
Automotive Technology

Program Description

The Automotive Technology program at Lake Region State College is student-centered with both classroom lectures and hands-on experiences. Our graduates leave as highly qualified and motivated individuals who work in a variety of fields in the automotive industry including automotive dealerships, independent shops, and service centers. The Certificate and Diploma are offered under a competency-based career and technical education format which provides self-paced, individualized instruction.

The curriculum is structured to include training in the eight skills areas as stated by the National Institution for Automotive Service Excellence (ASE). Voluntary certification testing with ASE upon completion of the program is strongly encouraged. 

Automotive Technology has become an industry driven by science and technology. The Automotive Technology program at Lake Region State College is nationally certified by ASE Education Foundation, which ensures that instruction is provided by qualified faculty, with proper tools and equipment and an up-to-date curriculum. Technicians are trained in the latest testing equipment and special tools needed to repair all types of automobiles.

Program Curriculum

AUTO 111 Engine Fundamentals 6
AUTO 112 Engine Overhaul 6
AUTO 148 Suspension and Steering 4
AUTO 158 Brakes 4
AUTO 161 Electronics 3
AUTO 162 Electrical Systems 6
AUTO 181 Fuel Systems 3
AUTO 182 Computer Controls 3
AUTO 208 Hybrid and light-duty Diesel 3
AUTO 221 Auto Transmission Fundamentals 3
AUTO 222 Auto Transmission Diagnostic and Repair 3
AUTO 238 Manual Drivelines 6
AUTO 265 Advanced Automotive Electronics 3
AUTO 278 Heating and Air Conditioning 3
AUTO 288 Engine Performance II 6
ENGL 105 Technical Communications 3
TECH 238 Basic Welding 2
*General Education Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences 6
*General Education English and Communications 3
*General Education Math, Science, and Computer Science 6
*General Education Physical Education (HPER) 2
AUTO 111 Engine Fundamentals 6
AUTO 112 Engine Overhaul 6
AUTO 148 Suspension and Steering 4
AUTO 158 Brakes 4
AUTO 161 Electronics 3
AUTO 162 Electrical Systems 6
AUTO 181 Fuel Systems 3
AUTO 182 Computer Controls 3
AUTO 208 Hybrid and Light-Duty Diesel 3
AUTO 221 Auto Transmission Fundamentals 3
AUTO 222 Auto Transmission Diagnostic and Repair 3
AUTO 238 Manual Drivelines 6
AUTO 265 Advanced Automotive Electronics 3
AUTO 278 Heating and Air Conditioning 3
AUTO 288 Engine Performance II 6
ENGL 105 Technical Communications 3
MATH 100 Or higher 3
TECH 238 Basic Welding 2
AUTO 111 Engine Fundamentals 6
AUTO 112 Engine Overhaul 6
AUTO 148 Suspension and Steering 4
AUTO 158 Brakes 4
AUTO 161 Electronics 3
AUTO 162 Electrical Systems 6
AUTO 181 Fuel Systems 3
AUTO 182 Computer Controls 3
MATH 100 Or higher 3

Tool Scholarship

The Tool Scholarship is available to a first-year student enrolled in the Automotive Technology program. Scholarship recipients will receive $ 1,000 to purchase tools and a toolbox. Fifty percent (50%) of the scholarship will be applied to the student account in the fall semester and fifty percent (50%) in the spring semester. Click here to see other scholarships available.

"20 by 20" Workforce Recruitment & Retention Program

The “20 by 20” Skilled Workforce Recruitment and Retention Program works with local and regional businesses to help encourage and recruit high school students to consider a career in a technical program. 

Forward Devils Lake Corporation and participating businesses will reimburse the student for up to 80% of the cost of annual tuition/room/meals of an approved one- or two-year Technical College program if the student commits to returning to the region after graduating to work for the employer for three years. 



Auto Fact Sheet


Rick McAllister, Professor

Randy Olson, Professor