The President of Lake Region State College, with approval of the North Dakota University System of Higher Education, shall provide a suitable organizational structure for adequate administrative support in order to carry out the institutional mission and attain institutional goals.
- The President is the chief executive officer of the institution and a member of the Chancellor’s executive staff. The President is responsible to the Chancellor for all matters concerning the institution and is an advisor to the Chancellor in matters of inter-institutional policy and administration.
- The Board delegates to the President of each institution, full authority and responsibility to administer the affairs of the institution in accordance with Board policies, plans, budgets, and standards, including the management and expenditure of all institutional funds, within budgetary and other limitations imposed by law or by the Board.
- Each President shall:
- Insure effective and broad-based participation in the decision-making process from faculty, staff, students, and others in those areas in which their interests are affected.
- Develop and approve or recommend to the Chancellor and the Board, in consultation with appropriate committees or members of the institution such policies, plans, budgets, programs, and standards affecting the institution as deemed necessary, advisable, or as required by the Board.
- Make recommendations to the Chancellor concerning all requests for tenure.
- Approve all personnel actions, except the award or change in tenure status, involving all faculty members and other institution employees.
- Approve all recommendations transmitted to the Chancellor and /or to the Board of the institution.
- Define the scope of authority of faculties, councils, committees and administrative officers of the institution subject to review by the Chancellor as may be provided by institution policies.
- Approve or veto decisions by faculty, staff, and student legislative bodies as may be provided under institution policies.
- Assume responsibility for the development and administration of institutional policies and rules governing the role of students and their conduct. In carrying out this responsibility, the President shall insure consideration of the views of students, faculty and others.
- Assume responsibility for the establishment of guidelines for student conduct which set forth prohibited conduct and provide for appropriate disciplinary procedures and sanctions for violation of institutional rule, consistent with standards of procedural fairness.
- Maintain good relations and effective communication with the Board, the Chancellor, and other North Dakota Institutions of Higher Education and cooperate with other NDUS institutions to improve academic offerings, expand access to higher education, promote faculty development, improve support services, reduce unnecessary duplication and enhance efficiency.
- Maintain good relations with the public by:
- Developing sound relationships between the institution, and the community, the region in which it is located, and the public it serves.
- Establishing and administering a development program with alumni and other institutional supporters.
- Interpreting the institution and its mission to the public, and
- Developing effective communication with legislators and with other public policy makers in coordination with the Chancellor.
- Be accountable for all funds, property, equipment, and other facilities assigned or provided to the institution.
- Implement and enforce the provisions of N.D.C.C. sec. 15-10-17.1 regarding the conduct of students, staff, faculty, and visitors to the campus.
- Exercise such other authority and perform such other responsibilities as may be assigned by the Board or the Chancellor.
- Presidents are hired by and shall serve at the pleasure of the Board. Presidents shall have a written contract. The term of an initial contract may not exceed three years; the term of a subsequent contract or renewal may not exceed five years. The Board may, with written notice of one year prior to expiration of a contract term, terminate the contract without cause. The Board may dismiss a President for just cause during a contract term, following written notice of intent to do so and an opportunity for an evidentiary hearing. The Board may appoint a hearing officer to conduct the hearing and make findings of fact, conclusions of law, and a recommendation to the Board, which shall then make its decision based on the hearing record.
- A tenured faculty member at a Board institution, who is appointed President, shall retain that status during the term as President. The Board may, in its discretion, award a President who is not tenured academic rank, without tenure status.
- Structure: The President shall recommend to the North Dakota University System of Higher Education a suitable structure as adopted shall remain in force until further revisions are authorized. A current, updated” Organizational Chart” depicting the organizational structure shall always form a part of this Manual.
- The President’s Office manages all aspects of the College. The functions of the President’s Office include: public relations, working with the Community College Foundation, maintaining a working connection with the North Dakota University System office and the State Board of Higher Education, Community relations, and relationships with other institutions of higher education.
- The President’s Office Statement of Purposes:
- Allocate collegiate resources in a cost-effective manner, consistent with the goals of the college
- Provide for comprehensive evaluation of all facets of college operations
- Establish a strong institutional identity as a stand-alone college in the North Dakota University System
- Enhance the Community College Foundation’s impact on the institution
- Expand public awareness of the importance of the college to our many communities
- Work with the State Board of Higher Education and the State Board for Vocational Education in an effort to strengthen North Dakota’s Higher Educational system
- Promote economic development through workforce training
- Manage the recruitment of faculty and staff members committed to excellence in education
- Institutional Planning: The President and the Administrative Council develop the college Six-Year Plan (Long Term) and the Annual Goals (Short Term) which guides the direction for the college development. These goals are formulated with the advisement of the College Planning Team, which is guided by the Instructional, Student, and Administrative Services Areas’ goals as well as numerous internal planning documents. The State Board of Higher Education and the North Dakota Legislature as well as the College Technical Education Council, State Board of Vocational and Technical Education, and the Community College Foundation provide direction and support. Input is also obtained from external constituencies including the Forward Devils Lake Plan, the Ramsey County Long-Range Plan and the Community Conversation Process.
- Functional Division: The college is currently organized into the following units for administrative purposes.
- Academic Affairs
- Student Affairs
- Administrative Services
- The North Dakota University System has the following categories of personnel:
- Executive/Administrative (0000 BAND)
- Administrative/Managerial (1000 BAND)
- Professional (3000 BAND)
- Technical and Para-professional (4000 BAND)
- Office Support (5000 BAND)
- Crafts/Trades (6000 BAND)
- Services (7000 BAND)
- Staff employment policies are outlined in the NDUS Human Policy Manual found at
- Faculty employment policies are outlined in Chapter 700.
- The North Dakota University System has established a common academic year calendar.
- The President of the College, in consultation with the Administrative Council and other appropriate persons, shall prepare a campus Calendar of Activities for the College at least six (6) months prior to the beginning of each academic year.
- The Campus Calendar shall incorporate details of academic terms/semesters, holidays/vacations, collegiate events/observances, and other special dates of significance during the academic session.
- The Campus Calendar shall be circulated for the comments to faculty members and administrators in the College. The President shall have the right to accept or reject any or all such suggestions in accordance with the guidelines for Calendars laid down by the North Dakota University System of Higher Education.
The Vice President of Academic Affairs and other appropriate persons shall prepare a class schedule for the College at least three (3) school calendar months prior to the beginning of each term/semester. This ensures distribution of schedules during the first weeks of October and March. Such schedules shall be widely disseminated and publicized.
Administrative Council Approved 09/14/99
- The President shall remain the sole authorizing official for any publications of the college. This includes catalogs, schedules, handbooks, flyers, and other materials. Such authority may, however, be delegated to Public Affairs. (See Chapter 1300 for additional information).
- The Office of the President shall have the authority to act as the College Publications Board or to delegate the right to another office at the college to authorize and act as publishers of publications, such as Student Yearbook, Student Newspaper, and College Directory.
- The President shall continually maintain an updated Policies and Procedures Manual which accurately reflects current college procedures and policies of the North Dakota University System of Higher Education. A copy of the Manual shall be included on the campus website at
- The Policies and Procedures Manual will be available in all administrative offices. Two (2) additional copies shall be made available for checkout in the Paul Hoghaug Library.
- The Policies and Procedures Manual may be amended through the following procedure:
- Any College council, committee, or consultative group may propose a change, addition, or deletion in the Policies and Procedures Manual. The proposed change should be prepared in a written format and formally approved by the membership of the council, committee, or consultative group initiating the request for change.
- The draft proposal, with the Policy and Procedures Manual Change Request form shall then be routed to other councils, committees, and consultative groups that would potentially be impacted by the change. The Manual Change Request form may be photocopied from this manual. The appropriate councils, committees, and consultative groups will indicate their approval or disapproval on the Manual Change Request form.
- The Manual Change Request form will then be forwarded to the Administrative Council for approval or disapproval.
- The President has final authority to approve/disapprove all Lake Region State College Policies and Procedures amendments.
- Once approved, the website will be updated and a copy sent to the Faculty Senate President, the Staff Welfare Committee President and the Library The official approved copy shall be filed in the President’s Office master file under 303.2 Policies and Procedures.
- Procedural changes including forms which do not change the substance of a policy are approved by the Administrative Council. The Policies and Procedures Change Request Form must be submitted.
- The Policies and Procedures Manual often contain only essential aspects of the policies and procedures under which the College operates. Complete accounts appear in the North Dakota Century Code; North Dakota University System of Higher Education Policy Manual; Lake Region State College Catalog; and special bulletins issued by department, administrative offices, etc.
Administrative Council Approved 300.09 (2) 08/04/99
Administrative Council Updated 300.09 (2) 06/23/08
Administrative Council Approved 300.09 (3) 08/12/03