The objectives for devising and institutionalizing a system of awards are as follows:
- To recognize the services of College employees at various stages of their careers at the College.
- To recognize significant achievements on the part of employees either within the College or in their involvement with activities of benefit to the community and to society in general.
- To recognize and honor alumni and other citizens for outstanding contributions towards collegiate advancement, for outstanding service to the community, and for significant achieves in various walks of life.
- To recognize achievement on the part of students within the College and in community activities.
- A suitable gift and accompanying certificate of recognition will be presented to all employees buy the President at the Annual Faculty and Staff Breakfast to mark the following:
- Five years of continuous service to the College
- Ten years of continuous services to the College
- Fifteen years of continuous service to the College
- Twenty years of continuous service to the College
- Twenty-five years of continuous service to the College
- Thirty years of continuous service to the College
- Framed photographs of faculty employees going into learned retirement and past Presidents may be placed and prominently displayed (with an inscription indicating name, last position held and years of service) either in the Library or in some other suitable place on the College premises. Retiring employees will also be presented with a suitable gift, a commemorative plaque and a certificate at the new school year Annual Faculty and Staff Breakfast.
- Employees who resign their positions and leave may be recognized by the suitably designed mementos and certificates presented on behalf of the College and the Community College Foundation.
- Determination: The President and Administrative Council determine which achievements are significant. Input may be obtained from the Staff Welfare Committee and the Faculty Senate.
- Recognition: The President will present a gift (plaque, chair, or other award) and accompanying certificate of recognition to the selected employee at the Annual Banquet of the Community College Foundation, Annual Faculty and Staff Breakfast, and/or during the annual Commencement Exercises, or other appropriate event.
- Excellence in Educating Award:
- The Community College Foundation instituted an Excellence in Educating Award in 1983. This award is presented by the Community College Foundation.
- Any full time benefitted faculty member, after their fifth year of service, who has not been presented the award within the previous ten years, is eligible for this award.
- The selection process shall be managed by the Faculty Senate and shall require written letters of nomination from faculty, staff, and/or students; an award selection committee that includes faculty, at least one staff member, and one student member; and deadlines for for nomination and selection.
- In addition to the award provided by the Community College Foundation, the institution will provide the recipient of the Excellence in Educationg Award with $2,000 for travel to an approved conference, workshop or other professional development activity to be used within the next two academic years.
- Excellence in Service Award:
- The LRSC Staff Senate requested an Excellence in Service Award in 2025 to recognize the important role that staff plays in achieving our mission. This award is presented by the Community College Foundation.
- Any full-time benefitted staff member in good standing, verified by the division vice-president, after their third consecutive year of service, who has not been presented the award within the previous five years, is eligible for this award.
- The selection process, nomination deadline, and selection deadline shall be managed by the Staff Senate. Nominations must be submitted in writing within the timeline specified by the Staff Senate, which must include at least one faculty member.
- In addition to a recognition plaque and award package provided by the Community College Foundation, the recipient of the Excellence in Service Award will receive a professional development allocation of up to $2,000 for travel, registration fees, and related expenses to an approved conference, workshop, or other professional development activity to be used within the next two fiscal years.
- Other achievements which merit recognition may be recognized by a letter of commendation from the President.
- Emeritus Status
- Achieving Emeritus status is to be viewed as the highest honor that Lake Region State College may bestow upon a retiring faculty member, administrator, or professional. The Emeritus status may be granted to retiring faculty, senior administrator or professional who have demonstrated leadership and service to the college and its communities.
- Criteria for Emeritus status may include, but are not limited to length of service to the institution, significant contributions to the institution and the State of North Dakota, or particularly distinguished service to an academic discipline. Nominations for Emeritus status must be submitted within one year of retirement.
- Any Faculty/Staff Senate member may nominate a member for emeritus status. The documented nomination should include the following:
- A paragraph describing why the individual merits this distinction (i.e. significant contributions to the institution, the state, and/or service to the faculty member’s academic discipline).
- Date of initial appointment
- Length of service
- Date of retirement
- The nomination will be submitted to the President of the Faculty/Staff Senate who presents the nomination for a vote of the Faculty/Staff Senate. The Faculty/Staff Senate makes a recommendation for Emeritus status by a majority vote and sends its recommendation to the nominee's VP, who will make the recommendation to the LRSC President. The LRSC President makes the final decision. In the case of a senior administrator, any member of the Administrative Council may send nomination directly to the LRSC President for approval.
- Benefits for Emeritus Status
- Lake Region State Emeritus ID card
- Retention of LRSC e-mail address
- Parking - special permission to park in visitor parking
- On-campus workspace when available shall be provided.
- Consistent with their roles and responsibilities, college computing privileges will be retained.
- Upon invitation, may serve on college boards and committees.
- By nomination and vote of the Faculty/Staff Senates, may retain membership.
- Faculty members who accept a part-time appointment after being awarded tenure in a full-time position shall continue to have such tenure recognized.
- Honorary Associate Degree: Lake Region State College may grant an honorary Associate degree according to NDUS policy (See Section 430.1).
Administrative Council Approved 1200.03 (3)
Administrative Council Approved 1200.03 (5) 06/27/16
Administrative Council Approved 1200.03 (3) (3,c) (3,d) 04/24/17
Administrative Council Approved 1200.03 12/03/18
Administrative Council Approved 1200.03 12/17/25
Recognition of either meritorious service to the College and the community or of significant achievement in various walks of life.
- Purpose: This award is to recognize and commend outstanding service and achievement. Individuals thus honored should either be alumni or have some past or present link to the College/community.
- The nature of such awards is to be determined by the President and Administrative Council. Honorary diplomas are permitted by the North Dakota University System of Higher Education and require Board approval.
Recognition system for academic, co- and extra-curricular and community service achievement.
- The following are various awards and recognition systems that are in existence at Lake Region State College:
- Who’s Who at Lake Region State College: Each year faculty and staff nominate students for this award. Criteria for nomination include academic achievement, participation in college activities and service to the community. A faulty-staff-student committee selects Who’s Who recipients from the nominated students.
- President’s and Dean’s Lists: Requirements for the President’s List are that a student be enrolled in a minimum of twelve (12) semester hours with a 4.0 grade point average. Requirements for the Dean’s List are that a student be enrolled in a minimum of twelve (12) semester hours with a 3.25 grade point average.
- Richard D. Knoke Award: The Richard D. Knoke Award for outstanding leadership is provided through a memorial established in 1966 by his wife, children and parents. Richard D. Knoke, 1942-1966, attended Lake Region State College (Lake Region Junior College) in 1961 and 1962 and earned his baccalaureate degree at North Dakota State University. The recipient of each year’s award will be selected by a faculty-staff-student committee on the basis of student leadership in the Student Senate or in student organizations.
- Glen H. Larson Memorial Drama Award: The Glen H. Larson Memorial Drama Award is presented to a student who is selected by a faculty committee as having made the greatest contribution to drama in the Lake Region during the previous year. Glen Larson, 1943-1965, from Leeds, displayed inspirational acting and singing abilities during his attendance at Lake Region State College (Lake Region Junior College) prior to his graduation in 1963. The memorial was established by his parents in 1965.
- Lloyd Jones Memorial Music Award: The Lloyd Jones Memorial Music Award is presented to the sophomore student who provides outstanding leadership in music. Preference is given to leadership provided in quartet arrangements. Lloyd Jones was a member of the original “Four Dads” a quartet singing group which provided unusual and talented entertainment at innumerable functions in the Lake Region from 1946 until his death in 1966.
- English Department Writing Excellence Award: The English Department Writing Award was established by the department in 1997 and is presented to any full-time or part-time student at Lake Region State College for excellence in writing. Students submit writings of any genre and length which are juried by a 3-person panel. The winner is presented with an award and makes a public presentation of the writing.
- Endowed, honor and a variety of other scholarships are available to students. These applications are available at the Student Affairs Office.
- The Student Services Office will compile and analyze all Lake Region State College awards annually and determine if changes are necessary.