Peace Officer Training Program & Law Enforcement

Peace Officer Training Program

(Devils Lake each Spring; West Fargo each Summer; Grand Forks each Fall)

Lake Region State College is the only college in the state authorized to deliver a North Dakota POST police academy. It is offered at LRSC Main Campus in Devils Lake with additional locations in Grand Forks and West Fargo. The Certificate in Peace Officer Training is a rigorous one-semester program that satisfies the training requirements for employment as a peace officer in North Dakota. The Peace Officer Training Program is scheduled in an academy-style setting. Students will have physical fitness training every morning and classroom hours will be 9-5 Monday through Friday.

Law Enforcement Program

The Associate in Applied Science in Law Enforcement degree is a common requirement for advancement in law enforcement careers and satisfies the entrance requirement of several large agencies that require a two-year college education. To receive an Associate in Applied Science (AAS) in Law Enforcement students must complete 40 semester credit hours of approved academic courses and complete the Peace Officer Training Program for a total of 60 semester credits.

Students enrolled in the Law Enforcement curriculum must also apply for the Peace Officer Training Program. Due to a limited amount of seating, students should begin the application process for the POTP early in the semester prior to when the POTP is offered. Students who graduate from the Peace Officer Training Program first can complete the AAS in Law Enforcement either on-campus or online.

  • Law of Arrest and Search and Seizure
  • Crime Scene Processing
  • Drug Crimes
  • DUI Detection/Apprehension
  • Emergency Vehicle Operations
  • Evidence Collection and Fingerprinting    
  • Firearms
  • Hazardous Materials
  • High-Risk Traffic Stops
  • North Dakota Criminal Law
  • Photography
  • Physical Fitness
  • Police Ethics and Tactics
  • Radar/Ladar
  • Radio Telecommunications
  • Report Writing
  • Rules of Evidence
  • Traffic Law

Program Curriculum

CJ 201 Introduction to Criminal Justice 3
CSCI 101 Introduction to Computers 3
COMM 110 Fundamentals of Public Speaking 3
ENGL 110 College Composition I 3
ENGL 120 OR ENGL 125 College Composition II OR Introduction to Professional Writing 3
POLS 115 American Government 3
SOC 115 OR SOC 235 Social Problems OR Cultural Diversity 3
UNIV 101 Introduction to College Life 1
Lab Science   4
Program Electives   18
Peace Officer Training Certificate   17

Program Electives
CJ 210: Introduction to Policing in America (3cr)
CJ 220: Criminal Law (3cr)
HPER 100: Concepts of Fitness & Wellness (3cr)
MATH 103: College Algebra (3cr)
POLS 236: American Constitution - Civil Liberties (3cr)
PSYC 100: Human Relations in Organizations (3cr)
PSYC 111: Introduction to Psychology (3cr)
PSYC 270: Psychological Disorders and Treatment (3cr)
SOC 110: Introduction to Sociology (3cr)
SOC 115: Social Problems (3cr)
SOC 235: Cultural Diversity (3cr)
SOC 252: Criminology (3cr)
SOC 253: Juvenile Delinquency (3cr)
SOC 275: Native American Studies (3cr)

CJ 101 Fundamentals of Law Enforcement 3
CJ 102 Investigation Techniques 2
CJ 104 Defensive Tactics 2
CJ 150 Patrol Procedures 3
CJ 155 Police Skills 4
HPER 165 First Responder 2
HPER 265 Physical Training 1

Application Process for POTP

Peace Officer Training requires additional application processes from general student applications. 

  1. Application for Admission to LRSC
  2. Peace Officer Application
  3. Medical Release Form

Application for Admission into Lake Region State College MUST be completed along with the POTP Application prior to enrollment.

Prior to finishing the Admission Process read:

Peace Officer Training Program Enrollment Guidelines and Procedures
Drug Use and Criminal History Guidelines for Admission
Uniform Requirements and Supplies

For more information on the application process, go to How to Apply. There you will see the steps for Admission and at the bottom of the page, you can find more information on the Peace Officer Training Program admissions process.

Lt. John Maritato, Assistant Professor
Director, Peace Officer Training Program

Sgt. Gregory LaHaise, Instructor

Sgt. James Remer, Instructor

General Disclaimer Statement: The LRSC Peace Officer Training program is designed to provide two tracks.

  • A semester-long certificate to become a licensed police officer.
  • A two-year degree in law enforcement.  

This track allows an individual to become licensed in the state of North Dakota. Other states may have different requirements for gaining licensure.  Please be aware that LRSC’s curriculum/degree may or may not meet licensure requirements in other states.  If you intend to complete the academy and law enforcement degree and vacate our state for employment, please check the following website for peace officer licensure requirements.

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