
LRSC is repaving the main entrance and parking loop. Please use the north entrance by NDTC and Door 12 by North Hall until further notice.

Section 200: Governance

Lake Region State College is governed by the North Dakota University System of Higher Education (NDUS). The relevant legislation, rules, policies, and procedures pursuant to governance of the College are cited in the following articles.


  1. Governance of the College was assumed by the North Dakota State Board of Higher Education on July 1, 1984 (See Chapter 192 of the 1983 Sessions Laws [Senate Bill 2073] of the State of North Dakota.)
  2. In accordance with Section 3, Chapter 192 of the 1983 Sessions Laws. The North Dakota State Board of Higher Education executed a Memorandum of Agreement with the Devils Lake Public School District No. 1. This Agreement, dated the sixth of July, 1984, transferring jurisdiction from the school district to the State Board is available for inspection at the Office of the President, Lake Region State College.
  3. On July 1, 1999, Lake Region State College was granted independent status within the North Dakota University System (See Section 15-10-01 of Chapter 52-08 of the North Dakota Century Code)
  4. The Sessions Law is incorporated in the North Dakota Century Code.


  1. The authority of the North Dakota University System of Higher Education over public, post-secondary institutions of the state lie in the following:
    1. Constitution of the State of North Dakota
    2. North Dakota Century Code Provisions
    3. Related Legislation
  2. The authority vested in the North Dakota University System of Higher Education is exercised in accordance with and under the guidelines contained in the NDUS Policy Manual. The policies and Procedures for the functioning of the Lake Region Sate College are based on the NDUS Policy Manual. The provisions contained in the Lake Region State College Policies and Procedures Manual.


On July 1, 1999 as a result of action taken by the North Dakota State Legislature (House Bill 1443) the College was granted independent status within the North Dakota University System and renamed Lake Region State College.
