Section 500: College Councils and Committees

There shall be a system of councils, committees, and consultative groups within the College which shall be established by the Faculty Senate and/or the President as outlined herein. The purpose of this structure shall be to facilitate fulfillment of all constituents of the College. The specific objectives shall be as follows:

  1. To provide a means to implement and review College policies consistent with those of the North Dakota University System of Higher Education (NDUS).
  2. To insure smooth administration of the College.
  3. To insure input from faculty, staff, and students into the decision-making process of the College.
  4. To provide forums for discussions and communication regarding College issues.
  5. To provide a means for formation and continuity of working committees.


  1. College Governance
    1. Administrative Council
    2. Faculty Senate
    3. Staff Senate
    4. Student Senate
  2. Teams, Boards, Associations, Committees, and Councils
    1. College Planning Team
    2. Community College Foundation
    3. Royals Booster Club
    4. Scholarship and Awards Committee
    5. Financial Aid Advisory Committee
    6. Personnel Review Board
    7. Retention Committee
    8. Student Engagement Committee
    9. LRSC Cares Team
    10. Continuation of Operations (COOP)
    11. Diversity Committee
    12. Safety/Loss Control Committee
    13. Food Service Advisory Council
    14. Residence Hall Association
  3. Faculty Senate
    1. Constitutional Committee
      1. Executive Committee
      2. Curriculum and Academic Standards
      3. Professional Growth
      4. Faculty Rights
      5. Nominations
      6. Learning Commons/Media
      7. Faculty Welfare
      8. Tenure
      9. Outreach Learning
    2. Other Faculty Councils, Committees, and Representatives
      1. Accreditation and Assessment
      2. Academic Division
      3. Career and Technical Education Division
      4. NDUS General Education Council (Representatives)
      5. Council of College Faculties (Representative)
  4. Staff Senate Committees
    1. Executive Committee
    2. Bylaws
    3. Special Events
    4. Professional Development
    5. Policy and Procedure
    6. NDUS State Staff Senate (Representative)


Administrative Council Approved 11/16/24

  1. The Faculty Senate elects a representative to serve as an ad hoc member of the Community College Foundation and report back to the Faculty Senate.
  2. The Faculty Senate elects a representative for a three year term to serve on the Council of College Faculties (CCF) for the State of North Dakota, attending those meetings and reporting activities and decisions back to the Faculty Senate. See the following locations for further information on the Council of College Faculties:
  3. The standing committees shall set up and function within the guidelines of the Faculty Senate Constitution as approved by the North Dakota University System of Higher Education. See Chapter 1400.02 “Lake Region State College Faculty Senate Constitution” for details of each committee.


  1. Administrative Council
    1. Membership: The President (Convener), Vice President of Administrative Affairs, Vice President of Academic and Student Affairs, Director of College Relations, Faculty Senate President, and other staff members to be determined by the President.
    2. Functions:
      1. To establish policies and procedures for various functions and offices of the College
      2. To establish an organizational structure for the College and specifications for all positions of the College
      3. To consider and approve all College events, functions, and activities consistent with College, NDUS, and State policies
      4. To assist the President in efficient administration of the College
      5. To effectively coordinate diverse administrative functions of College administrators
      6. To assist in establishment of annual and biennial budgets, and to assist in administration of such budgets
    3. Meetings
      1. Regular - meetings are held every two (2) weeks
      2. Special - as and when deemed necessary by the President
    4. Special Provisions
      1. Minutes of the Administrative Council meetings shall be available to all faculty and staff members. These minutes shall be posted no later than seven (7) days following approval.
      2. Agenda items may be introduced by the President and members of the Administrative Council.
      3. Other College Committee/Personnel may ask the President for time on the agenda to make presentations.
  2. Student Affairs Council
    1. Membership: The Vice President of Academic and Student Affairs (Convener), Director of Financial Aid, Registrar, Director of Athletics, Director of Housing, Director of Food Serves, Bookstore Manager, Job Service Coordinator, Counselor, Admissions Representative, Public Information Coordinator, and other persons determined by the Vice President of Academic and Student Affairs.
    2. Functions:
      1. To coordinate functions of various components of the Student Affairs Division
      2. To advise the Vice President of Academic and Student Affairs of divisional policy/issues
      3. To enhance quality of student life and services to the students in the College
    3. Meetings
      1. Regular - The full council will meet at least once per semester and more often when deemed necessary by the Vice President of Academic and Student Affairs.
      2. Special - as and when deemed necessary by the Vice President of Academic and Student Affairs.
  3. Instructional Staff Council
    1. Membership: Vice President of Academic and Student Affairs (Convener), Coordinator of Learning Skills Center, Librarian, Computer Services Coordinator, all instructional faculty, and other persons to be determined by the Vice President of Academic and Student Affairs from time to time
    2. Functions:
      1. A forum for discussion of issues, problems, and concerns relating to instruction, instructional resources, and instructional support services in the College
      2. A forum for announcement relating to instruction
      3. A forum for faculty development programs initiated by the Vice President of Academic and Student Affairs
    3. Meetings
      1. Regular - meetings are held once a month
      2. Special - as and when deemed necessary by the Vice President of Academic and Student Affairs


Administrative Council Approved (1) 09/14/99
Administrative Council Approved (1) 04/27/21

  1. Composition: Each College Committee named in Section 500.02 shall have a minimum of five (5) members, at least two (2) of who shall be members of the instructional faculty. Other members may be administrators and other categories of classified staff. The provision does not apply to the Staff Welfare Committee that may not necessarily have faculty representation. College Committees indicated with an asterisk (*) shall include two (2) additional, voting student members nominated by the Student Senate for a one-year term.
  2. Appointments: The President shall make Committee appointments for one (1) year, effective September 1 of that year.
  3. Term of Office: The Committee shall be in continuous existence for one (1) calendar year, either up to the 31 day of the following year or until the new Committee members take office.
  4. Officers: The first member listed on the President’s list for each Committee shall act as the Convener and shall preside over the initial meeting. The following officers for the ensuing year shall be elected at this initial meeting: A Chairperson and a Secretary.
  5. Agendas: All agendas shall be prepared in advance, and copies shall be forwarded to the Office of the President.
  6. Minutes: Minutes of all meetings shall be circulated to all members of the Committee concerned within seven (7) days of the meeting. A copy of the minutes shall be forwarded to the Office of the President. The minutes shall reflect the following: date and time, members and other present, agenda items, action taken/recommendations.
  7. Committee Records: Shall be maintained by the Secretary. All such records shall be turned over to the incoming Secretary upon the end of the Committee’s term of office.
  8. Committee Functions:
    1. Scholarship and Awards Committee*
      1. To award scholarships and provide an annual scholarship report to the Community College Foundation Board of Directors.
      2. To develop and implement policy for awarding assistance (Two (2) students appointed by the Student Senate will participate in this second function).
    2. Athletics Committee*
      1. To formulate athletic policies pertaining to student participation.
      2. To promote interest and develop support for athletic events and activities.
    3. Staff Welfare Committee
      1. To function as prescribed in the NDUS Human Resource Policy Manual (See
      2. To act as an appeals board for classified personnel in the College. The recommendations of the Board pertaining to grievances shall be forwarded to the President for action.
      3. To provide a forum to address issues related to staff compensation, motivation, morale, and other issues that arise related to the staff. The Committee will advise the President and Administrative Council on these issues.
      4. Committee Members consist of six (6) elected representatives and one alternate. Elections are conducted annually in July with one-half of the representative selected each year by all full-time benefited Lake Region State College staff members. The Administration will have one representative from the Administrative Council appointed as their representative on the Council.
    4. Student Appeals Committee*
      1. To provide a hearing for formal student appeals alleging improper, unfair, arbitrary, or discriminatory treatment.
      2. To ensure due process for all students
    5. Technology Committee*
      1. To provide a forum for input and advice regarding campus computing needs.
      2. To plan a budget for the student funded technology fee.
    6. Diversity Committee*
      1. To encourage efforts to create a positive living and learning environment for all student regardless of race, religion, age, color, sex, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity, genetics, national origin, marital status, political belief or affiliation, and economic or perceived social status.
      2. We are committed to fully respecting, supporting, and celebrating the diversity which exists in and around our campus.
    7. Safety/Loss Control Committee
      1. The purpose of the Safety/Loss Control Committee under the coordination of the Safety Director is to develop and administer an occupational safety and environmental health policy for Lake Region State College employees. The Safety Director will be advised by the Vice President of Administrative Services in matters related to development, administration, and management of Lake Region State College safety policy.
      2. The Safety Director is the Chair of the Safety/Loss Control Committee.
      3. The Safety Committee shall:
        1. Advise the Board, Chancellor and institution officials and employees concerning risk management, risk assessment, loss control, insurance and compliance with health and safety laws and regulations.
        2. Recommend programs and policies to promote safety, reduce risks, ensure compliance with laws and regulations and control costs.
        3. Promote employee education and training relating to safety, loss control, risk management and compliance with laws and regulations.
        4. Perform other duties related to safety and risk management assigned by the board or the Chancellor.
        5. Establish a policy for safe use of Lake Region State College properties in compliance with all federal, state, local and Lake Region State College regulations.
        6. Maintain a safe and healthful academic environment.
        7. Maintain a safe and healthful work environment.
        8. Adhere to proper operating and practices and procedures designed to prevent injury and illness.
      4. The Loss Control Committee shall:
        1. Act as a liaison between management and employees with advice and guidance being given in workplace safety issues.
        2. Know current federal, state, local standards that apply to the employer.
        3. Participate, implement and develop the risk management program.
        4. Advise and assist with the development and implementation of training programs.
        5. Identify unsafe conditions and practices.
        6. Investigate and report incidents and/or accidents.
        7. Conduct safety meetings and/or employee training.
    8. Assessment Committee
      1. The Assessment Coordinator is the chair of the Assessment Committee. The Committee includes six (6) faculty members and three (3) students and one administrator. Two (2) faculty members and one (1) student will represent each of the Instructional Divisions (Academic, Business, and Trade and Technical).
      2. Two faculty members on the committee are elected/appointed at the Division meetings held during Faculty In-service at the beginning each academic year. Student representatives are elected/appointed by faculty members at their respective division meetings. Committee members may serve consecutive terms. The Assessment Coordinator is appointed by Administration.
      3. The Assessment Committee meets monthly to continually refine and implement the institution-wide Assessment Plan. The Assessment Committee is committed to continuous evaluation, updating and improvement of academic assessment at Lake Region State College.
      4. The Assessment Committee shall:
        1. Review all submitted course assessment measurement tools described in the Student Achievement materials twice a year. The results of these evaluations along with institutional improvement of teaching and student learning.
        2. Provide several opportunities for open faculty discussions on assessment throughout the academic year.
        3. Provide several opportunities for open faculty discussions on assessment throughout the year.
        4. Review all assessment tools and their use to ensure their continued relevance to the missions of the College and Divisions.
    9. Food Service Advisory Committee
      The Purpose of the Food service Advisory Committee under the direction of the Food Service Director is to provide assistance in meal planning and dining services. The committee shall consist of the Food Service Director, Housing Director, and four (4) other representatives of the faculty, staff, and students. They are appointed annually by the Food Service Director.
    10. Ad Hoc Committee
      The President may set up Ad Hoc Committees either to fulfill specified college functions or to plan and manage special projects. Such committees shall have definite time frames to complete their work, e.g. curricular planning groups, search committees.
    11. Admissions Risk Assessment Committee
      The committee reviews applications from students who indicate criminal history on their application for admission. The committee may deny or place conditions on admissions.
    12. Online Task Force
      1. This committee shall identify and formulate long- and short-range goals for the online program relative to the College’s mission, role, and scope.
      2. This committee’s purpose is to facilitate communication, problem solving, planning, or other work related purposes as it applies to online classes and online programs at the Lake Region State College campus.
      3. This committee may be responsible for policy reviews/editing and recommended changes as it applies to online classes and online programs at the Lake Region State College campus.
      4. It is recommended that the staff members including the Director for the Center for Distance Education and Outreach Services, the Vice President of Instruction, the campus CIO, the Instructional Designer, and the Online Advisor be considered permanent members of the committee.
      5. It is recommended that at least one (1) full-time faculty member, two (2) adjunct online faculty members, and one (1) at large faculty member be asked to be on the committee.


Administrative Council Approved 500.05 (8) 05/01/01
Administrative Council Approved 500.05 (8) 02/06/01
Administrative Council Approved 500.05 (8) 05/05/03
Administrative Council Approved 500.05 (8) 11/12/09
Administrative Council Approved 500.05 (8,f,i & ii) 03/23/16

The North Dakota Legislature has mandated a planning process for the North Dakota University System. See NDUS Policy Manual 901 Campus Planning at

  1. College Planning Team
    1. Membership: This team shall consist of the President, Vice President of Academic and Student Affairs, Vice President of Administrative Services, Faculty Senate President, Chairperson of Faculty Senate Curriculum and Academic Standards Committee, Chairperson of Faculty Senate Professional Growth Committee, Physical Plant Director, Athletic Director, Librarian, Chairperson of Staff Welfare Committee, President of the Community College Foundation, Public Affairs Specialist, Computer Services Coordinator, Grand Forks Air Force Base Academic Outreach Officer, Workforce Training Manager, Community Representation, Instructional Services Coordinator, Continuing Education Coordinator, Enrollment Management Coordinator, TRIO Support Service Coordinator, Student Senate President and Vice President and ad hoc membership relative to the particular issue which is being planned by the Team.
    2. Function: This team shall guide planning relative to the College’s mission, role, and scope, and identify and formulate long- and short-range goals after evaluating such areas as enrollment statistics, credit hours, revenues, expense facilities, demographics, state appropriations, and economic conditions as they effect the College, Identification and formulation of these goals are done semi-annually in September, with an update in February. The formulated goals are turned over to the Administrative Council for implementation after review and response by the faculty and staff. The Administrative Council assigns responsibilities and provides a timetable for accomplishment. Prior to the September and February meetings the Administrative Council provides an update on accomplishments and shortfall to the College Planning Team.
  2. Instructional Advisory Groups: Each vocational-technical education program is to be advised by a Vocational Instructional Program (VIP) Advisory Committee in accordance with the requirements of the State Board of Vocational Education.
  3. Other Consultative Groups: At periodic intervals appropriate for the work involved the President may call meetings for the purpose of facilitating communication, problem solving, planning, or other work related purposes. The work groups may include but are not limited to the following: Student Affairs Staff, Academic Affairs Staff, Administrative Services Staff, Food Service Staff, Residence Hall Staff, Buildings and Grounds Staff.
    1. Financial Aid Advisory Committee
      1. Membership: Vice President of Academic and Student Affairs, Registrar, Vice President of Administrative Services, and others as appropriate such as Vice President of Administrative Services and Counselor for example.
      2. Function: This committee will assist the Director of Financial Aid in interpreting and implementing regulations regarding the Federal Financial Aid program and review student satisfactory academic progress appeals.
    2. Community College Foundation
      1. Membership: The 27 members of the Board of Directors are elected for three-year terms by members of the Foundation. Board members and members of the working committees of the Foundation carry out the work of the Foundation.
      2. Function: The Foundation Board meets ten (10) times per year and numerous committees meet periodically to carry out their functions. Foundation Board members and members at large are often invited to assist in the process of gathering information useful in planning activities of the college.
    3. Booster Club
      1. Membership: Any community person or friend of the College may be a member.
      2. Function: The Booster Club members help raise money for support of athletic scholarships by activities such as selling Monday night pro-football booklets. The Booster Club meets periodically during the school year.


Administrative Council Approved 500.06 (1) 09/14/99
Administrative Council Approved 500.06 (1) 05/01/01
Administrative Council Approved 500.06 (1) 10/29/02
Administrative Council Approved 500.06 (3) 08/25/11