular rate received by that employee during the past three years of employment or the final regular rate received by the employee, whichever is higher as required by FLSA.
- Overtime and compensatory time must be recorded in the Time and Labor Management system in Employee Self-Service. Compensatory time will be tracked through payroll in the same manner as annual and sick leave.
Administrative Council approved 6/11/15
Administrative Council Approved 07/28/15
Administrative Council Approved 06/07/19
College personnel and their guests may use campus facilities for community service activities that relate to the mission of the institution. Activities that result in personal gain are not allowed without presidential authorization.
Administrative Council Approved 07/22/15
There are legitimate circumstances when it is advantageous for employees to take Lake Region State College (LRSC) property to an off-campus worksite for a temporary period of time to facilitate the completion of LRSC-related job assignments. Employees may use LRSC property at an off-campus worksite for such purposes provided the employee accepts full responsibility for any loss or damage to the property if a loss is incurred and the LRSC’s insurance does not cover the property specified because said equipment was not on campus at time of loss. The LRSC’s insurance only covers equipment that is “temporarily” off campus. “Temporarily” normally means no longer than three months. Personal use of LRSC property is a misdemeanor in violation of Section 12.1-23-07 of the North Dakota Century Code.
The supervisor responsible for the unit’s property inventory shall determine the legitimacy for relocating property to an off-campus site. Before approving a request, the unit supervisor must consider whether the use of the property at an off-campus site will create a hardship or impact negatively other employees in the department. It is up to the discretion of the unit supervisor whether to approve or deny a request to take property to an off-campus worksite.
The property must be returned to LRSC when its use at the temporary off-campus worksite is no longer necessary as authorized, or when the employee terminates employment. Failure to do so may result in appropriate sanctions or other action being brought against the employee, including withholding money due to the employee from LRSC until the property is returned.
Administrative Council Approved 05/17/10
State law prohibits a public employee from using public property for personal purposes when the employee knows such a use is unauthorized and the employee knows that there is some risk of loss or detriment to the government. N.D.C.C.12.1-23.07.
Various state laws and Lake Region State College (LRSC) rules apply to personal use of public property. State law specifically prohibits using a state car for private use. N.D.C.C. 39-01-03. LRSC’s “Off-Campus Use of State Property Policy” allows institutional property to be taken to an off-campus worksite under specified conditions, but only for job related use.
Some personal uses are allowed. Certain incidental uses are also allowed, within reason: For example, a private phone call (not at State expense) on a LRSC phone (supervisors can prohibit this altogether, however.) Limited use for such a purpose doesn’t result in any loss to the institution. However, taking state property off-campus for personal use or loaning out of LRSC property for personal use/gain is unauthorized.
LRSC, in addition to the specific requirements of North Dakota’s laws and policies, strives to encourage its employees to avoid even the appearance of impropriety so as to not violate the public trust.
Administrative Council Approved 05/17/10
The Office of Management and Budget requires that all federally awarded agencies and recipients comply with the non-procurement debarment and suspension common rule implementing Federal Executive Order #12549 and #12689, “Debarment and Suspension”. Lake Region State College will not use funds to purchase goods and services from vendors who have been debarred or suspended from doing business with the federal government. Prior to contract award, and in accordance with Federal requirements, LRSC employees that are purchasing goods will verify the status of a proposed vendor.
All parties, debarred and suspended by the federal government, are listed on the SAM website. Verification of the status of a proposed supplier can be obtained from the List of Parties Excluded From Federal Procurement or Non-procurement Programs, issued by the General Services Administration (GSA) located at (SAM) The System for Award Management (SAM) is the Official U.S. Government system that consolidated the capabilities of CCR/FedReg, ORCA, and EPLS.
Results from the search shall be made part of the contract documentation and verified on the Voucher Payment Form. No award is to be made before debarment status has been reviewed and approved. Should a prospective vendor be found to be debarred or suspended by the Federal government, the contract will become null and void, as payment will not be made.
Administrative Council Approved 04/21/16
Office hours for Lake Region State College are 7:45am to 4:45pm Monday through Friday. The official workweek for employee payroll begins at midnight on Sunday and ends at 11:59pm Saturday. Work schedules may vary depending on employment status of full time or part-time, teaching schedules or other required work hours needed to accommodate the operational needs of the campus.
Summer hours are 7:30am to 4:00pm Monday through Friday. Summer hours will begin the Monday following spring graduation and end on Monday, one week prior to Fall semester beginning. This summer schedule will not affect shift work unless the supervisor wishes to alter shift schedules to better accommodate the official summer hours. Department supervisors will retain the authority to make adjustments for individual employees where the 7:30am – 4:00pm schedule does not work well. All offices must be covered from 7:30am to 4:00pm, Monday through Friday.
Administrative Council Approved 05/18/16
Administrative Council Approved 08/29/16
Use of cellular phones and handheld communication devices safety is a primary concern when employees are driving a State Fleet vehicle or their privately-owned vehicle on state business.
In order to reduce the risks associated with distracted driving, it is the policy of LRSC to prohibit the use of cell phones (including hands free) or any other mobile device while operating a motor vehicle on state business. This restriction includes answering or making phone calls, engaging in phone conversations, reading or responding to e-mails and text messages, and accessing the internet.
These restrictions do not apply to emergency calls, or brief calls that are identified and designated as necessary to fulfill critical job responsibilities.
Administrative Council Approved 400.21.01 04/18/13
Administrative Council Approved removing 400.20 (Custodial & Moving Services) 06/11/15
Administrative Council Approved adding Distractive Driving to 400.20.01 and move to 400.20 06/11/15
[NDCC, Chapter 24-02-03.3 and Chapter 39-04 and 39-05]
- The department or individual requesting usage of a College vehicle must have the travel approved by the supervising administrator and check for vehicle availability with the State Fleet Coordinator.
- The person driving a College vehicle must possess a valid North Dakota driver’s license. Vehicles are assigned on a first-scheduled basis.
- Each vehicle has its own credit card with the motor pool number of the vehicle imprinted on it. These credit cards are State of North Dakota cards and are honored at most stations within North Dakota. They may be used for gasoline as well as emergency repairs and towing. Fuel sites are listed in the vehicle check-out materials.
- Each vehicle will be full of gas when issued, and will be full when returned.
- Any problems experienced with the vehicle should be reported to State Fleet Coordinator upon return.
- If no vehicle is available from the College pool, and if the supervising administrator approves such usage, a personal automobile may be used and travel reimbursement obtained as per state rates for mileage.
- Pursuant to ND Century Code 39-08-23 North Dakota State employees shall not engage in text messaging while driving a state government fleet vehicle or personal vehicle while being used to conduct state business.
Administrative Council Approved 400.21 (8) 04/18/13
Administrative Council Approved Update 06/11/15
- There are some reserved parking areas on campus designated for the President, the handicapped, visitors and state fleet vehicles. Parking is only permitted in designated parking areas and not on the streets.
- All vehicles parked on Lake Region State College property must have current registration from the student’s home state. Any vehicle without current and valid license plates will be considered abandoned and will be towed at the owner’s expense in accordance with the City of Devils Lake and the State of North Dakota laws on abandoned vehicles.
- Vehicles are not to be left on campus over summer break unless written permission from the Physical Plant Director is obtained. Each case will be decided on an individual basis. If a vehicle is left on campus for 30 days or more after the end of the spring semester, the vehicle will be considered abandoned and will be towed.
Administrative Council Approved (3) 08/29/11
Administrative Council Approved (1) 06/11/15
Maintenance staff will begin snow removal as needed.
- Light Snows <1”
- Sidewalks will be cleaned by maintenance. After snow removal, there will be a visual inspection and any icy areas will be salted.
- Heavy Snows >1”
- Parking lots will be cleaned in the following order, (unless weather conditions or occupancy dictate otherwise):
- Erlandson
- Bergstrom Technical Center
- Hofstad Ag Center
- Library
- Student Affairs
- Visitor Parking - Main Entrance
- Main Parking Lot - South
- Gilliland Hall
- North Hall
- Sidewalks will be cleaned by maintenance. After snow removal, there will be a visual inspection and any icy areas will be salted.
- Parking lots will be cleaned in the following order, (unless weather conditions or occupancy dictate otherwise):
- During the day, Physical Plant Services will salt icy areas as notified by staff and/or visitors to remove the hazard.
- There is no overnight parking in the following lots. Vehicles parking in these areas overnight, will be ticketed. Personal vehicles can be parked in state fleet parking only if traveling out of town with a state fleet vehicle.
- Erlandson
- Bergstrom Technical Center
- Hofstad Ag Center
- Library
- Student Affairs
- Visitor Parking
- Main Parking - South
- Dorm parking lots will be cleaned after all other parking lots are cleaned. It may be necessary to have vehicles moved to accomplish this. Physical Plant Services will work with Housing to schedule when these lots can be cleaned.
Administrative Council Approved Update 07/07/15
Administrative Council Approved Update 05/30/18
Administrative Council Approved Update 03/11/21
Each full-time faculty/staff member and service area is assigned a mailbox by the Information Desk. Mailboxes are assigned to part-time faculty as they become available. Mail addressed to individuals at the College is placed in the employee’s mailbox each day. The President shall designate staff members to act as Mailroom Clerk to perform the following duties: a) receipt of mail and parcels and distribution of same, b) daily mailings and postage records, and c) bulk mailings.
Administrative Council Approved 06/11/15
The purchasing card (p-card) is a credit card issued in the name of the Lake Region State College employee. Employees will be designated to make purchases for official business needs. Purchases made with the p-card must comply with SBHE policy 803.4 and NDUS procedure 803.4.
Individual credit limits, including card and cycle limits, vary as determined by the supervisor or p-card administrator. Each cardholder will use the NDUS P-card Change Request form to change MCC codes or increase credit limits on a temporary or permanent basis. Failure to use the p-card in accordance with applicable policies and procedures may result in revocation of the p-card and may involve appropriate disciplinary action, up to and including termination and possible criminal prosecution.
The use of the p-card results in a liability to LRSC, not a personal liability for the cardholder. The cardholder's credit rating will not be affected. However, it is important to remember that the cardholder signs an agreement prior to receiving the p-card and, as such, is responsible for any misuse of the p-card as outlined in this policy.
Only the LRSC employee whose name appears on the p-card may use the p-card. The employee is accountable for all charges made with that p-card. A cardholder will not lend the p-card to anyone. If another employee in the department needs a p-card, the director or supervisor of the department should request one for that individual.
LRSC cardholders are strongly encouraged to use their card wherever MasterCard is accepted.
Procurement policies must be followed when using a p-card. The p-card cannot be used to access cash or a line of credit. It is not to be used with interdepartmental or personal purchases and is not a right of employment.
Items that cannot be purchased on the p-card (unless specifically authorized by the President on the Purchasing Card Exception form) include:
1. Alcoholic beverages
2. Ammunition/weapons
3. Clothing
4. Cash Advances (ATM or other)
5. Meals while employee is in travel status (Employee will be reimbursed at per diem rates by submitting a travel voucher)
6. Entertainment/hospitality/food
7. Gasoline/Fuel (must use credit card located in the state vehicle)
8. Hazardous Materials
9. Insurance
10. Leases
11. Legal services
12. Maintenance Contracts
13. Motor Vehicles
14. Non-business/personal items (ex. Kleenex, coffee, snacks, etc.)
15. Radioactive Materials
16. Shipping - Outbound from Lake Region State College
17. This is not an all-inclusive list and can be changed at management's discretion
LRSC departments may request, from the p-card administrator, a waiver to remove the restriction on the purchase of the preceding items. The waiver or exception will be specific as to item(s) and as to cardholder.
Each cardholder is responsible for the following:
1. Safeguarding the p-card.
2. Signing the p-card immediately upon receipt.
3. Activating your p-card.
4. Keeping original itemized receipts from each purchase.
5. Recording each purchase on a Purchasing Card Record form.
6. Receiving the electronic statement.
7. Reconciling the cardholder statement with Purchasing Card Record form and receipts
8. Signing the Purchasing Card Record form to attest that all purchases are for LRSC business and in compliance with all applicable rules and regulations.
9. Obtain supervisors signature on the Purchasing Card Record form.
10. Forwarding signed completed Purchasing Card Record form, statement, and original receipts to p-card administrator by the 10th of the month.
11. Notifying the p-card administrator and the supervisor immediately in the event of a lost or stolen p-card.
12. Assuring the vendor issues credit for any item that has been approved for return. The credit should appear on a subsequent statement.
13. Resolving transaction disputes and credits in a timely manner. The p-card administrator should be notified of any unresolved disputed items.
14. Giving the p-card to the supervisor or p-card administrator when employment is terminated.
The cardholder’s supervisor or designated employee (other than cardholder) is responsible for the following:
1. Reviewing the information submitted by the cardholder. The supervisor should, at a minimum, periodically compare receipts to the statement submitted by the cardholder.
2. Signing the Purchasing Card Record form to certify that purchases are for business purposes and are in compliance with appropriate rules and regulations to the best of the supervisor's knowledge.
3. Forwarding the signed Purchasing Card Record form, statement and all original itemized receipts to the Business Office by the 10th of each month.
4. Returning the p-card of a terminated employee to the p-card administrator.
Purchasing Card Security
1. The p-card is to be treated with the same level of care that is afforded personal credit cards.
2. Do not lend the p-card to anyone. The only person authorized to use the card is the person whose name appears on the front of the card and who has completed the Purchasing Card User Agreement form.
3. Do not post or write the p-card account number in any location that is accessible to others.
4. Take additional care when using the card to make Internet purchases. Only use internet sites that have an indication that they are a secure site, such as the padlock located on the lower right.
Policy and procedure violations include, but are not limited to:
1. Purchasing items with the card for personal use.
2. Failure to return the card when reassigned, terminated or upon request.
3. Failure to submit original itemized receipts/invoices to the p-card administrator by the 10th of each month.
4. Allowing someone else to use their p-card.
5. Repeatedly allowing sales tax to be charged when the purchases are tax exempt.
6. Making unallowable or unauthorized charges.
7. Intentionally splitting a purchase to circumvent purchasing policies or avoiding single transaction limit.
Depending on severity, a violation of this policy or failure to comply with the applicable policies may result in the following:
1st offense – written warning to cardholder
2nd offense – written warning to cardholder and cardholder’s supervisor
3rd offense – written warning to cardholder, cardholder’s supervisor, and the card will be suspended for 60 days.
Contact the p-card administrator for assistance on the following:
1. For questions concerning policies and procedures
2. To replace damaged cards
3. For assistance with vendors
4. For account inquiries
5. For billing information
6. To report a lost or stolen card
Administrative Council Approved 11/29/10
Administrative Council Approved 01/30/13
Administrative Council Approved 07/07/15
Administrative Council Approved 06/14/16
Administrative Council Approved 11/11/16
Administrative Council Approved 03/22/19
For purpose of this policy, smoking is defined as inhaling, exhaling, burning, or carrying any lighted or heated cigar, cigarette, pipe, or any other lighted or heated tobacco or plant product intended for inhalation, in any manner or in any form. Smoking also includes the use of an e-cigarette which creates a vapor, in any manner or any form, or the use of any oral tobacco product for the purpose of circumventing the prohibition of smoking in this policy.
Smoking is prohibited on all property owned or leased by Lake Region State College, including buildings, residence halls, apartments, and enclosed structures. Smoking is prohibited in state-owned or leased vehicles and motorized equipment.
Supervisors are responsible for ensuring that employees, students, visitors, and where applicable, contractors are made aware of this policy and that they comply with its requirements.
Violations of this policy by faculty and staff constitutes a violation of the LRSC policy 1500.05 (Code of Conduct). Violations by students constitutes minor misconduct under the LRSC policy 800.30 (Student Conduct).
The Smoke Free Policy may not apply to specific activities used in connection with the practice of cultural activities by American Indians that are in accordance with the American Indian Religious Freedom Act, 42 U.S.C. 1996 and 1996a. All ceremonial use exceptions must be approved in advance by the President of Lake Region State College or designee.
Information regarding tobacco prevention is available through the following websites:
Administrative Council Approved 01/11/10
Administrative Council Approved Updates 07/07/15
Administrative Council Approved Updates 10/02/19
In accordance with the Drug Free Workplace and SBHE Policy 615, the unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensation, possession or use of a controlled substance in the workplace is prohibited. Every employee is required to abide by the applicable law and SBHE Policy 615 as a condition of employment. An employee who is convicted of violation of any federal or state criminal drug law for conduct in the workplace must notify the employee’s supervisor of the conviction within five (5) days of the conviction. A conviction means a finding of guilt (including plea of guilty or nolo contendere or its equivalent) or the imposition of a sentence. The supervisor must within 24 hours of receiving notice of a conviction notify the institution’s or system’s human resource officer. Each new employee, at the time of hiring, shall receive a copy of the SBHE Policy 615 and this procedure and acknowledge in writing that the employee has received and reviewed the policy and procedure. Institutions and the university system office shall document on an annual basis that each benefited employee has received a copy of SBHE Policy 615 and this procedure. This may be done as part of an annual evaluation, in-service training, electronically, or other appropriate procedure. Any employee who violates SBHE Policy 615 or this procedure is subject to discipline up to and including termination.
Single copies of the policy may be obtained from Human Resource Office in the Administrative Affairs Office or accessed from the College website at
See Section 615 “Drug Free Workplace” of the SBHE Policy Manual and Section 918 “Alcoholic Beverages” of the SBHE Policy Manual.
Administrative Council Approved 06/11/15
The information below is based on the NDUS Student Payment Policy 830.1
- All student institutional charges are payable at the Administrative Services Office by the payment date designated by Lake Region State College.
- Eligible financial aid disbursements will be applied directly to student charges for tuition, fees, room board, and other approved expenses prior to payment date.
- Tuition, fees, room and board may be billed to a governmental agency or private organization, which has provided an approved billing authorization. Payment for such bill shall be due prior to the end of the enrollment period for which billed.
- Students with outstanding financial obligations to LRSC will have holds placed on their account and they will not receive official transcripts or be allowed enrollment in subsequent semesters.
- Students auditing classes shall pay the regular tuition and fees, unless specifically exempted.
- A late fee is charged for any payment past due more than 30 days. If arrangements have been made with the Administrative Affairs Office, late fees are only charged when the payments are not made according to the agreement.
Administrative Council Approved 08/09/16
Administrative Council Approved removing 800.10 and replacing it with 400.27 09/19/16
- College telephone lines may be used by employees for long-distance calls for official/college business purposes only. All other long-distance calls must be paid for by the employee.
- When off-campus, faculty and staff should use the 1-800 number for official college business.
Administrative Council Approved 06/11/15
Outlook Calendar is the calendar and scheduling component of Outlook that is fully integrated with email, contacts, and other features. The use of Microsoft’s Outlook Calendar is the official means of scheduling to facilitate the business purposes of LRSC.
1. The primary purpose of Microsoft’s Outlook Calendar is provided to all staff and faculty of the Lake Region State College (LRSC) as a management tool to enhance the communications and scheduling needed to conduct college business in a consistent and efficient manner.
2. The use of Microsoft’s Outlook Calendar for personal events and scheduling is secondary but adds value and convenience when used in conjunction with official business planning.
1. Calendar Properties should have the default set to: Free/Busy time, subject, location.
2. Create appointments, meetings, class schedules and events on your Outlook Calendar, to enable LRSC leadership, management and peers to view for event and meeting planning, open and available times for work related projects, and for times when staff or faculty are absent, on leave, or out of the office.
a. Mark class time, appointments, meetings and events on your Outlook Calendar to show if you are to be considered available or unavailable by using the Show As feature: Free, Working Elsewhere, Tentative, Busy or Out of the Office.
b. All work and class related events and times should be shared and open for viewing.
c. All personal events and appointments scheduled during the workday can be marked as private.
Administrative Council Approved 08/12/2020
The purpose of this policy is to set forth guidelines for the safe and prudent use of the Lake Region State College (LRSC) bus in the furtherance of the mission. The primary purpose for the bus is to transport LRSC students, staff, and potential students to and from college functions or college-related activities.
I. Reservations
- Reservations for the use of the bus will be handled by the Athletic Director.
- Request for use of the bus by a non-athletic college organization for college transportation will require a completed Bus Reservation Form.
- Use of the bus will be billed based on bus mileage to the requesting department.
- Department using the bus will be responsible for the cost to hire the bus driver.
II. Athletic Director or Designee Responsibilities
- Processing bus reservations and scheduling.
- Arranging a bus driver.
- Ensure that every trip includes a college staff or faculty member to supervise bus occupants. The bus driver does not count as a supervisor.
- Provide the driver with the keys, a route plan, and an Inspection Report Form.
- Ensure post-trip check is completed and bus is secured.
- Ensure regular maintenance and repairs are scheduled and completed.
- Submit the Inspection Report Form to the Business Office for billing in a timely manner.
III. Driver Requirements
- Must be employed by LRSC and at least 25 years of age.
- A current CDL license for a minimum of two years and passenger and air brake endorsements.
- Complete an Authorization to Release Information for driving record check and provide a copy of their valid driver’s license to be kept on file with the Director of Human Resources. Driver information will be filed with the insurance company for insurance purposes.
- Participate in the random drug testing program.
- Train in the operation of the bus. Training will be arranged by the Athletic Director.
IV. Driver Responsibilities
- Perform a pre-trip and post-trip inspection of the bus.
- Return bus in its original condition at time of pick-up, fuel tanks filled, and the beginning and ending mileage recorded on the inspection form. All mechanical or performance issues with the bus must be reported by the driver on the Inspection Report Form.
- Return the keys and inspection form to the Athletic Director.
V. Driver Expectations
- Bus will always be operated in a safe and legal manner and occupants will act accordingly.
- Ensure that these rules and the rules and laws of the road are obeyed.
- Observe all state driving laws and ordinances. All violations and fines shall be the responsibility of the driver. Abuse of state driving laws and ordinances may result in removal of authorization to drive the bus for future events.
- Care should be taken to see that the bus is parked in a safe manner and in a well-lighted location if possible.
VI. Passenger Behavior
- Food and beverages are permitted on the bus if they are stored and consumed in non-spill containers. Any group using the bus with food must ensure there is no trace of food products left on the bus and that the overall condition of the bus remains unchanged.
- Seat belts will be used while the bus is in motion.
- Smoking is not allowed on the bus.
- No horseplay, loud music or other disruptive behaviors will be allowed on the bus while it is moving. The transportation of all passengers will be done in compliance with all State and Federal laws and regulations.
- All packages, bags, loose items should be secured under the seats or in designated storage areas. All aisles and foot areas in the seating area should be clear of obstacles that impede a safe and quick emergency exit.
- Under no circumstances may a staff, faculty, or student member possess alcoholic beverages or drugs on the bus.
Administrative Council Approved 04/26/22
- The campus bookstore hours are 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. during the regular school year and 8:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. over the summer months. Hours will be posted at the bookstore and may be subject to change. To accommodate student’s hours of operation may be extended during busy times of the year. Changes will be communicated to the campus community.
- Deadlines for book orders are summer and fall term(s) - March 31, spring term - October 31.
- Full-time faculty are responsible for ordering their own complimentary copies of classroom materials or texts. The bookstore will assist with contact information of publishers and will assist in the ordering of complimentary copies of class materials or texts for part-time faculty upon request.
- The refund policies for return of books are the same as the “NDUS Tuition and Fee Refund Policy”. Returned merchandise must be accompanied by the original receipt and be returned in like-new condition. Returned books must be accompanied by proof that the class has been dropped. Any exceptions to this will be handled on a case-by-case basis.
- A book buyback is conducted once each semester during finals week.
- Shoplifters will be punished.
Administrative Council Approved 07/07/15
This department has the responsibility of providing food services to: residence hall occupants, campus faculty, staff and visitors.
- All residents of campus housing during fall and spring semesters are required to enter into a board contract.
- The Vice President of Administrative Services and the President shall approve serving hours.
- All dishware must remain in the dining area. Carry out containers are available upon request.
- Appropriate dress is required as in any food establishment.
- Board plan students must present ID/Meal pass prior to partaking of a meal.
- Board plan students may not share their meals.
- Illness. Should a board plan student be unable to eat in the dining area, a resident assistant may request a meal. Special requests (juices, soup, Jell-O) will be granted.
- Dining Services is open seven days per week, Monday-Friday for breakfast, lunch and dinner meals. Saturday and Sunday for brunch and evening meals. For holiday, winter, spring and summer breaks, hours will be posted and communicated.
- Food Service is available for special meals and banquets. These requests shall not interfere with student meals.
- Box lunches and other dining arrangements are available for those on a board plan. Should your schedule conflict with regular serving hours, contact the Food Service Director.
- Visitors are welcome. Please advise Dining Services of quests in advance. Groups of more than five require 24-hour notice.
Administrative Council Approved 08/31/99
Administrative Council Approved 03/21/05
Administrative Council Approved 06/29/23
The Staff and Faculty dependent tuition waiver will include a 50% tuition waiver at Lake Region State College covering all eligible dependents (child and spouse) of benefited employees. This will include students that are full and part-time on campus (LRSC or GFAFB campuses), dual credit, and online. The definition of dependent children will be the same as for receiving family health benefits. To be eligible, a family tuition waiver must be filed with the Human Resource Office prior to enrolling in a course or program.
The North Dakota State Board of Higher Education encourages its employees to pursue a program of continuing education.
- The Tuition Waiver Program is to provide an opportunity for an eligible employee to have the tuition waived for a course taken at any of the institutions of the North Dakota University System. Participation is voluntary and courses maybe taken for career development.
- All benefited employees are eligible to receive the employee tuition waiver. Benefited employees are defined as an employee, including probationary employees, who work at least 20 hours per week and 20 weeks each year.
- The waiver or payment shall be limited to no more than three academic classes during each calendar year for NDUS undergraduate and graduate courses as outlined below.
- For on campus face to face academic classes at an institution within the North Dakota University System, a waiver will be applied with students responsible for non-covered fees and class materials.
- Employee must obtain initial approval from his/her immediate supervisor and/or department head and eligibility approval.
- Upon approval, employees are responsible for registering for classes through regular admission/registration procedures.
- Employee must obtain initial approval from his/her immediate supervisor and/or department head and eligibility approval.
- For courses taken at another NDUS campus, other than the campus of employment, regardless of delivery type: a system-wide fixed 50% employer paid tuition assistance, with the employee paying the remaining 50% of tuition and 100% of all fees.
- Employee must obtain initial approval from his/her immediate supervisor and/or department head and approval from Human Resources.
- Upon approval, employees are responsible for registering for classes through regular admission/registration procedures.
- Employee must present a structured plan of study that relates to Lake Region State College career development.
- Employees must submit an approved “Tuition Waiver Request” form to the Human Resources Office.
- Tuition waiver requests approval will be granted subject to available funds.
- For approved courses taken from non-NDUS institutions or at the request of LRSC, the assistance shall be determined by the employer.
- Employees may be released from work for one face-to-face class each academic term with approval of the employee’s supervisor or department head; approval shall be granted if it does not interfere with completion of the employee’s essential job duties and the essential work of the institution.
- This waiver does not apply to non-credit community or continuing education programs.
- Lake Region State College will pay for a class once, if a passing grade is not received, the employee may have to pay the full tuition to retake the class.
- Employees are enrolled in tuition waiver classes on a space-available basis. No classes will be created solely for employees receiving a tuition waiver.
- An employee who has an overdue accounts receivable balance with any North Dakota State University System institution may not receive a tuition waiver.
- Employee must obtain initial approval from his/her immediate supervisor and/or department head and approval from Human Resources.
- Eligible employees taking a class for credit at Lake Region State College, with an approved tuition waiver, will have all fees waived, with the exception of CND, NDSA, program and course fees which shall be paid by the employee.
- For on campus face to face academic classes at an institution within the North Dakota University System, a waiver will be applied with students responsible for non-covered fees and class materials.
Administrative Council Approved 07/28/09
Administrative Council Approved 09/03/14
Administrative Council Approved 07/07/15
Administrative Council Approved 06/27/16
Military students receiving Air Force Tuition Assistance are eligible for this fee waiver. This fee waiver includes CND and NDSA fees, per chancellor approval. It also includes technology, online and lab fees. It is limited to the credits that qualify for tuition assistance.
These tuition waivers are offered by the LRSC athletic coaching staff and are awarded in increments of 25, 50, 75 or 100%. The number of athletic waivers is reviewed each year.
This waiver reduces tuition from 25 to 100% for students from other countries based on academic excellence, letters of reference, on-campus residency and the student’s willingness to assist with campus goals to encourage global understanding and tolerance. Each applicant must submit an International Scholar application, essay, and two letters of reference from individuals who describe the student’s abilities and commitment to his/her educational goals. Up to three 100% waivers can be awarded each year.
As required by SBHE Policy 820, this waiver is intended to "promote enrollment of a culturally diverse student body, including members of Indian tribes and economically disadvantaged students, for the benefit of all students and the academic community, and for other purposes consistent with the institutions' mission." This waiver reduces tuition by 50% for students who meet the eligibility criteria established by the ND Board of Higher Education. Waivers for full-time students cover half the cost of tuition, and waivers for part-time students are pro-rated. Recipients are limited to two years of eligibility, regardless of the size of the waiver received and must achieve Satisfactory Academic Progress. The Director of Financial Aid shall follow procedures for eligibility and renewal as approved by the President.
Lake Region State College follows the SBHE Policy 820 Tuition Waiver/Tuition Assistance for Employee Tuition Waivers.
See LRSC Policy 400.33
This waiver requires LRSC President approval. The requests will be made by the Vice Presidents, Director of Financial Aid, or Director of Student Services.
This waiver applies to housing charges at 100% for students employed as Resident Assistants by the institution.
This waiver applies to tuition and mandatory fees of an audited face-to-face class taken by students 65 years of age or older (on a space available basis). Class fees, however, are paid by the student.
LRSC awards tuition and fee waivers to students who meet the description of the SBHE Policy 820, #2.
Administrative Council Approved Updates 12/07/15
Administrative Council Approved Updates 01/29/18
Administrative Council Approved Updates 02/23/24
The primary purpose of salary administration at Lake Region State college is to attract and retain well-qualified individuals who can best contribute to the college's stated mission and strategic plan. Decision-makers in the salary administration process will strive to make salary decisions fairly and communicate them effectively.
- To provide the college with the ability to use its resources most effectively, salary administration aims to:
- Acknowledge the basic financial needs of all employees.
- Be responsive to market influences.
- Strive for internal equity.
- Recognize and reward outstanding performance.
- Retain employees to limit the financial and other (hidden) costs of turnover.
- Salaries are set and salaries are increased, to ensure fairness based on the following:
- Job Classification
- Cost of living
- Merit
- Equity (internal and external)
- Market
- Salary Compression
- Degree completion
- Workload and responsibility changes
- Work experience (external and internal)
- Promotions
- Successful completion of a probationary period (applies to staff only)
- Interim and acting appointments
I. Procedures
- The President, in consultation with the Administrative Council, Human Resources Director, the Faculty Senate, and the Staff Senate shall determine how to apportion funds available for compensation.
- When budgets allow, monies for staff and faculty degree completion, rank promotion, and changes in category will be separate from the regular salary percentage as defined by the legislature. Should the President decide that budget priorities will not allow the funds to be found separately, the President shall notify both the Faculty and Staff Senates.
- When budgets allow, faculty and staff earning the following degrees will be awarded a base salary adjustment. If the new degree is received after January 1 but before July 1, the salary change would be effective as of July 1. If the new degree is awarded after July 1 and before December 31, the increase would be effective January 1.
- Bachelor’s Degree - $2,000 added to current contract base
- Master’s Degree - $2,000 added to current contract base
- Doctoral Degree - $3,000 added to current contract base
- Staff salary adjustments for all employees demonstrating continuous job improvement will be determined by the President. Staff salaries will be initially set based on, but not limited to, related work experience, LRSC or NDUS years of service, and local and/or regional market equity. Salary decisions for staff members will be made in accordance with Policy 5 of the North Dakota University System Human Resource Policy Manual.
- Incoming Faculty Senate members may bring in a maximum of 20 years of teaching and working experience into the faculty salary schedule, regardless of degree. Previous part-time instruction may be converted from a credit hour total to a yearly equivalent on a prorated basis, with 30 credits equal to one full year. Credit calculations of .5 and higher (15 credits or more) will be rounded to one full year.
- When a Faculty Senate member changes category, a salary adjustment will be made to raise the salary to the minimum of the new category plus $850. A Faculty Senate member in the final category shall be awarded $850 after each additional 5 years.
- When an eligible member of the Faculty Senate is granted a rank change, the following salary adjustments will be made to the following years’ contract:
- Assistant Professor - $500
- Associate Professor - $1,000
- Professor - $1,500
- Unless otherwise directed by the President, and when budgets allow, funds will be distributed in the following order: Present Salary + Category Change + Degree Change + Rank Promotion x Percentage Raise = Next Year’s Salary
- Part-time, overload, and/or off contract faculty compensation:
- Classroom based (face to face courses)
- $710 per credit: Faculty Senate members in Categories I-IV and part-time faculty having taught fewer than 60 credits for LRSC.
- $790 per credit: Faculty Senate members in Categories V-IX, LRSC benefitted adjuncts, part-time faculty having taught at least 60 credits for LRSC.
- $175 per credit/per student for low enrollment courses with three or fewer students as of the first Friday of the term.
- Online Courses:
- Three, four, and five credit courses: $230 per student for each student up to 14 students., effective 8/1/ 2025 this rate will increase to $235 per student for each stuent up to 14 students;
- Section stepend: $125 for each online course credit exceeding three credit hours.
- Two credit courses will be $167 per student for each student up to 14 students (rate after 8/1/25 will be $171);
- One credit courses will be $102 per student for each student up to 14 students, (rate after 8/1/25 will be $104).
- Three, four, and five credit courses: $230 per student for each student up to 14 students., effective 8/1/ 2025 this rate will increase to $235 per student for each stuent up to 14 students;
- Faculty teaching online who accept students above the published course capacity will be compensated at the applicable per-student rate for the first and third student. Faculty compensated for the first student, must take a second student without additional compensation. Faculty compensated for a third student, must take a fourth student without additional comensation. All students, five or more above the published course capacity, will be compensated at the per student rate applicable for the course. The Academic Affairs Director will maintin a course capacity list approved by the VP for Academic Affairs.
- Classroom based (face to face courses)
- Faculty full-time load is thirty (30) credit hours per academic year. The limit to overload will be no more than six (6) credit hours per semester unless written approval is provided by the VP for Academic Affairs. All lab and shop hours will be weighted equally for credit load. Classroom based biology, chemistry, and physics labs will count 1.5 credits for overload compensation.
- The Nursing Program Director will create workload cacluations and determine overload for full-time nursing faculty. Nursing faculty, full-time load is thirty-two (32) workload units per academic year. A workload unit is equivalent to one credit. Overload will be compensated per workload unit, based on the Faculty Senate member's category.
- The President may approve the hire of benefitted adjunct faculty as deemed necessary. In addition to instructing at least 18 semester credits per fiscal year, benefitted adjunct faculty may be required to attend faculty meetings, graduation ceremonies, and serve on college and faculty committees.
- The VP for Academic Affairs may authorize reasonable compensation for full and part time faculty for work performed outside the scope of their contract, for work that creates an undue burden, when per hour is more relevant than per credit or per student, when contracting with an instructor from another NDUS institution (whether we pay the faculty member directly or we pay the insitution via invoice), to create a new course at the request of an institution, or to achieve equity in instructional responsibilities.
- Prior to the end of the spring semester, the Faculty Welfare Committee, with the assistance of the HR Director, shall present each faculty member with information regarding their anticipated salary for the following years’ contract. This information must include degree completions, rank and category changes, and the percent increase (if known).
- Prior to the start of the fiscal year, the HR Director shall provide each benefitted member of the staff with a Staff Appointment Letter that shows the staff member’s next fiscal year salary and any change in job responsibilities or title.
- When contracts are sent to faculty prior to June 20th, they are due back within thirty days or the position may be declared vacant in accordance with LRSC Policy 700.19. When contracts are sent to faculty between June 20th and June 30th, they must be returned by July 20th as required by SBHE Policy. Failure to return a signed contract or other document indicating acceptance of contract terms by the date stipulated on the contract constitutes a resignation resulting in termination of employment, except for good cause shown by the faculty member or unless the institution has granted an extension. The institution shall attempt contact (phone/email) with the faculty member to provide an opportunity for acceptance prior to declaring the position vacant.
- Staff and faculty hired, promoted, or starting a new position on of after April 1st will not be eligible to receive a legislative salary increase for the following fiscal year. Staff and faculty hired, promoted, or starting a new position between January 1st and March 31st will be eligible to receive a legislative salary increase upon completion of their probation period.
- Staff and faculty who believe their salary has been calculated in error must notify the HR Director who will work with the division Vice President to review the calculation and advance a recommendation to the President.
II. Faculty Senate Salary Schedule (Full-time, 9 Month Contracts)
Category |
Range |
Increment |
9 Month Contract |
Faculty I $40,000-$46,500 |
$6,500 | N/A | Vocational Certificate, AA, AAS, BA, MA |
Faculty II $43,250-$50,000 |
$6,750 | $3,250 | 9 Years Teaching/Working (T-W) Experience BA and 6 years T-W MA and 2 years T-W PhD with No Experience |
Faculty III $46,750-$53,750 |
$7,000 | $3,500 | 14 Years Teaching/Working (T-W) Experience BA and 11 years T-W MA and 7 years T-W PhD and 5 years T-W |
Faculty IV $50,500-$57,750 |
$7,250 | $3,750 | 19 Years Teaching/Working (T-W) Experience BA and 16 years T-W MA and 12 years T-W PhD and 10 years T-W |
Faculty V $54,500-$62,000 |
$7,500 | $4,000 | 24 Years Teaching/Working (T-W) Experience BA and 21 years T-W MA and 17 years T-W PhD and 15 years T-W |
Faculty VI $58,750-$66,500 |
$7,750 | $4,250 | 29 Years Teaching/Working (T-W) Experience BA and 26 years T-W MA and 22 years T-W PhD and 20 years T-W |
Faculty VII $63,250-$71,250 |
$8,000 | $4,500 | 34 Years Teaching/Working (T-W) Experience BA and 31 years T-W MA and 27 years T-W PhD and 25 years T-W |
Faculty VIII $69,000-$76,250 |
$8,250 | $4,750 | 39 Years Teaching/Working (T-W) Experience BA and 36 years T-W MA and 32 years T-W PhD and 30 years T-W |
Faculty IX $73,000- |
$8,500 | $5,000 | 44 Years Teaching/Working (T-W) Experience BA and 41 years T-W MA and 37 years T-W PhD and 35 years T-W |
Administrative Council Approved 08/31/99
Administrative Council Approved 01/25/00
Administrative Council Approved 04/24/00
Administrative Council Approved 08/16/02
Administrative Council Approved 08/27/04
Administrative Council Approved 07/25/05
Administrative Council Approved 06/05/07
Administrative Council Approved Faculty Salary Guidelines 06/14/07
Administrative Council Approved 06/28/11
Administrative Council Approved Faculty Salary Guidelines 02/05/14
Administrative Council Approved 03/10/14
Administrative Council Approved Faculty Salary Guidelines 12/24/14
Administrative Council Approved Faculty Salary Guidelines 05/11/15
Administrative Council Approved 05/28/19 – policy rewritten
Administrative Council Approved Faculty Salary Guidelines 05/28/19
Administrative Council Approved Part-time and Overload 05/28/19
Administrative Council Approved 10/02/19
Administrative Council Approved 05/06/22
Administrative Council Approved 08/26/22
Administrative Council Approved Faculty Salary Guidelines 01/23/23
Administrative Council Approved Category Change 05/10/23
Faculty Welfare Committee Negotiations 04/17/24
To assure all employees and contracted professionals of Lake Region State College understand the importance of identifying and reporting fraud, who they need to report it to, how it will be investigated and how it will be resolved.
This policy applies to all employees or contracted professionals of Lake Region State College.
Lake Region State College employees are responsible for safeguarding LRSC resources and ensuring they are used only for authorized purposes, in accordance with LRSC rules, policies, and applicable law. All employees are responsible for reporting suspected theft, fraud, or unlawful or improper use of public funds or property.
- As used in this policy, “theft, fraud or unlawful or improper use of public funds or property” includes:
- Stealing, larceny, or embezzlement.
- Making or altering document or files with the intent to defraud.
- Purposely inaccurate accounting or financial reporting at any level.
- Fraudulent conversion or misappropriation of public resources, including funds, supplies, or other property.
- Improper handling or reporting of financial transactions.
- Authorizing or receiving compensation for goods not received, services not performed, or hours not worked, including payment or receipt of a bribe, kickback, or other unlawful or unauthorized payment.
- Fraud Awareness:
All benefited employees are required to watch a fraud webinar provided by NDUS.- It is suggested that all non-benefited employees also watch the free webinar.
- Procedures for reporting suspected or detected fraudulent activity:
- An employee with knowledge or suspicion of theft, fraud, or unlawful or improper use of public funds or property involving LRSC or affiliated entities shall report that information to a supervisor, the Controller in Administrative Affairs or the President. An employee with knowledge or suspicion of theft, fraud, or unlawful use of public funds involving an immediate supervisor shall report that information to an employee at a level above the immediate supervisor. As an alternate method, an employee may file an anonymous report by contacting the NDUS Fraud & Compliance Hotline at 833-210-3961,, or to report suspicious activity.
- Unreasonable failure to report such information as required may result in discipline, up to and including dismissal.
- The employee or supervisor who suspects fraudulent activity should not attempt to conduct an investigation.
- It is a violation of LRSC policy to retaliate against an employee who, in good faith, reports dishonest or fraudulent activity.
- Procedures for investigating suspected or detected fraudulent activity
- The LRSC employees designated with responsibility for receiving and acting upon reports under this policy are the Controller for Administrative Affairs and the President. A supervisor or other person who receives a report of suspected theft or fraud shall report that information to the Controller or the President. The Controller shall inform the President, unless the President is implicated, in which case the Vice President of Administrative and Student Affairs shall inform the legal. If both the Controller and the President are implicated, the report shall be made to the legal.
- The Controller shall take reasonable and appropriate action in response to receipt of a report, which may include an internal investigation, commission of an audit, referral to law enforcement officials, recommended policy or procedure amendments, a report summarizing findings or other steps. The Controller shall consult the legal and information shall be kept confidential as directed by the legal.
- The Controller, with assistance from the President as appropriate, has the primary responsibility for the investigation. If the investigation reveals that fraudulent activities have occurred, the Controller will issue a report to the appropriate administrative officials.
- Employee discipline, up to and including dismissal, will follow LRSC processes and procedures.
- Decisions to prosecute or involve appropriate law enforcement and/or regulatory agencies for independent investigation will be made by the President.
- The Controller is also responsible for periodic review of LRSC internal control procedures, making recommendations for appropriate controls, and staff training to minimize opportunities for theft or fraud.
Related Documents/Policies: LRSC Policy 1500.05 Code of Conduct, SBHE Policy 308.1 Officer and Employee Code of Conduct, SBHE Policies Section 611 Employee Responsibility and Activities
Administrative Council Approved 06/15/10
Administrative Council Approved 07/07/15
Administrative Council Approved 06/23/22
Lake Region State College recognizes that employees’ performance of certain job responsibilities is enhanced by access to cell phones. If an LRSC cell phone and data plan are not provided, LRSC allows, but does not require, a department to pay an employee a taxable monthly payroll amount to defray expenses for business use of their personal cell phone. In some cases, an employee does not have an LRSC-owned cell phone and does not receive a monthly payroll amount but incurs business expenses on behalf of LRSC. LRSC may reimburse an employee for the costs exceeding the employee’s personal plan if business usage causes the excess charge and the reimbursement does not occur on a regular basis.
- This policy outlines the use of cell phones for authorized employees of LRSC.
- To comply with state policies while providing faculty and staff with the equipment they need to carry out their responsibilities.
- Related Documents/Polices:
- Office of Management and Budget Policy 523: Cell Phones.
- NDCC 54-06-26: Use of state telephones by state officials and employees.
- NDUS Procedure 1901.2
- SBHE Policy 801.1: Mobile Phones and Other Mobile Computing Devices; Restrictions on use of State Phones.
- Lake Region State College Fraud Policy
- Procedures:
- Stipend Plan
- LRSC employees who meet the eligibility requirements for business use will be given a taxable allowance, depending on type of service, to cover a portion of a personally owned cell phone plan. Eligibility requirements are:
- The employee is required, as part of the job, to be readily accessible for frequent contact with college administrators, faculty, staff, or students; and
- The requirement for accessibility extends to considerable time away from campus, involves on-call responsibilities, or the employee’s job limits his or her access to regular land-line telephones or data/Internet access that would satisfy the required business communication needs; and
- A strong business case can be made that supports the college incurring the cost of the service.
- Voice and Text Plan – reimbursement of $20.00
- Voice and Data Plan – reimbursement of $30.00
The employee must retain an active cell phone plan and/or data plan as long as the allowance is in place. The employee agrees to notify their department head within five (5) days if he/she no longer meets eligibility requirements, fails to replace non-working, damaged, or lost devices, selects a lower-priced plan or fails to maintain a plan. Because the cell phone device is owned personally by the employee and the allowance provided is based on business use, the employee may use the cell phone and/or data plan for business and personal purposes, as needed. The employee may, at his or her own expense, add extra services or equipment features as desired. The available options for stipend plans are based on the type of cell phone plan and/or estimated business usage. The cost of the plan will be paid from the employee’s department budget.
- LRSC employees who meet the eligibility requirements for business use will be given a taxable allowance, depending on type of service, to cover a portion of a personally owned cell phone plan. Eligibility requirements are:
- Essential Employee Plan - LRSC employees that are required to carry a cell phone at all times to maintain critical infrastructure of the college will be provided a LRSC issued cell phone and plan. The employee’s office phone will be forwarded to their LRSC issued cell phone when off campus, unless prior arrangements have been made with their supervisor. These individuals include:
- President
- Physical Plant Director
- 2 Physical Plant Department Shared Phones
- Network Specialist
- Assistant Housing Director
- 1 Resident Assistant Emergency Phone
- Stipend Plan
Administrative Council Approved 05/8/16
Administrative Council Approved (4,b,vii) 06/27/16