Section 700: Faculty

  1. Faculty shall be governed by the provisions found in two references:
    1. North Dakota University System of Higher Education Policy Manual
    2. Lake Region State College Policies and Procedures Manual
  2. The remuneration and service conditions of faculty members is a consultative process between the President and the Faculty Senate and its respective committees. Final determination will be made by the President and the State Board of Higher Education as required.
  3. All provisions of Chapter 700. Of this Manual shall be applicable to full-time faculty members with relevant provisions also applicable to adjunct/part-time faculty members. For operational procedures refer to the latest revision of the Lake Region State College Faculty Handbook.


  1. The North Dakota University System (NDUS) publishes a Procedure Manual that can be found on the NDUS website.
  2. The State Board of Higher Education (SBHE) publishes a Policy Manual that can be found on the NDUS website.
  3. The North Dakota Univeristy System (NDUS) publishes a Human Resource Policy Manual that can be found on the NDUS website.

Administrative Counsel approved 11/12/19

  1. Qualification: The President, in consultation with the Vice President of Academic and Student Affairs, shall prescribe qualifications and the level and nature of experience for all faculty positions.
  2. Selection: The President, in consultation with the Vice President of Academic and Student Affairs, shall establish the procedures and selection criteria for filling any vacant faculty position.

Faculty at Lake Region State College shall meet or exceed the identified minimum qualifications to teach as outlined in this policy.

  1. Definitions
    1. Faculty: Benefitted and non-benefited, full and part-time, including those whose salary is paid by a third party, whose primary responsibility is to provide instruction through any mode of delivery (i.e. traditional face to face, interactive video, and online), at any location (on campus or off campus at a distance site), and for any purpose (degree seeking, non-degree seeking, dual credit, and early entry). The definition of faculty does not include guest lecturers, industry experts, business or political leaders, and others who deliver information or demonstrate skills at the request of faculty who are assigned the responsibility to develop and deliver the curriculum.
      1. Academic Faculty: Those faculty whose teaching assignments include general education courses, or other “non-occupational courses”, in subjects that prepare students to transfer to baccalaureate degree granting institutions.
      2. Career and Technical Education (CTE) Faculty: Those faculty whose teaching assignments are in programs designed to prepare students to enter the workforce following graduation.
      3. Academic Skills Faculty: Those faculty teaching courses that do not qualify for transferable college credit and are preparatory in nature. English as a Second Language (ESL) instructors are included in this category.
    2. Academic Credentials: Those certificates, diplomas, and degrees earned and awarded from an accredited institution of higher learning.
      1. “Master’s degree in the discipline or subfield”. Discipline shall refer to a specific field or subject, while subfield shall refer to a focus of specialization or component. All degree types (e.g. MS, MA, Med, MAT, etc.) are included.
      2. “Graduate credit” refers to all credits for coursework, research, teaching, and other professional activities, earned post-baccalaureate, and awarded by the college or university. Graduate credit also includes any credit awarded pre-baccalaureate (or when a baccalaureate degree is irrelevant) taken specifically for graduate credit.
    3. Experience: The relevant experience a faculty member has, that is significant and measurable. This may include industry qualifications and certifications earned during employment or professional volunteer work. It may also include expertise that can be quantified through real world experiences, accomplishments, awards, publications, attendance at discipline specific training, professional memberships, conference attendance, leadership roles held in relevant professional associations, and other similar means.
    4. Qualified Faculty: Faculty Qualifications may be determined by a combination of academic credentials, progress toward academic credentials, and equivalent experience, however:
      1. Academic faculty shall ordinarily possess a master’s degree or higher. Should a member of the academic faculty possess a master’s degree in a discipline or subfield other than that in which they teach, that faculty member should have 18 graduate credits in that discipline or subfield or possess a combination of eduction and equivalent experience (including research, scholarship, recognized achievement, or other related activities) sufficient to demonstrate expertise.
        1. With approval from the VP of Academic Affairs, acadmic faculty may be approved to teach while they make progress toward their faculty qualifications. 
      2. Career and technical education faculty shall possess a sufficient combination of academic credentials and tested experience that demonstrate the ability to understand and convey the essentials of the discipline that a student should master at various course and program levels. CTE faculty must be able to engage professionally with colleagues in determining the learning objectives for all graduates of a program and possess the full scope of knowledge, skills, and abilities.
  2. Responsibility
    1. The Vice President of Academic and Student Affairs shall be responsible for the assessment of qualifications of all existing faculty.
    2. Existing faculty who do not meet the minimum requirements to be “qualified” under “d” above may continue to teach courses in accordance with their contract and regular course assignments, provided:
      1. The faculty member has in place a qualifications plan approved by the Vice President for Academic and Student Affairs. An approved qualifications plan shall include:
        1. Degree(s) needed and/or courses to be completed;
        2. The institution of higher education where the courses will be completed or the degree earned;
        3. The timeline for course completion and degree completion (if applicable); and
        4. The identification of any professional growth activities, workshops, and/or certifications that must be completed and the related timeline.
      2. The faculty member is actively working toward meeting the minimum requirements of the qualifications plan through their enrollment in graduate courses and/or other professional growth activities.
  3. Tuition Assistance and other Remuneration
    1. Lake Region State College will reimburse approved faculty for the tuition, mandatory fees, course fees, and books for graduate courses taken in accordance with the approved qualifications plan.
      1. Such reimbursement will not exceed the maximum tuition and fees assessed by an NDUS institution and may be reimbursed upon enrollment. In the event the course is not completed with a grade of “C” or higher, the course is dropped, or the faculty member is otherwise withdrawn, the faculty member will be ineligible for reimbursement for the next course taken pursuant to the approved qualifications plan.
      2. Reimbursement will not be provided when other funds are available to pay the tuition, mandatory fees, course fees, and/or books. Examples of other funds that could be available include, scholarships, tuition waivers, grants, public tuition payment programs (e.g. GI Bill®, Military TA) or other public or private third party payments. 
      3. The first priority of travel funds normally assigned to the department and professional growth funds available to the faculty member shall be designated for tuition reimbursement until the faculty member has met the graduate credit requirement of their qualification plan.
    2. Lake Region State College will reimburse benefitted faculty for the full cost of attendance at workshops and other professional development activities that are included in the approved qualifications plan.
      1. The first priority of travel funds normally assigned to the department and professional growth funds available to the faculty member shall be used for this purpose unless these funds have already been used for tuition reimbursement.
    3. The tuition assistance and funding outlined in this policy may be withdrawn should the President declare a financial necessity.

‘‘GI Bill® is a registered trademark of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). More information about education benefits offered by VA is available at the official U.S. government Web site at"

Administrative Council Approved 08/29/16
Administrative Council Approved 02/17/22
Administrative Council Approved 09/04/24

Purpose: Lake Region State College has established a process for verifying communication skills for all personnel whose appointments include classroom instruction. Communication, both oral and written, is, by definition, an interchange involving both the sender and the receiver. Lake Region State College has taken both sender and receiver into account when developing communication skills verification. The policy affirms the university commitment to cultural diversity, as articulated by the Lake Region State College mission statement and general education outcomes. The policy is supportive of all Lake Region State College instructional personnel and their efforts to continuously improve their communication skills.

Process and standards for validating and assessing proficiency:


The minimum qualifications for the position will include “effective oral and written communication skills.


Validating written communication proficiency:
Candidates may be required to provide materials suitable for evaluating written communication proficiency. Such materials should include a letter of application and samples of their written work(s). In addition, LRSC may wish to specifically request that letters of reference include comments concerning communication. LRSC will use categories of excellent, satisfactory, or unsatisfactory in evaluating written communication proficiency. An overall rating of satisfactory is considered to be a minimal qualification.


Validating spoken communication proficiency:
Candidates may be required to make an oral presentation suitable for evaluating communication proficiency. LRSC will use categories of excellent, satisfactory, or unsatisfactory in evaluating spoken communication proficiency. An overall rating of satisfactory is considered to be a minimal qualification.


Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL):
All potential teaching faculty whose first language is not English must submit a Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) score of no less than 600 (or equivalent computer score) to the college. A score of 600 is considered to demonstrate near-native proficiency in listening comprehension, the ability to understand English as spoken in North America, structure and written expression, the ability to recognize language that is appropriate for standard written English, vocabulary and reading comprehension, and the ability to understand nontechnical reading matter. The TOEFL examination is administered throughout the year locally, regionally, and in the students’ homelands.


Requirements for spoken communications proficiency:
Potential teaching faculty whose first language is not English must obtain a minimum score of 250 on the Test of Spoken English (TSE). This locally administered examination assesses oral language proficiency of English spoken in North America. It evaluates a person’s overall comprehensibility, pronunciation, grammar, and fluency. A score of 250 indicates that the individual is generally comprehensible to Americans who are not used to listening to speakers whose first language is not English. Table 1 provides descriptions of TSE test score ranges and their meanings.


Table 1 Generic Description of TSE Test Score Ranges

150-199 Generally comprehensible but with frequent errors in pronunciation, grammar, choice vocabulary items, and with some pauses and rephrasing.
200-249 Generally comprehensible with some errors in pronunciations, grammar, choice of vocabulary items, or with pauses or occasional rephrasing.
250-300 Completely comprehensible in normal speech, with occasional grammatical or pronunciation errors in very colloquial phrases.


  2.2.3 LRSC is responsible for determining and documenting the communication proficiency of all faculty.
  1. Determination of Proficiency Prior to Employment:
    As described within Section A, potential teaching assistants and faculty are evaluated for proficiency prior to employment.
  2. Registration of Concerns:
    The resolution of conflicts concerning communication proficiency is best solved as close to the source as possible. Students are urged to contact the instructor to discuss concerns. If the conflict cannot be resolved with the instructor, the student may meet with the Vice President for Academic Affairs or the Vice President’s designee. Administrators who receive formal complaints must respond and take appropriate action within 15 days. Students should move from one level to another only if an acceptable resolution cannot be reached at the lower level. Anyone retaliating against a student who files a complaint under this policy is subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination. The ultimate responsibility for the resolution of such complaints will reside with the Office of the Vice President for Academic and Student Affairs. This office will be responsible for verifying the appropriate remedial action, is carried out.
  3. Student Notification:
    This policy will be referenced in the Student Handbook, College Catalog and posted on the college website.
  4. Reviewing Effectiveness of the Policy:
    This policy will be reviewed periodically in an interval of not less than every two (2) years by the Vice President for Academic Affairs or designee.



Administrative Council Approved 07/11/06
Administrative Council Approved 12/21/15

  1. The Annual Faculty Evaluation will be completed in accordance with the State Board of Higher Education 605.6 so that “institution procedures shall provide for annual evaluation of all full time faculty.” Faculty members’ salaries are determined by the President, in consultation with the Vice President of Academic and Student Affairs and the Faculty Welfare Committee of the Faculty Senate.
  2. “Faculty Salary Guidelines” (See Chapter 400.35) are developed by the Administrative Council in conjunction with the Faculty Senate and provide parameters for salary assignments for all faculty, determining appropriate salary adjustments and salary increases. At the time of employment a Salary Determination form is completed to reflect a faculty member’s initial placement within these categories. The guidelines are not binding, negotiated contracts with faculty, but every effort is made to follow the guidelines in administering faculty salaries. An updated Salary Determination form will be included with each faculty member’s yearly contract.
  3. Part-time and faculty overload pay is outlined in the Salary Administration Policy, Chapter 400.35 and is determined by the President in consultation with the Faculty Senate.
  4. Deductions
    1. Four (4) deductions are automatically made from monthly salary checks, including Federal Social Security Tax, Federal Withholding Tax, State Withholding Tax, and retirement plan assessment(s).
    2. With proper authorization from a faculty member, other deductions may also be made, provided they have been authorized by the NDUS and approved by the Vice President of Administrative Services.
    3. Flex Comp Plan: The Flexible Benefits Program (Flex Comp) is a separate, written benefit plan maintained by an employer for the benefit of employees under which all eligible employees have the opportunity to select any or all of the following three (3) options: premium conversion, medical spending account, and dependent care spending account.
    4. Employee Assistance Program (EAP): The Employee Assistance Program is a confidential assessment/counseling/referral service staffed by trained professionals who can help employees and their families evaluate problems and take positive action to resolve them.
    5. Assignments and satisfaction of garnishments may also be deducted when appropriate direction is received from the court system.
  5. Faculty members on a nine (9) month contract are given the option of receiving their contract salary in twenty-four (24) installments beginning in September and ending in August or eighteen (18) installments beginning in September and ending in May.


Administrative Council Approved 700.04 (1) 02/07/03
Administrative Council Approved Updates 12/21/15

The following types of insurance programs are available for faculty members. Details are available from the Administrative Services Office. To encourage early notification of resignation, Lake Region State College will continue to pay for health and life insurance through August 31, if necessary.

  1. Health Insurance: Sanford Health group plan
  2. Group Life Insurance
  3. Disability Insurance
  4. Worker’s Compensation Insurance
  5. Unemployment Compensation Insurance
  6. Employees have the opportunity to enroll in dental, long-term care, additional life, and other insurance.


Administrative Council Approved 08/21/01

All faculty members/instructors will report to the Vice President of Academic and Student Affairs. Specific duties/responsibilities include:

  1. Instruction of students in accordance with the schedule determined by the Vice President of Academic and Student Affairs and in furthering the best interests of the students. This is comprised of a minimum of thirty-five (35) hours per week of instruction and office time.
  2. Revision and update of program curriculum and keeping course syllabi current on an annual basis and on file in the Vice President of Academic and Student Affairs. The syllabus shall comply with the Course Syllabus Instructions and required components.
  3. Selection and ordering of textbooks and supplemental material for courses offered. At least one week before ordering textbooks and supplemental materials the faculty and the Vice President of Academic and Student Affairs will coordinate the faculty selection of a textbook(s) for distance delivery, considering cost efficiencies for students.
  4. Maintenance of class attendance records.
  5. Maintenance of office hours adequate for assisting students in reaching their objectives.
  6. Report of absences from campus (due to illness, personal leave, educational or institutional services) to the Vice President of Academic and Student Affairs, and making prior arrangement for any leave request other than illness.
  7. Assessment of equipment and supply needs for areas taught, and placing requisitions with the Vice President of Academic and Student Affairs for purchase of such materials.
  8. Inventory of furniture, equipment, and supplies in assigned classroom, lab, shop, and/or office.
  9. Service as student advisor in accordance with standard academic advisement policy. Student Affairs personnel prepare an Advisor’s Handbook, which is available in the Student Affairs Office.  Advisees are initially assigned to an advisor by the Student Affairs Office.  Students may initiate a change of advisor by obtaining the new advisor’s signature on the Change of Advisor form.  
  10. Prompt and accurate submission of all necessary LRSC administrative procedures.
  11. Cooperation with administration, counselors, and other personnel in class scheduling and development of library and instructional resources.
  12. Service on college committees in keeping with abilities and interests.
  13. Recognition of LRSC’s involvement in the community and acceptance of assignments in speaking to community groups, participating as judges for various community events, and serving the community as consultant in development of civic projects.
  14. Maintenance of a view of the total instructional needs of the instructional division and LRSC as a whole.
  15. Adherence to the Lake Region State College Faculty Handbook (See Faculty Handbook).     
  16. Other duties as assigned by the Vice President of Academic and Student Affairs.


Administrative Council Approved 700.06 (3) 08/21/01
Administrative Council Approved 700.06 (2) 12/21/15

  1. Course Outline and Objectives:
    Each instructor is responsible for developing a course syllabus for each course he/she teaches.  A copy of the course syllabus and any additional materials the instructor wishes to develop is distributed to each student at the first class session. Copies of the syllabus are filed in the Academic Affairs Office.
  2. Course Changes and New Courses/Programs:
    Course changes or new courses or programs may be authorized only by the University System of Higher Education. Proper procedures must be followed by faculty members if they wish to recommend changes (See Chapter 900: Article 900.01 and article 900.02)
  3. Reporting of Grades:
    1. All grades must be submitted to the Office of the Registrar on the day and time designated for each semester.
    2. It is the responsibility of the Vice President of the Academic and Student Affairs Office to ensure that this is done on time.
    3. Grading policies are explained in detail in Article 800.16 of this Manual.
  4. Records and Reports:
    Each faculty member is expected to keep accurate records and make required reports efficiently and on time. Proper maintenance of records is each member’s responsibility in addition to instruction classroom and assigned duties.
  5. Class Size and Teaching Load:
    1. Effort is made to achieve equitable distribution of class size. Enrollment will be restricted for courses in which small size has a special advantages, e.g., laboratory sections, language classes, and classes where discussion is important. Lecture courses will have larger enrollment ceilings depending on the classroom size and teaching format. The faculty member and the Vice President of Academic and Student Affairs and /or the Grand Forks Air Force Base Director will determine maximum class size. Any override of maximum class size will require instructor’s written permission.
    2. Whenever possible a full-time faculty will be assigned classes to constitute a full load within their field of expertise.
    3. A full faculty load shall be thirty (30) credits per academic year, exclusive of summer session. Faculty shall be paid overload credits taught in excess of thirty (30) unless the Vice President of Academic and Student Affairs determines program low enrollment or institutional financial exigency. Load considerations may include such factors as number of class preparations, number of advisees, committee assignments, special projects, and other factors. Auto and Diesel Technology faculty shall teach thirty (30) contact hours/week for regular load. Faculty with half-time (1/2) contracts, other than Adult Farm Management, will teach 14-16 credits per academic year. For load calculation purposes and overload part-time pay, each 1 credit laboratory (3 contact hours) will count as 1.5 credits. (ex. Faculty member teaches BIOL 150/151 they count as 4.5 credits.) For additional information see also Faculty Load Policy, page 8 of Salary Administration Policy. (Chapter 400.35).
  6. Schedule Change Request:
    If an instructor wishes to change any information on the term schedule after the term schedule has been finalized (such as the time or day a class meets, or the location of a class) a “Schedule Change Request” form must be completed and submitted to the Instructional Services Office.
  7. Administrative Withdrawal:
    1. An instructor may initiate an administrative withdrawal procedure to remove a student from a class due to non-attendance. See ‘Attendance Policy’ in the College Catalog and Student Handbook/Calendar.
    2. The Request for Administrative Withdrawal form should be completed and submitted to the Registrar’s Office on or before the last day the student may drop the class.
    3. The student has the right to appeal the instructor’s action to the Curriculum and Academic Standards Committee of the Faculty Senate.
  8. Dual Credit and Hometown University:
    This policy outlines the College’s procedures for the administration, instruction, and delivery of these courses. (See Chapter 900.10)
  9. Student Rights:
    Faculty members are required to familiarize themselves with the rights of students established by federal and state laws, North Dakota University System of Higher Education policies, and College Policies and procedures (See Chapter 800.: Student Affairs.)
  10. Faculty Oaths:
    Section 610 of the North Dakota State Board of Higher Education Policy Manual states: “Every member of the academic staff at university system institutions, before entering upon the discharge of their duties, shall execute the oath or affirmation required by N.D.C.C. §15-37-02. The oath shall be executed in duplicate and one copy shall be filed at the institution and one copy given to the academic staff member.


Administrative Council Approved 700.07 (5) 10/29/02
Administrative Council Approved 700.07 (5, a)

All field trips must be requested by the instructor using a Field Trip Information Request form and approved by the Vice President of Academic and Student Affairs and the President before said trip is finalized. Applications for field trips must be made no later than five (5) days before the trip is made. Only field trips that have definite instructional value will be given consideration.


Administrative Council Approved Update 12/21/15

Faculty shall be evaluated utilizing three (3) components:

  1. Supervisor evaluation
  2. Student evaluation
  3. Classroom observations

The evaluations are intended to be used as instruments for improvements of instruction. The Vice President of Academic and Student Affairs may use the evaluation for salary promotions and/or retention. These evaluations will also be available to the Faculty Senate Tenure Committee as provided for under the Institutional Tenure Guidelines (See Article 700.13).

  1. Faculty Evaluations
    1. A supervisory evaluation will be conducted each year when a classroom observation evaluation is not scheduled.
    2. A Class Observation Evaluation will be used as the standard evaluation instrument with the following frequency*
      1. Year 1: One evaluation in fall, one evaluation in spring.
      2. Year 2, 4, and 6: One evaluation during the school year.
      3. Year 7 and beyond: One evaluation every three years.
      4. Part-time faculty evaluations will be conducted following the same schedule as above (i.-iii.) for full-time faculty.
        *Additional evaluation may be conducted upon the instructor’s request or at the discretion of the administration in the case of non-tenured faculty.
    3. One (1) calendar weeks’ notice shall be given to the instructor prior to any class observation evaluation.
    4. Within one (1) week, the supervisor will meet with the faculty member to review the class observation evaluation. Upon completion of the review, the faculty member will sign the evaluation and be given an opportunity to make comments or observations of their own.
    5. If the instructor disagrees with the supervisor’s evaluation or the class observation evaluation, an evaluation by the President may be requested. This second evaluation by the President shall also be included in the faculty member’s file.
  2. Student Evaluations
    1. Frequency*
      1. Non-Tenured Faculty: One class each semester
      2. Tenured Faculty: One class each year.
      3. Part-time Faculty: One class each semester.
        *Additional student evaluations may be conducted upon instructor’s request or at the discretion of the administration in the case of non-tenured faculty.
    2. A Student Opinion of Teaching Effectiveness form will be the standard evaluation instrument.
    3. Forms will be distributed and returned to the Vice President of Academic and Student Affairs Office by a designated student in each class.
    4. Forms will be tabulated by summarizing both the numerical and written responses. The summary will be returned to the instructor.


Administrative Council Approved 700.09 (2) 08/31/99
Administrative Council Approved 700.09 (2) 05/02/01      
Administrative Council Approved 700.09 (2) 09/10/02
Administrative Council Approved 700.09 (2) 10/29/02
Administrative Council Approved 700.09 (2) 12/18/12
Administrative Council Approved 700.09(1, b,c,d,e and 2,a,i) 12/21/15

Faculty records will be maintained in accordance with the open records provisions of the North Dakota Century Code. Faculty members may request a review of their personnel folders according to state law provisions. Faculty personnel files including contracts, supervisory evaluations, and class observation reports are maintained in the Administrative Services Office with the exception of student evaluations, which are on file in the Academic Affairs Office. Faculty tenure portfolios are maintained by the faculty.


Administrative Council Approved Update 12/21/15

  1. Program: The Professional Growth Committee of the Faculty Senate shall establish and maintain an ongoing Faculty Development Program. The program shall be subject to approval by the President. The program shall be monitored and records of activities shall be maintained by the Professional Growth Committee.
  2. Growth Plan: Each Faculty Senate member shall submit an annual plan for professional growth. This plan shall contain an analysis of knowledge, skills, and competencies to be acquired during the year. This plan shall also contain a list of activities to be engaged in order to achieve these goals. See Faculty Professional Growth Plan Form.
  3. Funding to support additional professional growth activities will be allocated by the Professional Growth Committee on the basis of priorities established by the Committee (See Faculty Senate Professional Growth Committee Guidelines in Article 700.11.01). Faculty requesting funds must submit the Application for Professional Development Funds.
  4. At the Professional Growth Committee’s December meeting, the chairperson will calculate the remaining unallocated funds available. The committee will then consider applications for faculty who didn’t submit a growth plan by the specified deadline. Any remaining unallocated funds will be made available. Applications previously rejected due to submitting a late growth plan will be reconsidered.


Administrative Council Approved 07/14/09
Administrative Council Approved 700.11 (4)

  1. The Professional Growth Plan is to be separate from the Faculty Evaluation Program.
  2. The intent of the Professional Growth Committee will be to promote professional development for improvement in each faculty member’s teaching ability, knowledge, and skills. Unless otherwise directed by the President the yearly funds distributed to the Professional Growth Committee will be calculated by multiplying the number of Faculty Senate members times four hundred and fifty dollars ($450).
  3. Each member of the Faculty Senate must submit a Professional Growth Plan by the last Friday in September or upon application for funds, whichever is first, to the Chair of the Professional Growth Committee.
  4. Each member may apply for a maximum of $4,000 over a two-year period. (The two-year period begins fall, odd numbered years).
  5. The funding request must support the individual’s Professional Growth Plan, or a revised plan may be required. Upon completion of the funded activity, the recipient will share new knowledge with their colleagues.
  6. Application for funds must be accompanied by an approved Request for Absence from Campus from before consideration.
  7. Faculty will do a presentation during the fall in-service of the academic year following the year in which funds were used. The Professional Growth Committee will present a final aggregate report to the Faculty Senate and Administration at the May Faculty Senate Meeting. The Lake Region State College Professional Growth Plan shall be monitored and records maintained by the Professional Growth Committee.


Administrative Council Approved 11/20/02
Administrative Council Approved 700.11.01 (5) 02/04/03
Administrative Council Approved 700.11.01 (2) 03/12/15
Administrative Council Approved 700.11.01 (4, 7) 12/21/15
Administrative Council Approved 700.11.01 (4) 11/08/21

All permanent faculty may be allowed release time from their regular duties for the purpose of enrolling in up to three (3) academic classes per calendar year at any state institution of higher learning subject to the following:

  1. The faculty member must obtain an Employee Tuition Waiver Request form from the Administrative Services Office.
  2. Approval must be obtained from the Vice President of Academic and Student Affairs.
  3. The signed Tuition Waver form is then submitted by a specified deadline at the state institution where the faculty member is requesting to enroll.


  1. Statement of Regulation: The North Dakota University System of Higher Education retains unto itself final and absolute authority to grant tenure. To assist in this decision, the Board takes into consideration recommendations of the Lake Region State College faculty and endorsement of the President.
  2. Consideration for Tenure Status: To qualify for Consideration of tenure a faculty member must:
    1. Complete six (6) years of probationary service to the College
    2. Be recommended for tenure by the Lake Region State College Faculty Senate Tenure Committee.
    3. Receive the endorsement of the President of Lake Region State College.
  3. Credit for Previous Professional Experience: An individual with previous teaching experience may, at the discretion of the College, be given tenure credit not to exceed three (3) years. Such credit will be regarded as service to the College for the purpose of this policy. The decision to award credit for previous teaching experience shall be made in writing by the President at the time of the original employment by completing the Salary Determination Form.
  4. Tenure Committee: The Faculty Senate Tenure Committee shall consist of five (5) members with tenure status as determined by the Faculty Senate Constitution (See Chapter 1400.02)
  5. Tenure-Granting Procedures
    1. In September of each academic year the President shall notify those persons who are eligible for tenure and submit these names to the Faculty Senate Tenure Committee for consideration.
    2. It is the tenure applicant’s responsibility to develop and present an application portfolio to the Faculty Senate Tenure Committee.
    3. The Faculty Senate Tenure Committee may ask the tenure applicant to supplement materials when appropriate, may request a meeting with the Vice President of Academic and Student Affairs, and may take other reasonable steps to assure it has an adequate basis from which to make its recommendation.
    4. The Faculty Senate Tenure Committee may have access to the individual’s master personnel file if the tenure applicant provides the Committee with written permission to review his/her master personnel file.
    5. The Faculty Senate Tenure Committee shall vote on each case individually.
    6. The Faculty Senate Tenure Committee shall report its final determination, in writing, to each tenure applicant and to the President.
    7. The President will present those candidates who qualify for consideration to the NDUS Vice Chancellor of Academic and Student Affairs for action.
    8. The President of Lake Region State College shall inform each applicant of the Board’s final decision.
  6. Tenure Application Process
    1. The faculty member who is eligible for consideration of the tenure will complete and present an application portfolio to the Faculty Senate Tenure Committee by November, 15. Failure to prepare the application portfolio shall be interpreted as a disinterest in tenure.
    2. Contents of the application portfolio
      1. A letter of application supporting the request for tenure and evaluation data which would include:
        1. Student evaluations
        2. Evaluation reports for the past five (5) years prepared by the Vice President of Academic and Student Affairs or the Vice President’s designee
        3. Any reaction from the applicant to these evaluations
      2. Current transcripts and documentation of any additional courses, workshops, or seminars.
      3. A minimum of four letters of recommendation which would include letters from:
        1. The Vice President of Academic and Student Affairs
        2. A peer from within the applicant’s division
        3. A peer from outside the applicant’s division
      4. Such other materials as the applicant may desire to include.
  7. Evaluation Criteria Used by Tenure Committee:
    1. Teaching effectiveness, as demonstrated by such things as student and faculty evaluations, development and use of teaching materials, examinations and course outlines.
    2. Fulfillment of professional responsibilities, as demonstrated by such things as involvement with student advisees; serving on division, college and system-wide committees/councils; and membership and service to professional organizations.
    3. Mastery of the subject matter in discipline, as demonstrated by such things as honors, awards, and publications in subject matter and addresses and presentations of scholarly papers and exhibits.
    4. Continuing scholarly growth, as demonstrated by such things as fellowships, original research, and additional college credits. Candidates teaching in the academic discipline must have earned a Master’s Degree. Candidates teaching in the career and technical areas must have earned a Bachelor’s Degree.
    5. Contributions to the College and the community, as demonstrated by such things as exhibits and performances which bring positive recognition to the College, involvement in co-curricular activities, participation in department and community activities, and participation on student recruitment.
  8. Appeal of Tenure Decision:
    1. In the event that a Faculty Senate Tenure Committee decides not to recommend tenure, the applicant may appeal the Committee’s decision before the full Faculty Senate.
    2. In the event that the President determines that the applicant will not receive the President’s endorsement, the applicant may appeal the President’s decision following the Institutional grievance procedure.
  9. Faculty Procedure to Change Tenure Track Positions:
    1. The Tenure Committee will conduct a post-tenure review of all faculty during the third year after their initial awarding of tenured status and at least every five years thereafter.
    2. In September of the relevant academic year, the Academic Affairs office shall notify the faculty member and the Tenure Committee of the required post-tenure review. 
    3. By November 15th, the faculty member must submit a portfolio of updates since their last tenure review with the following:

i.  Student evaluations and supervisory evaluations
ii.  All classroom observation reports
iii. Any professional development attended, certifications issued, academic coursework completed, and/or credentials earned
iv.  Any honors, awards, publications, research performed and/or leadership positions held
v.  Any memberships and/or service to professional organizations
vi. Contributions to the college and community through involvement with community spirited organizations, co-curricular activities, campus committee assignments, and/or student clubs

d. The Tenure Committee will review the portfolio of updates and prepare a letter to the VP for Academic Affairs indicating if the faculty member is meeting the expectations of teaching effectiveness, continued scholarly growth, and ongoing service to the college and community (as described in Section 7 above). The Tenure Committee may request additional information if needed for clarification. 

e. The VP for Academic Affairs will forward a letter to the President indicating if the tenured faculty member is meeting or exceeding expectations and shall identify any areas in need of improvement.    

  10. Faculty Procedure to Change Tenure Track Positions:

  1.     In the event that a faculty member requests consideration to change from non-tenure to tenure track status the following criteria for eligibility must first be met:
    i.    The faculty member has been a full-time Lake Region State College faculty member for five (5) consecutive contract years. This application can be submitted during the fifth contract year.
    ii.    The faculty member is not a member of a low enrollment program for the previous two (2) years.
  2.     A faculty member with this five (5) years Lake Region State College teaching experience, may be given no more than three years tenure credit.
  3.     The faculty member who meets the eligibility requirements shall appear and present the written justification no later than the February Faculty Senate Tenure Committee meeting. The written request shall provide evidence of teaching effectiveness, fulfillment of professional responsibilities, mastery of subject matter in the discipline, and the scholarly growth by the completion of a Master’s Degree in the academic discipline or a Bachelor’s Degree in the career and technical disciplines.
  4.    The Tenure Committee shall forward their recommendation in a letter to the Vice President of Academic and Student Affairs within ten (10) business days. If the Tenure Committee decides against a positive recommendation, the faculty member may appeal the decision to the full Faculty Senate at the next Faculty Senate meeting.
  5.    The Vice President of Academic and Student Affairs shall prepare a letter of recommendation to the President within ten (10) business days.
  6.   The President shall forward a letter of decision to the faculty member and the Tenure Committee by the first business day in May.



Executive Dean Approved 700.13 (8) 06/01/88
Administrative Council Approved 700.13 (8) 12/18/12
Administrative Council Approved 700.13 (9) 12/18/12
Administrative Council Approved Updates to (5g, 7d, 9c) 04/21/16
Administrative Council Approved Updates to (9) 2/10/2025

  1. Policy: Lake Region State College shall establish a system of faculty rank.
  2. Statement of Purpose: The purpose of faculty rank at Lake Region State College is to acknowledge and reward members of the faculty for professional competence and service to the institution. Procedures and criteria for the attainment and advancement of rank have been established to assure that quality performance is rewarded and recognized. Faculty members will retain their rank/status after moving into a professional staff status.
  3. Definitions of Faculty Rank:
    1. Instructor - Full-time, tenure and non-tenure track.
    2. Assistant Professor - Full-time, tenure and non-tenure track faculty.
    3. Associate Professor - Full-time, tenured and non-tenure track faculty.
    4. Professor - Full-time, tenured faculty member who has successfully met the criteria for professorship and been awarded this rank by the President.
  4. Tenure Committee: If one of the members of the Tenure Committee wishes to apply for promotion, the President of the Faculty Senate shall appoint a substitute committee member.
  5. Application Procedure for Assistant Professorship: Applicants for an assistant professorship teaching in an academic discipline shall possess a master’s degree. Applicants for assistant professorship teaching in a CTE discipline should possess a bachelor’s degree plus CTE certification. By January 1, the candidate for promotion to the rank of Assistant Professor will present a letter of application to the Tenure Committee with a portfolio of the following documents:
    1. Evidence of at least three (3) years of service in the rank of instructor at Lake Region State College.
    2. Evidence of quality instruction, e.g., student evaluations, course development, instructional material and development and professional activity in teaching methods, two recommendations (the first recommendation from a LRSC faculty and the second recommendation may be from any of the following – LRSC staff member, advisory board member, NDUS colleague).
    3. Evidence of professional growth and achievement, e.g., professional organizations and activities, research, workshops attended and given, and works published.
    4. Evidence of college and community service, e.g., activities and volunteer efforts which results in positive recognition for the faculty member and the College.
  6. Application Procedure for Associate Professorship: Applicants for associate professorship teaching in an academic discipline shall possess a master’s degree. Applicants for associate professorship teaching in a CTE discipline shall possess a bachelor’s degree plus CTE certification. By January 1, the candidate for promotion to the rank of the Associate Professor will present a letter of application to the Tenure Committee with a portfolio of the following documents:
    1. Evidence of three (3) years of service in the rank of Assistant Professor at Lake Region State College.
    2. Evidence of quality instruction, e.g., student evaluations, course development, instructional materials development and professional activity in teaching methods, two recommendations (the first recommendation from a LRSC faculty and the second recommendation may be from any of the following – LRSC staff member, advisory board member, NDUS colleague).
    3. Evidence of professional growth and achievement, e.g., professional organizations and activities, research, workshops attended and given, and works published.
    4. Evidence of college and community service, e.g., activities and volunteer efforts which results in positive recognition for the faculty member at the college.
  7. Application Procedure for Professorship: Applicants for full professorship teaching in an academic discipline shall possess a master’s degree plus twelve graduate semester hours. Applicants for professorship teaching in a CTE discipline should ordinarily possess a master’s degree plus CTE certification. By January 1, the candidate for promotion to the rank of professor will present a letter of application to the Tenure Committee with a portfolio of the following documents:
    1. Evidence of three (3) years of service in the rank of Associate Professor at Lake Region State College.
    2. Evidence of quality instruction, e.g., student evaluations, course development, instructional materials development and professional activity in teaching methods, two recommendations (the first recommendation from a LRSC faculty and the second recommendation may be from any of the following – LRSC staff member, advisory board member, NDUS colleague)
    3. Evidence of professional growth and achievement, e.g., professional organizations and activities, research, workshops attended and given, and works published.
    4. Evidence of college and community service, e.g., activities and volunteer efforts which results in positive recognition for the faculty member and the College.
  8. Evaluation and Review Procedure:
    1. The chairperson of the Tenure Committee shall convene the committee for examination of the portfolio. The Vice President of Academic and Student Affairs shall provide the committee with documentation of the applicant’s teaching effectiveness and other data as appropriate.
    2. The committee shall make a determination by majority vote as to whether the candidate fulfills the criteria for promotion. In the event that the Tenure Committee decides not to recommend promotion, the applicant may appeal the committee’s decision before the full Faculty Senate.
    3. Upon the approval of the Tenure Committee or the full Faculty Senate, the Tenure Committee shall forward the results to the Vice President of Academic and Student Affairs. In the event that the Vice President of Academic and Student Affairs decides not to recommend the candidate may appeal the decision before the President.
    4. If the President supports the recommendation for promotion, the rank will then be awarded.
    5. In the event the President determines that the applicant will not receive promotion, the applicant may appeal the President’s decision following the Institutional grievance procedure.


Executive Dean Approved 12/01/93
Administrative Council Approved 700.14 (3. c. and 6.) 05/11/15
Administrative Council Approved 700.14 (2)
Administrative Council Approved 700.14 (6)
Administrative Council Approved 700.14 (4, 8c) 04/21/16
Administrative Council Approved 700.14 12/3/2018

  1. Legal holidays shall be observed on New Year’s Day, Martin Luther King Day, President’s Day, Good Friday, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Veteran’s Day, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day, and every day appointed by the President of the United States or by the Governor of the State for a public holiday.
  2. If such holiday falls on a Saturday, the preceding Friday shall be the holiday, or if the holiday fall on Sunday, the Monday following shall be the holiday.


  1. Faculty is expected to meet with classes on time as scheduled.
  2. When a faculty member cannot meet a class, it is his/her responsibility to notify the Vice President of Academic and Student Affairs and to make appropriate arrangements. In the event the Vice President of Academic and Student Affairs is unavailable, the President should be notified. In no case are faculty members to cancel on their own initiative. It is fully expected that College instructors will have occasions when they must attend professional meeting or clinics which will necessitate absence from class. Instructors shall plan their work in advance so that library assignments, student-directed discussion groups, panel, etc., take place during their absence. Whenever a classroom is being used by students under the above circumstances, an instructor should be available to informally supervise the activity. The office staff is available to administer tests during such absences, and often times a fellow faculty member will substitute for the occasion. Whenever an instructor is ill, the Vice President of Academic and Student Affairs should be notified immediately. If possible, directions for class work should be given. Class cancellations due to inclement weather shall be authorized by the President and announced through local radio stations.
  3. Sick Leave:
    1. Sick leave, including maternity, is a benefit granted by the institution to faculty. It is an insurance benefit allowing faculty members to build a reserve of days they can use for their extended illness. Sick leave may be used by a faculty when:
      1. The faculty member is ill or injured and is unable to work.
      2. The faculty member has an appointment for the diagnosis or treatment of a medically related condition.
      3. The faculty member who wishes to attend to the needs of an eligible family member who is ill or to assist them in obtaining other services related to their health or well-being. Eligible family members include the faculty’s spouse, parent (natural, adoptive, foster, and step-parent); child (natural, adoptive foster, and step-child); or any other family member who is financially or legally dependent upon the faculty member or who resides with the faculty for the purpose of the faculty providing care to the family members. Sick leave used for these purposes shall not exceed eighty hours per calendar year, except that with the concurrence of the appropriate administrative office, an employee may take up to an additional ten percent of the employee’s accrued sick leave to care for an eligible family member who has a serious health condition. The calculation of this additional amount which is available to be taken by an employee is based upon the sick leave balance of the employee at the time of approval.
    2. Faculty members who use sick leave are responsible for informing their supervisors prior to the start of their scheduled work period. The next working day returning faculty members will complete an “Employee Leave From” indicating personal or dependent sick leave. Missing a scheduled class due to faculty or dependent illness must be taken on a minimum of half-day (4 or 8 hour increments) basis. A faculty member taking more than five (5) consecutive days of sick leave during any year may be required to submit satisfactory medical verification to the Vice President of Academic and Student Affairs when deemed necessary. Benefited faculty with a summer contract will accumulate one (1) day of sick leave per four (4) weeks of employment.
    3. Sick leave is granted on the basis of continuous service from date of employment for full-time and half-time faculty. Sick leave for full-time faculty is granted on the basis of ten (10) days per academic year of service. Sick leave for half-time or more faculty is granted on a basis of five (5) days per academic years of service.
    4. A faculty member with at least ten (10) continuous years of state employment, who leaves the employ of the state, is entitled to a lump-sum payment equal to one-tenth of the pay attributed to the faculty’s unused sick leave accrued. The pay attributed to the accumulated, unused sick leave must be computed on the basis of the faculty member’s salary or wage ate the time the faculty leaves the employ of the state.
    5. At the discretion of the Vice President of Academic and Student Affairs, a faculty member may be granted sick leave in advance of the accumulation thereof. If a faculty member terminates employment, any sick leave taken in advance of accumulation shall be deducted from the faculty’s last paycheck. Accrued sick leave is transferable to any state agency if transferable sick leave is recognized by that agency or institution.
    6. Current full-time Lake Region State College faculty employed at the time that this policy take effect July 1, 2003 shall be granted accumulated sick leave of eight (8) days per academic year of employment at Lake Region State College. Current half-time Lake Region State College faculty shall be granted accumulated sick leave of four (4) days per academic year of employment at Lake Region State College. There is a no limit to the number of sick leave days that a faculty member may accrue.
    7. This sick leave policy does not impact any personal or bereavement leave.
    8. LRSC faculty have the option to donate sick leave to the other LRSC faculty subject to the same rules currently in place for LRSC staff.
  4. Personal Leave: When a full-time (9, 10 or 11 month) faculty senate member needs to be away from campus and miss class for reasons not covered by 700.16 (2), Sick Leave or 700.16 (5), Leave of Absence. Each faculty member may be granted up to two days of personal leave per academic year. For every 10 years completed full-time service the faculty will get one additional personal day, however not more than four days of personal leave will be allowed during any one academic year. Faculty requesting personal leave must complete the Employee Leave form and get the Vice President of Academic Affairs signature at least five (5) days prior to the date of their leave (when possible). Instructors shall plan their work in advance so that library assignments, student-directed discussion groups, panel, assignments posted to Lake Region State College’s Learning Management System etc., take place during their absence. Personal leave may be used in half-day and full-day increments only and not more than two days of any individual course may be missed per semester by using leave under this policy. Generally, personal leave will not be approved to extend calendar breaks (i.e. Thanksgiving, Easter, spring break, etc.) or for use during faculty in-service. Personal leave does not accrue and days may not be banked for use in future years. The days would be monitored and recorded by the Academic Affairs Office and would not have cash value at contract termination.
  5. Leaves of Absences: All faculty leave requests shall be submitted to the Vice President of Academic and Student Affairs using the Absence from Campus and Travel Authorization Request form Approval for each type of leave shall follow procedures outlined herein.
    1. Developmental Leave: Upon recommendation from the President and approval by the University System of Higher Education, a member of the faculty who has served the institution at least six (6) years may be granted a developmental leave for re-training and /or professional development providing institutional resources are available and the workload is absorbed within the existing staff resources allocations. Prior to the leave being granted, a written proposal on the planned use of the leave must be presented identifying the activities to be carried forth with the useful contributions to be developed for the benefit to the Institution, to the State and to the individual. The proposal shall also include detail of the institutional source of funds for the stipend and an agreement signed by the individual to return to the system upon completion of the leave for a period of time at least equal to the leave time or to refund the Institution’s stipend payment.
      1. Developmental leave salary may be supplemented with non-institutional grants and /or aids which may bring the total stipend to an amount equal to but not to exceed the budgeted salary for the leave period.
      2. Grants providing for extensive travel expenses incurred during the leave shall not be considered a part of the total salary.
      3. Developmental leave may not exceed twelve (12) months, and the College stipend my not exceed fifty percent (50%) of annual salary.
    2. Leave of Absence: Under certain conditions a leave of absence shall be granted to an instructor for the purpose of advancing ones education or to upgrade trade competency. Re-employment the year following the leave of absence may, under certain circumstances, be granted with no guarantee for re-employment.
    3. Jury Duty: An employee shall be allowed leave with pay for jury or other legal duty when subpoenaed for such service. Any compensation received for such duty may be retained by the employee.
    4. Military Leave: Annual leave for military training at full pay is permitted for up to twenty (20) working days.
    5. Honor Guard Leave - Honor guard leave is an approved absence from work, with pay, of up to twenty-four working hours per calendar year for an employee to participate in an honor guard for a funeral service of a veteran. Honor guard means an individual with an essential ceremonial role in the funeral service of a veteran. An essential ceremonial role includes being a member of the flag bearers, a member of the flag folding team, a member of the firing party, the bugler, or the honor guard captain.  Honor Guard leave is not considered annual or sick leave.  The leave may be granted even if the absence interferes with the normal operations of the institution.
    6. Institution Closures - An institution or part of an institution may be closed due to severe weather or other reason justifying closure.
      1. The institution president or officer delegated authority by the president has authority to close the institution. The action shall be communicated to employees, students and other interested persons through local media or other reasonable means.
      2. When the institution remains open, employees unable to report to work shall notify their supervisor and take annual leave or leave without pay.
    7. Funeral Leave - An approved absence from work, with pay, of up to twenty-four working hours, may be provided to an employee to attend or make arrangements for a funeral, as a result of a death in the employee's family, or in the family of an employee's spouse.
      1. Family means husband, wife, son, daughter, father, mother, stepparents, brother, sister, grandparents, grandchildren, stepchildren, foster parents, foster children, brother-in-law, sister-in-law, daughter-in-law, and son-in-law.


Administrative Council Approved 700.16 (3) 12/20/12
Administrative Council Approved 700.16 (3) Council 12/20/12
Administrative Council Approved 700.16 (3) 05/05/03
Administrative Council Approved 700.16 (4) 12/09/13
Administrative Council Approved 700.16 (5) 04/01/09
Administrative Council Approved 700.16 (3, b) 02/10/15
Administrative Council Approved 700.16 (3,4) 03/12/15
Administrative Council Approved 700.16 (e, f, g) 4/21/16

  1. All faculty travel shall be approved in advance by the Vice President of Academic and Student Affairs.
  2. The Travel Authorization Request form shall be used for recording all travel requests and approval thereof.
  3. Reimbursement for official travel shall follow guidelines laid down by the College (See Chapter 400.06 Travel Policy)


Administrative Council Approved 700.17 (1) 08/21/01
Administrative Council Approved 700.17 (2) 04/21/16

  1. Lake Region State College shall foster a free and open academic community for faculty members, students, and all other employees who engage in scholarly work.
  2. Academic freedom is the freedom, without institutional, political, or other outside pressure or restraint, to explore any avenues of scholarship, research, and creative expression, and to speak or write on matters of public concern, as well as on matters related to professional duties and the functioning of the NDUS and the institution. Faculty are entitled the freedom in designing and teaching their assigned courses. Faculty members shall be free to involve interested students or other professionals in their scholarship or research and pursue funding from internal or external sources to support it. Essential to this principle is the toleration of the conflict of ideas and the opportunity for the expression of diverse points of view. Faculty members and other NDUS employees who engage in scholarly work shall be subject to the full protections of speech and expression accorded to students under SBHE Policy 503.1 and 503.3.
  3. Academic responsibility implies the faithful performance of professional duties and obligations, the recognition of the demands of the scholarly enterprise, and the candor to make clear that when one is speaking on matters of public interest, one is not speaking for the NDUS or any of its institutions. In pursuing scholarly work, faculty and NDUS employees acknowledge the importance of intellectual integrity, accuracy of research and publication, and upholding the principles governing the free and open exchange of ideas, even where those ideas conflict.
  4. Faculty at institutions under the control of the SBHE shall generally adhere to the 1940 Statement of Principles on Academic Freedom and Tenure with 1970 Interpretive Comments adopted by the American Association of University Professors, which provides that “Teachers are entitled freedom in the classroom in discussing their subject, but they should be careful not to introduce into their teaching controversial matter which has no relation to their subject.” As a result, no faculty member may face adverse employment action for classroom speech unless the speech is not reasonably germane to the subject matter of the class as broadly construed and comprises a substantial portion of classroom instruction. As a general rule, faculty shall not face discipline or adverse employment action based on classroom speech unless such speech violates other institutional policies or procedures. Institutions may provide additional protections for classroom speech and the speech of faculty in instruction-related activities, such as office hours, mentoring, advising, or other situations.

Adopted 08/16/19
Administrative Council Approved 06/30/21

After a member of the faculty has signed a contract agreeing to its terms for the ensuing academic year, the faculty member and the College should expect to plan accordingly. A member of the faculty may request a release from the contract through the following procedure:

  1. A letter of resignation shall be submitted to the President through the Vice President of Academic and Student Affairs.
  2. Only under exceptional circumstances, and where a suitable replacement can be found, will such requests be considered after July 1st or after the faculty has signed the contract whichever come later. A faculty member has thirty days to sign a contract after its issuance.


The following is the “means by which faculty participation will be provided in resolving the following questions in cases where termination of tenured faculty is necessary” per Section 605.E2, a. b. c. of the North Dakota State Board of Higher Education Policy Manual:

  1. Prior to the decision to terminate tenured faculty, the President shall meet with the Faculty Senate during the fall semester to demonstrate the need for the action.
  2. The administrative proposal for reduction recommendation will then be forwarded to the Curriculum and Academic Standards Committee for study and then presented to the Faculty Senate for its recommendation. If the President does not concur with the Faculty Senate recommendations, the President has the authority to recommend a particular course of action. The President will first meet with the Faculty Senate to seek mutual understanding and support for the recommended proposal. If agreement cannot be reached and the President wishes to proceed, it will be necessary that the specific recommendations and justifications are prepared in writing and given to each member of the Faculty Senate. Examples of factors that may be considered are enrollment trends, size of department, and whether or not there are other departments in the state system of higher education.
  3. After an individual department has been selected for a reduction in personnel, it shall be the responsibility of the Faculty Senate working in concert with the Vice President of Academic and Student Affairs to recommend to the President which appointment(s) will be terminated. Significant points to be considered are length of service and tenure status of faculty members within any affected unit or program area. Other factors to be considered, and which may be conclusive, include curriculum requirements, professional achievement, breath of competence, and equal employment opportunity. If desired, the faculty member(s) can apply for a review of this action as provided in the Board policy.


  1. No member of the professional staff shall be privileged to use the time or the facilities or the College for the personal gain or profit other than the salary which is received from the State for professional services. Included among the restricted activities are consulting, fabrication, printing, and work for pay during normal work hours.
  2. No faculty, staff, facilities, or equipment shall be used for other than institutional purposes unless payment is made on the same basis as charged to commercial concerns or other outside groups or persons.
  3. Faculty and Staff may engage in consulting activities so long as the work is of a purely professional nature and does not in any way interfere with the duties of the individual concerned.
  4. Permission to engage in consulting practice is obtained in advance from the appropriate administrative officer. (See NDUS Policy Manual 611.4)
  5. A faculty member who receives grant monies from external sources for the purposes of producing scholarly research may on his/her own time outside from normal work hours use the facilities and equipment of the College for those purposes so long as the research is of a professional and scholarly nature and does not interfere with the duties of the individual concerned. The College may collect a fee of up to but not to exceed ten percent (10%) of the total grant monies received by the faculty member as compensation for the use of such facilities and equipment in accordance with an agreement to be arranged by consultation between the faculty member and the President before the research project itself is begun. A faculty member may use College facilities and equipment to prepare and submit grant applications to external sources free of charge.


Administrative Council Approved 01/25/00

  1. Definition of “grievance”
    “GRIEVANCE” means: an allegation of a violation of a specific Board or institutional policy, procedure or practice pertaining to the employment relationship. This includes the terms of the grievant’s employment contract and this policy. The discretionary actions of salary adjustments and performance evaluations may not be grieved, except to determine:
    1. Whether the discretionary action was made in accordance with relevant Board or institutional policies, practices, procedures, or criteria.
    2. Whether the action constitutes clear abuse of discretion. Complaints involving any matters covered under NDUS Policy Manual Sections 605.3 or 605.4 are not grievances under this policy.
  2. Grievances cannot be filed against written Board and institutional policies per se.
    1. Purpose: It is the policy of Lake Region State College that all faculty of the college are provided specific and equitable procedures which afford due process for resolving grievances.
    2. Application: This policy only applies to faculty as defined in section 605.1 (NDUS Policy Manual). It does not apply to classified staff or to administrators or coaches.
  3. The Informal Process:
    Faculty have the right to present grievances to their supervisors and are assured academic freedom, freedom from discrimination, coercion, restraint or reprisal in presenting grievances. If the concern is not resolved informally, the faculty member has the right to file a formal written grievance or attempt to resolve though mediations. All references to work days shall be to actual days worked at the normal work site by the person required to respond. The purpose of the informal procedure is to require the parties involved in a grievance to attempt to resolve the problem themselves through the following steps:
    1. The faculty member should attempt to discuss the complaint with the person who appears to be the source of the grievance (the respondent).
    2. If the problem is not resolved at the first step, the faculty member should take the complaint to the respondent’s supervisor.
    3. If the problem is not resolved to the satisfaction of the faculty member through the informal process with the Vice President of the Academic and Student Affairs, then the faculty member may enter the Formal Grievance Process by filing a written grievance for a hearing within 20 working days of the initiation of the informal process.
  4. The Formal Process:
    1. A faculty employee shall explain in writing the grievance to the Vice President of Academic and Student Affairs. A copy of each step should be submitted to the Personnel Director who shall keep official records of the progress of a grievance regarding specific time limits. The written grievance will include the cause of the grievance and provide a suggested remedy. A formal written grievance must be brought within five (5) working days after the Informal Grievance Process has been exhausted. The Vice President of Academic and Student Affairs shall reach a decision and communicate it in writing to the faculty employee within ten (10) working days of their receipt of the written grievance. Every effort should be made to settle grievances at this stage.
    2. If the grievance is not settled in step one of the Formal Process, the faculty employee shall file an appeal to the Faculty Rights Committee within five (5) working days of the receipt of the Vice President of Academic and Student Affairs decision. The Faculty Rights Committee shall hold a hearing with the persons concerned in the grievance within ten (10) working days. The Faculty Rights Committee shall determine whether the grievance has merit, deciding whether to accept or reject the proposed remedy of the faculty employee. The Faculty Rights Committee may prescribe alternative remedies to otherwise resolve the grievance. Within five (5) working days after completion of the hearing, the Faculty Rights Committee shall present its written decision to the Vice President of Academic and Student Affairs, the employee, and the institution’s President.
    3. If the grievance is not settled in either of the above steps of the Formal Process, the faculty employee or the Vice President of Academic and Student Affairs, within five (5) working days after receiving all information on the grievance, the President shall provide a written decision. The President’s decision shall be final. Any disposition which is not appealed by the faculty employee within the time allowed at each level shall be considered settled and binding on the employee.


Administrative Council Approved 05/05/03

The purpose of the Program Review is to assess the strengths of each program examined and to discover areas for growth and improvement. The Program Review Report will be used by the Administrative Council to determine if a program/degree will be continued, restructured or discontinued as part of the Lake Region’s curricula.

  1. Year 1:
    1. In years ending with 3, 6, and 9 (for example: 2016, 2019 and 2023) The Vice President of Academic and Student Affairs, in collaboration with the President of the Faculty Senate, shall - at the First Faculty Senate meeting of the academic year - appoint a committee comprised of faculty members representing the Instructional Divisions (Business, Trade & Technical and Academic), and ex officio members: Vice President of Academic and Student Affairs, the current Faculty Senate President and one staff member to implement the Program Review Process utilizing the measures developed by the Program Review Committee in 2001-2002 and to prepare a Program Review Report.
    2. Each Program Review Report shall address the extent to which the program has successfully dealt with the concerns of a preceding Program Review and/or vocational evaluation.
    3. Program Review Reports will be completed and submitted Faculty Senate and to the Administrative Council by February 1 for evaluation.
    4. By March 30, the Administrative Council shall present to the Faculty Senate the program evaluation results and recommendations. The Council shall notify programs if they are under review for restructuring and/or possible program closure and outline the improvements or progress that is desired.
  2. Year 2:
    1. During the summer and academic year following a Program Review, all notified programs shall take measures to improve in stated areas of concern and to carry out recommendations for improvement. At the end of this academic year, only the programs under review for possible closure and low enrollment programs shall complete a Program Review Follow-Up Report and submit it to the Faculty Senate and to the Administrative Council by April 15.
    2. At the May Faculty Senate meeting the Administrative Council shall present to the Faculty Senate its decisions and actions taken in response to the Program Review Follow-Up Reports, providing notification and justification for any proposed closure of specific programs.
    3. If the closure of a program impacts a tenured faculty member, Article 700.20 of the Lake Region State College Policies and Procedures Manual goes into effect.


Administrative Council Approved 05/01/06

  1. The Vice President of Academic and Student Affairs, in collaboration with the Registrar, shall produce a program enrollment report by October 15 of each academic year. The report will include a NDUS faculty load report, program enrollments by: freshmen, sophomore, full and part-time students.
  2. Any CTE program with fewer than nine (9) full time students per FTE faculty will be reviewed as low enrollment program (part-time students credit hours will be totaled and divided by 12 and added to total). Liberal Arts departments with less than a 20:1 student-faculty ratio will also be reviewed for low enrollment.
  3. Prior to an official designation as low enrollment, the Vice President of Academic and Student Affairs, in cooperation with the program faculty, shall conduct a comprehensive review to identify the key indicators of program strength as they relate to enrollment. These indicators may include the ending enrollment numbers for at least the previous three terms, verification of all students in the program, any changes in the number of program faculty, the program’s budget (not to include salaries and benefits), the number of program related courses delivered by part time instructors (and related enrollments), prior marketing efforts, employer partners or the lack thereof, and industry strength and hiring trends.
  4. The Vice President of Academic and Student Affairs shall make an official recommendation to the President as to whether or not the program will be officially listed as a low enrollment program for the current academic year, only after this comprehensive review has been completed.
  5. Each year, faculty in a program officially designated as low enrollment will review their program and complete an action plan for improvement in collaboration with the Director of Marketing and Communication, the Director of Admissions and Enrollment Management, and the Vice President of Academic and Student Affairs. The plan must be completed by December 30 with the implementation of the plan during the spring and summer terms.
  6. Programs/departments listed on low enrollment status for two consecutive years will be notified in writing that the program may be considered for restructuring or closure during the next academic year.


Administrative Council Approved 03/22/13

  1. Faculty members should familiarize themselves with the provisions contained in other chapters of this manual. There are many provisions (other than those contained in this chapter) which have bearing on their rights, duties, and responsibilities.
  2. Lake Region State College policies that apply to all faculty, staff, students, and campus visitors can be found within this manual.
