
Transfer degrees (Liberal Arts)

Transfer degrees take you to a university in two years or less

Earning the first year or two of your bachelor's degree at Lake Region State College

  1. Saves you money
  2. Puts you in close contact with instructors
  3. Opens new doors for leadership in extra- and co-curricular organizations
  4. Creates scholarship opportunities
  5. Increases your professional and social network

Associate in Arts (AA) Degree

The AA Degree consists of diverse, introductory-level courses in academic and professional areas with an emphasis in arts, humanities, and social science. This transfer degree prepares students for transfer to four-year institutions. Requirements include:

  • Minimum of 60 credits
  • Communications - 9 credits
    • COMM 110 is required
  • Math, Science, Computer Science - 10 credits
    • Minimum of two departments
    • Lab science is required
  • Health, Physical Education, and Recreation - 2 credits
  • Social Science - 9 credits
    • Minimum of two departments
  • Arts/Humanities - 9 credits
    • Minimum of two departments
  • Digital Literacy - designated course or learning module

Associate in Science (AS) Degree

The AS Degree consists of diverse, introductory-level courses in academic and professional areas with an emphasis in math, science, and computer science. This transfer degree prepares students for transfer to four-year institutions. Requirements include:

  • Minimum of 60 credits
  • Communications - 9 credits
    • COMM 110 is required
  • Math, Science, Computer Science - 16 credits
    • Minimum of two departments
    • MATH 103 or higher is required
    • 8 credits of lab science are required
  • Health, Physical Education, and Recreation - 2 credits
  • Social Science - 6 credits
    • Minimum of two departments
  • Arts/Humanities - 6 credits
    • Minimum of two departments
  • Digital Literacy - designated course or learning module

Certificate in College Studies

The Certificate in College Studies introduces the foundational skills, knowledge of concepts, and crosscutting skills that are the foundation of a liberal arts education. It provides students the opportunity to earn a credential as they prepare for transfer to a four-year university. The certificate consists of 24 credits of general education coursework with a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0. Students must complete at least 12 of the 24 credits at LRSC. All courses that are approved for the General Education Requirement Transfer Agreement (GERTA) are eligible for the certificate.  This certificate is awarded to degree-seeking students only. Requirements include:

  • Minimum of 24 credits
  • Communications - 6 credits
  • Arts/Humanities/Social Science - 6 credits
  • Math/Science/Computer Science - 6 credits
  • Electives - 6 credits

Transfer (Liberal Arts) Fact Sheet